I want to write a PHP script that I can use from the command line. I want it to prompt and accept input for a few items, and then spit out some results. I want to do this in PHP, because all my classes and libraries are in PHP, and I just want to make a simple command line interface to a few things.
The prompting and accepting repeated command line inputs is the part that's tripping me up. How do I do this?
1. readline实现
<?php do { $cmd = trim(strtolower( readline(" > Command: ") )); readline_add_history($cmd); switch ($cmd) { case 'hello': print " -- HELLO! "; break; case 'bye': break; default: print " -- You say '$cmd'... say 'bye' or 'hello'. "; } } while ($cmd!='bye');
2. fgets实现
#!/usr/bin/php <?php define('CONFIRMED_NO', 1); while (1) { fputs(STDOUT, " "."***WARNING***: This action causes permanent data deletion. Are you sure you're not going to wine about it later? [y,n]: "); $response = strtolower(trim(fgets(STDIN))); if( $response == 'y' ) { break; } elseif( $response == 'n' ) { echo " ",'So I guess you changed your mind eh?', " "; exit (CONFIRMED_NO); } elseif( $response == 'hello' ){ echo " ", "hello, world; "; } else { echo " ", "Dude, that's not an option you idiot. Let's try this again.", " "; continue; } } echo " ","You're very brave. Let's continue with what we wanted to do.", " ";
3. fopen php://stdin实现
print "Type your message. Type '.' on a line by itself when you're done. "; $fp = fopen('php://stdin', 'r'); $last_line = false; $message = ''; while (!$last_line) { $next_line = fgets($fp, 1024); // read the special file to get the user input from keyboard if (". " == $next_line) { $last_line = true; } else { $message .= $next_line; } }