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  • PHP拓展开发

    痛定思痛: 开始了解 PHP 拓展开发,下面这篇文章不错!照着文章讲的,终于实现了!


    浏览器访问 m.php 文件!(备注:在linux 命令行中 php -r 'cthulhu();'  是错误的)


    说明: 测试 成功!!

     这个链接不错: https://www.simonholywell.com/post/2010/09/15-excellent-resources-for-php-extension-development/



    PHP Extensions Made Eldrich: Hello, World!

    This is part 2 of a 4-part tutorial on writing PHP extensions:

    1. Setting Up PHP – compiling PHP for extension development
    2. Hello, world! – your first extension
    3. Working with the API – the PHP C API
    4. Classes – creating PHP objects in C

    First we need to think of a name for our extension. I’ve been reading some H.P. Lovecraft, so let’s call it “rlyeh”.

    For our first extension, we’ll create a new function, cthulhu(). When we call cthulhu() (tee hee), PHP will print “In his house at R’lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.”

    Cheat Sheet

    If you don’t want to copy/paste all of the code, you can clone the Github repo for this tutorial and check out sections as you go.

    $ git clone git://github.com/kchodorow/rlyeh.git

    This part of the tutorial (Hello, world!) is the master branch. Stating in part 3, each “unit” has a branch: <branchname> at the beginning of the section. You can checkout this branch if you want to see the code example in context.

    For example, if you see branch: oop, you’d do:

    $ git checkout -b oop origin/oop

    Then you can compare what you’re doing to the “ideal” example code.

    Setting Up

    Create a directory for your PHP extension, named “rlyeh”. This is where all of the source code for your extension will live.

    $ mkdir rlyeh
    $ cd rlyeh

    A PHP extension consists of at least three files:

    1. “config.m4”, which contains compilation instructions for PHP
    2. “php_extname.c”: source code
    3. “php_extname.h”: a header file

    Creating a config.m4 file is wholly lacking in interest, so just cut/paste the one below.

    dnl lines starting with "dnl" are comments
    PHP_ARG_ENABLE(rlyeh, whether to enable Rlyeh extension, [  --enable-rlyeh   Enable Rlyeh extension])
    if test "$PHP_RLYEH" != "no"; then
      dnl this defines the extension
      PHP_NEW_EXTENSION(rlyeh, php_rlyeh.c, $ext_shared)
      dnl this is boilerplate to make the extension work on OS X
      case $build_os in
        AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to compile for recent osx architectures])
        CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.5"
        AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to compile for every osx architecture ever])
        CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -arch ppc -arch ppc64"

    If you want to call your extension something else, global replace “rlyeh” with your extension’s name.

    Now for the actual extension: create a file called php_rlyeh.c with the following content:

    // include PHP API
    #include <php.h>
    // header file we'll create below
    #include "php_rlyeh.h"
    // define the function(s) we want to add
    zend_function_entry rlyeh_functions[] = {
      PHP_FE(cthulhu, NULL)
      { NULL, NULL, NULL }
    // "rlyeh_functions" refers to the struct defined above
    // we'll be filling in more of this later: you can use this to specify
    // globals, php.ini info, startup and teardown functions, etc.
    zend_module_entry rlyeh_module_entry = {
    // install module
    // actual non-template code!
    PHP_FUNCTION(cthulhu) {
        // php_printf is PHP's version of printf, it's essentially "echo" from C
        php_printf("In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.

    That’s a whole lotta template, but it’ll make more sense as you go along.

    Learning PHP extension programming is sort of like learning Java as your first programming language: “type ‘public static void main’.” “Why? What does that even mean?” “It doesn’t matter, you’ll learn about it later.”

    You also have to make a header file, to declare the cthulhu function as well as the two extension info macros used in php_rlyeh.c (PHP_RLYEH_EXTNAME and PHP_RLYEH_VERSION).

    Create a new file, php_rlyeh.h, and add a couple of lines:

    #define PHP_RLYEH_EXTNAME "rlyeh"
    #define PHP_RLYEH_VERSION "0.01"

    You can change the version whenever you do a new release. It can be any string. It’s displayed when you do:

    $ php --ri rlyeh

    (once the extension is installed).

    Speaking of, now all that’s left is to compile and install. Make sure that your custom-compiled-PHP is first in your PATH. If it isn’t, put it there before doing the rest of the install.

    $ echo $PATH
    $ phpize
    Configuring for:
    PHP Api Version:         20090626
    Zend Module Api No:      20090626
    Zend Extension Api No:   220090626
    $ ./configure
    # lots of checks...
    $ make
    # compile...
    Build complete.
    Don't forget to run 'make test'.
    $ make install
    Installing shared extensions:     $PHPDIR/install-debug-zts/lib/php/extensions/debug-zts-20090626/

    Now, add your extension to your php.ini file. PHP is probably expecting a php.ini file in the lib/ subdirectory of your install directory ($PHPDIR/install-debug-zts/lib/php.ini). It probably doesn’t exist yet, so create a new php.ini file with one line:


    Now you should be able to use your function from PHP without importing, loading, or requiring anything. Do:

    $ php -r 'cthulhu();'
    In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.

    Your first PHP extension is working!

    Next up: a deep dive into the PHP API.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/oxspirt/p/6401918.html
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