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  • html实现点击图片放大功能


     1 <html>
     2     <head>
     3         <style>
     4             .over {position: fixed; left:0; top:0; width:100%; z-index:100;}
     5             .tempContainer {position:fixed; width:100%; margin-right:0px; margin-left:0px; text-align:center; z-index:101;}
     6         </style>
     7         <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.0.min.js"></script>
     8     </head>
     9     <body>
    10         <div class="over"></div><!--背景层-->
    11         <div class="logoImg amplifyImg"><!--注意:此处的amlifyImg不可少-->
    12             <img src="test.jpg"/><!-- 此处是引入图片的路径 -->
    13         </div>
    14         <script>
    15             $(document).ready(function () {
    16                 var imgsObj = $('.amplifyImg img');//需要放大的图像
    17                 if(imgsObj){
    18                     $.each(imgsObj,function(){
    19                         $(this).click(function(){
    20                             var currImg = $(this);
    21                             coverLayer(1);
    22                             var tempContainer = $('<div class=tempContainer></div>');//图片容器
    23                             with(tempContainer){//width方法等同于$(this)
    24                                 appendTo("body");
    25                                 var windowWidth=$(window).width();
    26                                 var windowHeight=$(window).height();
    27                                 //获取图片原始宽度、高度
    28                                 var orignImg = new Image();
    29                                 orignImg.src =currImg.attr("src") ;
    30                                 var currImgWidth= orignImg.width;
    31                                 var currImgHeight = orignImg.height;
    32                                 if(currImgWidth<windowWidth){//为了让图片不失真,当图片宽度较小的时候,保留原图
    33                                     if(currImgHeight<windowHeight){
    34                                         var topHeight=(windowHeight-currImgHeight)/2;
    35                                         if(topHeight>35){/*此处为了使图片高度上居中显示在整个手机屏幕中:因为在android,ios的微信中会有一个title导航,35为title导航的高度*/
    36                                             topHeight=topHeight-35;
    37                                             css('top',topHeight);
    38                                         }else{
    39                                             css('top',0);
    40                                         }
    41                                         html('<img border=0 src=' + currImg.attr('src') + '>');
    42                                     }else{
    43                                         css('top',0);
    44                                         html('<img border=0 src=' + currImg.attr('src') + ' height='+windowHeight+'>');
    45                                     }
    46                                 }else{
    47                                     var currImgChangeHeight=(currImgHeight*windowWidth)/currImgWidth;
    48                                     if(currImgChangeHeight<windowHeight){
    49                                         var topHeight=(windowHeight-currImgChangeHeight)/2;
    50                                         if(topHeight>35){
    51                                             topHeight=topHeight-35;
    52                                             css('top',topHeight);
    53                                         }else{
    54                                             css('top',0);
    55                                         }
    56                                         html('<img border=0 src=' + currImg.attr('src') + ' width='+windowWidth+';>');
    57                                     }else{
    58                                         css('top',0);
    59                                         html('<img border=0 src=' + currImg.attr('src') + ' width='+windowWidth+'; height='+windowHeight+'>');
    60                                     }
    61                                 }
    62                             }
    63                             tempContainer.click(function(){
    64                                 $(this).remove();
    65                                 coverLayer(0);
    66                             });
    67                         });
    68                     });
    69                 }
    70                 else{
    71                     return false;
    72                 }
    73                 //使用禁用蒙层效果
    74                 function coverLayer(tag){
    75                     with($('.over')){
    76                         if(tag==1){
    77                             css('height',$(document).height());
    78                             css('display','block');
    79                             css('opacity',1);
    80                             css("background-color","#FFFFFF");
    81                             css("background-color","rgba(0,0,0,0.7)" );  //蒙层透明度
    82                         }
    83                         else{
    84                             css('display','none');
    85                         }
    86                     }
    87                 }
    88             });
    89         </script>
    90     </body>
    91 </html>


    let the world have no hard-to-write code ^-^
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ovim/p/10582794.html
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