Human Interface Design
It’s not enough to create an app that works. Users expect Mac apps to be powerful, intuitive, and engaging. Think about the user experience as you design every aspect of your app, from the features you choose to the pointer you display.
只是创建一个能工作的应用程序是不够的。 用户期待直观的,吸引人的,强壮的Mac应用。当你设计应用程序的方方面面时,根据你选取的功能仔细考虑用户体验。
![image: ../Art/UserExperience_2x.png](https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/referencelibrary/GettingStarted/RoadMapOSX/Art/UserExperience_2x.png)
Although users might not be aware of human interface design principles, they can tell when apps follow the guidelines and when they don’t. Follow the principles and conventions spelled out in OS X Human Interface Guidelines to design a superlative user interface and user experience for your product.
尽管用户可能不知道用户界面设计原则,但他们能分辨出应用程序何时遵循指南,何时没有。遵循在 OS X 用户界面指南(OS X Human Interface Guideline)中清楚说明的原则和约定,为您的产品设计最好的用户界面和用户体验。
![Read This Article Now](https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/referencelibrary/GettingStarted/RoadMapOSX/Art/read_this_icon_2x.png)
立即阅读此文章:“Design with the User in Mind”阐述了如何创建具有卓越用户体验的应用程序。本文稿介绍编程时需遵循的指南,但不涉及如何在代码中实现设计。大多数OS X 指南,都与 iOS的不同,因为移动设备上的应用程序,在本质上是不同的。