import os user_file = open('use_file.txt', 'r') user_list = user_file.readlines() user_file.close() while True: lock_file = open('lock_file.txt', 'r+') lock_list = lock_file.readlines() lock_file.close() login_Success = False user_name = input(('user:').strip()) for line1 in lock_list: line1 = line1.split() if user_name == line1[0]: print("Sorry, you are already in the block list, get the fucking out!") exit() for line2 in user_list: line2 = line2.split() if user_name == line2[0]: for i in range(3): password = input(('Password:').strip()) if password == line2[1]: print("Welcome %s login my system!" % user_name) login_Success = True break else: f = open('lock_file.txt', 'a') f.write('%s ' % user_name) f.close() print("Entered 3 times of wrong passwd, going to lock %s" % user_name) if login_Success == True: break if login_Success == True: break