Mac App Store
The information you’ve read so far focused on how to create an app in Xcode. However, there are other things you must do to publish an app on the Mac App Store.
到目前为止你学习的都是关于如何在Xcode里创建一个应用程序。然而,还有一些其它的事情你必须完成才能把一个应用程序发布到Mac 应用商店。
![image: ../Art/app_store_mac_2x.png](https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/referencelibrary/GettingStarted/RoadMapOSX/Art/app_store_mac_2x.png)
After you test and refine your code, you need to turn your Xcode project into something that users can install and run on their computer. To do this, you create certificates to sign your app, create an ID to identify your app, and collect information that you want the Mac App Store to display about your app. You submit your app through Xcode. Before it’s published, your app must be approved by Mac App Store reviewers.
当你的代码完成测试和提炼之后,你需要把你的Xcode项目转换成一些用户可以在它们的电脑上下载和运行的东西。为了实现这个,你需要创建一个证书来给你的应用程序签名, 创建一个ID来认证你的应用程序,以及收集你想要让Mac 应用商店显示的关于你的应用程序的信息(即软件介绍)。你通过Xcode上传你的应用程序。在它发布之前,你的应用程序必须经过Mac应用商店审核人员的审核。
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