You can use .config files or use constant values in a static class. If you don't need to change the values, I would suggest using constant values.
Example using constant values:
For example:
public static class Roles { public const string Customer = "Customer"; public const string Branch = "Branch"; }
if (role == Roles.Customer) { } else if (role == Roles.Branch) { }
Example using config file:
- Add a reference to System.Configuration
- Add an "Application Configuration File" to your project
- Add a configuration key to the configuration file like:
<?xmlversion="1.0"encoding="utf-8" ?>
</configuration> - Within the code you can refer to the config file by using:
string configValue = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["myConfiguration"];
use an enum to help with readability.
enum MyTypes { URL = 1, UserName = 2, Id = 3, } switch (myType) { case MyTypes.URL: TidyUrl(); case MyTypes.UserName: TidyUsername(); case MyTypes.Id: TidyID(); default: break; }