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  • HDU 4718 The LCIS on the Tree(树链剖分)

    Problem Description
    For a sequence S1, S2, ... , SN, and a pair of integers (i, j), if 1 <= i <= j <= N and Si < Si+1 < Si+2 < ... < Sj-1 < Sj , then the sequence Si, Si+1, ... , Sj is a CIS(Continuous Increasing Subsequence). The longest CIS of a sequence is called the LCIS (Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence).
    Now we consider a tree rooted at node 1. Nodes have values. We have Q queries, each with two nodes u and v. You have to find the shortest path from u to v. And write down each nodes' value on the path, from u to v, inclusive. Then you will get a sequence, and please show us the length of its LCIS.
    The first line has a number T (T <= 10) , indicating the number of test cases.
    For each test case, the first line is a number N (N <= 105), the number of nodes in the tree.
    The second line comes with N numbers v1, v2, v3 ... , vN, describing the value of node 1 to node N. (1 <= vi <= 109)
    The third line comes with N - 1 numbers p2, p3, p4 ... , pN, describing the father nodes of node 2 to node N. Node 1 is the root and will have no father.
    Then comes a number Q, it is the number of queries. (Q <= 105)
    For next Q lines, each with two numbers u and v. As described above.
    For test case X, output "Case #X:" at the first line.
    Then output Q lines, each with an answer to the query.
    There should be a blank line *BETWEEN* each test case.
      1 #include <iostream>
      2 #include <cstdio>
      3 #include <cstring>
      4 #include <algorithm>
      5 using namespace std;
      7 const int MAXV = 100010;
      8 const int MAXE = MAXV;
      9 const int MAXT = MAXV << 2;
     11 int lmaxi[MAXT], rmaxi[MAXT], mmaxi[MAXT];
     12 int lmaxd[MAXT], rmaxd[MAXT], mmaxd[MAXT];
     13 int val[MAXV], n, m, T;
     15 int inc_ord[MAXV], dec_ord[MAXV], inc_rev[MAXV], dec_rev[MAXV];
     17 void init_inc_dec() {
     18     for(int i = 1, t = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
     19         if(t < i) t = i;
     20         while(t < n && val[t] < val[t + 1]) ++t;
     21         inc_ord[i] = t - i + 1;
     22     }
     23     for(int i = 1, t = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
     24         if(t < i) t = i;
     25         while(t < n && val[t] > val[t + 1]) ++t;
     26         dec_ord[i] = t - i + 1;
     27     }
     28     for(int i = n, t = n; i > 0; --i) {
     29         if(t > i) t = i;
     30         while(t > 0 && val[t] < val[t - 1]) --t;
     31         inc_rev[i] = i - t + 1;
     32     }
     33     for(int i = n, t = n; i > 0; --i) {
     34         if(t > i) t = i;
     35         while(t > 0 && val[t] > val[t - 1]) --t;
     36         dec_rev[i] = i - t + 1;
     37     }
     38 }
     40 int queryI(int x, int l, int r, int a, int b) {
     41     if(a <= l && r <= b) {
     42         return mmaxi[x];
     43     } else {
     44         int ll = x << 1, rr = ll | 1, mid = (l + r) >> 1;
     45         int ans = 0;
     46         if(a <= mid) ans = max(ans, queryI(ll, l, mid, a, b));
     47         if(mid < b) ans = max(ans, queryI(rr, mid + 1, r, a, b));
     48         if(val[mid] < val[mid + 1]) {
     49             ans = max(ans, min(rmaxi[ll], mid - a + 1) + min(lmaxi[rr], b - mid));
     50         }
     51         return ans;
     52     }
     53 }
     55 int queryD(int x, int l, int r, int a, int b) {
     56     if(a <= l && r <= b) {
     57         return mmaxd[x];
     58     } else {
     59         int ll = x << 1, rr = ll | 1, mid = (l + r) >> 1;
     60         int ans = 0;
     61         if(a <= mid) ans = max(ans, queryD(ll, l, mid, a, b));
     62         if(mid < b) ans = max(ans, queryD(rr, mid + 1, r, a, b));
     63         if(val[mid] > val[mid + 1]) {
     64             ans = max(ans, min(rmaxd[ll], mid - a + 1) + min(lmaxd[rr], b - mid));
     65         }
     66         return ans;
     67     }
     68 }
     70 void maintainI(int x, int l, int r) {
     71     int ll = x << 1, rr = ll | 1, mid = (l + r) >> 1;
     72     if(val[mid] < val[mid + 1]) {
     73         lmaxi[x] = lmaxi[ll] + (lmaxi[ll] == mid - l + 1) * lmaxi[rr];
     74         rmaxi[x] = rmaxi[rr] + (rmaxi[rr] == r - mid) * rmaxi[ll];
     75         mmaxi[x] = max(rmaxi[ll] + lmaxi[rr], max(mmaxi[ll], mmaxi[rr]));
     76     } else {
     77         lmaxi[x] = lmaxi[ll];
     78         rmaxi[x] = rmaxi[rr];
     79         mmaxi[x] = max(mmaxi[ll], mmaxi[rr]);
     80     }
     81 }
     83 void maintainD(int x, int l, int r) {
     84     int ll = x << 1, rr = ll | 1, mid = (l + r) >> 1;
     85     if(val[mid] > val[mid + 1]) {
     86         lmaxd[x] = lmaxd[ll] + (lmaxd[ll] == mid - l + 1) * lmaxd[rr];
     87         rmaxd[x] = rmaxd[rr] + (rmaxd[rr] == r - mid) * rmaxd[ll];
     88         mmaxd[x] = max(rmaxd[ll] + lmaxd[rr], max(mmaxd[ll], mmaxd[rr]));
     89     } else {
     90         lmaxd[x] = lmaxd[ll];
     91         rmaxd[x] = rmaxd[rr];
     92         mmaxd[x] = max(mmaxd[ll], mmaxd[rr]);
     93     }
     94 }
     96 void build(int x, int l, int r) {
     97     if(l == r) {
     98         lmaxi[x] = rmaxi[x] = mmaxi[x] = 1;
     99         lmaxd[x] = rmaxd[x] = mmaxd[x] = 1;
    100     } else {
    101         int ll = x << 1, rr = ll | 1, mid = (l + r) >> 1;
    102         build(ll, l, mid);
    103         build(rr, mid + 1, r);
    104         maintainI(x, l, r);
    105         maintainD(x, l, r);
    106     }
    107 }
    109 int v[MAXV];
    110 int fa[MAXV], son[MAXV], size[MAXV], tid[MAXV], top[MAXV], dep[MAXV];
    111 int head[MAXV], ecnt, dfs_clock;
    112 int to[MAXE], next[MAXE];
    114 void init(int n) {
    115     memset(head, -1, (n + 1) * sizeof(int));
    116     ecnt = dfs_clock = 0;
    117 }
    119 void add_edge(int u, int v) {
    120     to[ecnt] = v; next[ecnt] = head[u]; head[u] = ecnt++;
    121 }
    123 void dfs_size(int u, int depth) {
    124     size[u] = 1; son[u] = 0; dep[u] = depth;
    125     int maxsize = 0;
    126     for(int p = head[u]; ~p; p = next[p]) {
    127         int &v = to[p];
    128         dfs_size(v, depth + 1);
    129         size[u] += size[v];
    130         if(size[v] > maxsize) {
    131             son[u] = v;
    132             maxsize = size[v];
    133         }
    134     }
    135 }
    137 void dfs_heavy_edge(int u, int ancestor) {
    138     val[tid[u] = ++dfs_clock] = v[u];
    139     top[u] = ancestor;
    140     if(son[u]) dfs_heavy_edge(son[u], ancestor);
    141     for(int p = head[u]; ~p; p = next[p]) {
    142         int &v = to[p];
    143         if(v == son[u]) continue;
    144         dfs_heavy_edge(v, v);
    145     }
    146 }
    148 int query(int x, int y) {
    149     int res = 0, maxx = 0, prex = 0, maxy = 0, prey = 0;
    150     while(top[x] != top[y]) {
    151         if(dep[top[x]] > dep[top[y]]) {
    152             int sz = dep[x] - dep[top[x]] + 1;
    153             int up_ans = min(inc_rev[tid[x]], sz);
    154             int down_ans = min(dec_ord[tid[top[x]]], sz);
    155             res = max(res, queryD(1, 1, n, tid[top[x]], tid[x]));
    156             if(prex && v[prex] >= v[x]) maxx = 0;
    157             res = max(res, up_ans + maxx);
    158             maxx = down_ans + (sz == down_ans) * maxx;
    159             prex = top[x];
    160             x = fa[top[x]];
    161         } else {
    162             int sz = dep[y] - dep[top[y]] + 1;
    163             int up_ans = min(dec_rev[tid[y]], sz);
    164             int down_ans = min(inc_ord[tid[top[y]]], sz);
    165             res = max(res, queryI(1, 1, n, tid[top[y]], tid[y]));
    166             if(prey && v[prey] <= v[y]) maxy = 0;
    167             res = max(res, up_ans + maxy);
    168             maxy = down_ans + (sz == down_ans) * maxy;
    169             prey = top[y];
    170             y = fa[top[y]];
    171         }
    172     }
    173     if(dep[x] > dep[y]) {
    174         int sz = dep[x] - dep[y] + 1;
    175         int up_ans = min(inc_rev[tid[x]], sz);
    176         int down_ans = min(dec_ord[tid[y]], sz);
    177         res = max(res, queryD(1, 1, n, tid[y], tid[x]));
    178         if(prex && v[prex] >= v[x]) maxx = 0;
    179         if(prey && v[prey] <= v[y]) maxy = 0;
    180         res = max(res, up_ans + maxx);
    181         res = max(res, down_ans + maxy);
    182         if(up_ans == sz) res = max(res, maxx + up_ans + maxy);
    183     } else {
    184         int sz = dep[y] - dep[x] + 1;
    185         int up_ans = min(dec_rev[tid[y]], sz);
    186         int down_ans = min(inc_ord[tid[x]], sz);
    187         res = max(res, queryI(1, 1, n, tid[x], tid[y]));
    188         if(prex && v[prex] >= v[x]) maxx = 0;
    189         if(prey && v[prey] <= v[y]) maxy = 0;
    190         res = max(res, down_ans + maxx);
    191         res = max(res, up_ans + maxy);
    192         if(up_ans == sz) res = max(res, maxx + up_ans + maxy);
    193     }
    194     return res;
    195 }
    197 int main() {
    198     scanf("%d", &T);
    199     for(int t = 1; t <= T; ++t) {
    200         scanf("%d", &n);
    201         init(n);
    202         for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) scanf("%d", &v[i]);
    203         for(int i = 2; i <= n; ++i) {
    204             scanf("%d", &fa[i]);
    205             add_edge(fa[i], i);
    206         }
    207         dfs_size(1, 1);
    208         dfs_heavy_edge(1, 1);
    209         build(1, 1, n);
    210         init_inc_dec();
    211         printf("Case #%d:
    ", t);
    212         scanf("%d", &m);
    213         while(m--) {
    214             int u, v;
    215             scanf("%d%d", &u, &v);
    216             printf("%d
    ", query(u, v));
    217         }
    218         if(t != T) puts("");
    219     }
    220 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/oyking/p/3704531.html
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