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  • pstStream->pstPack[i].pu8Addr详解

    * funciton : save H264 stream
    HI_S32 SAMPLE_COMM_VENC_SaveH264(FILE* fpH264File, VENC_STREAM_S *pstStream)
        HI_S32 i;
        for (i = 0; i < pstStream->u32PackCount; i++)
           //swann add for test 20181115
           #if ORTP_ENABLE
            rtpSend(pRtpSession,pstStream->pstPack[i].pu8Addr, pstStream->pstPack[i].u32Len);
                   pstStream->pstPack[i].u32Len-pstStream->pstPack[i].u32Offset, 1, fpH264File);
        return HI_SUCCESS;

    查C语言优先级表得知:-> [] . 处于同一优先级,因此从左到右解析;


    typedef struct hiVENC_STREAM_S
        VENC_PACK_S *pstPack;                           /*stream pack attribute*/
        HI_U32      u32PackCount;                       /*the pack number of one frame stream*/
        HI_U32      u32Seq;                             /*the list number of stream*/
            VENC_STREAM_INFO_H264_S  stH264Info;         /*the stream info of h264*/
            VENC_STREAM_INFO_JPEG_S  stJpegInfo;         /*the stream info of jpeg*/
            VENC_STREAM_INFO_MPEG4_S stMpeg4Info;       /*the stream info of mpeg4*/
            VENC_STREAM_INFO_H265_S  stH265Info;        /*the stream info of h265*/
                         step 2.1 : query how many packs in one-frame stream.
                        memset(&stStream, 0, sizeof(stStream));
                        s32Ret = HI_MPI_VENC_Query(i, &stStat);//stStat,为了获取当前帧的编码好的码流包个数。
                         step 2.3 : malloc corresponding number of pack nodes.
                        stStream.pstPack = (VENC_PACK_S*)malloc(sizeof(VENC_PACK_S) * stStat.u32CurPacks);
                         step 2.4 : call mpi to get one-frame stream
                        stStream.u32PackCount = stStat.u32CurPacks;
                        s32Ret = HI_MPI_VENC_GetStream(i, &stStream, HI_TRUE);
    stStream.pstPack为一个指针,指向malloc申请的sizeof(VENC_PACK_S) * stStat.u32CurPacks大小的内存的首地址;
    typedef struct hiVENC_PACK_S
        HI_U32   u32PhyAddr;                         /*the physics address of stream*/
        HI_U8   *pu8Addr;                            /*the virtual address of stream*/
        HI_U32   u32Len;                             /*the length of stream*/
        HI_U64   u64PTS;                                /*PTS*/
        HI_BOOL  bFrameEnd;                             /*frame end*/
        VENC_DATA_TYPE_U  DataType;                     /*the type of stream*/
        HI_U32   u32Offset;
        HI_U32 u32DataNum;
        VENC_PACK_INFO_S stPackInfo[8];


    访问结构体中的    HI_U8 *pu8Addr; /*the virtual address of stream*/

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ordinary-world/p/10056513.html
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