About In-App Purchase
In-App Purchase allows you to embed a store inside your app using the Store Kit framework. This framework connects to the App Store on your app’s behalf to securely process payments from users, prompting them to authorize payment. The framework then notifies your app, which provides the purchased items to users. Use In-App Purchase to collect payment for additional features and content.
内置购买使用Store Kit 框架在应用程序里内置一个商店。该框架把你的应用程序的行为连接到应用商店来安全地处理用户的支付,促使他们授权支付。 然后框架给你的应用程序发送通知,该应用程序提供了用户购买的商品。使用内置购买可以为额外的功能和内容提供支付。
For example, using In-App Purchase, you can implement the following scenarios:
A basic version of your app with additional premium features
A magazine app that lets users purchase and download new issues
A game that offers new levels to explore
An online game that allows players to purchase virtual property
At a Glance
At a high level, the interactions between the user, your app, and the App Store during the In-App Purchase process take place in three stages, as shown in Figure I-1. First, the user navigates to your app’s store and your app displays its products. Second, the user selects a product to buy and the app requests payment from the App Store. Third, the App Store processes the payment and your app delivers the purchased product.
从高层次来说,内置购买过程处理期间,用户,应用程序和应用商店之间的交互发生在三个阶段,如图I-1。首先,用户导航到你的应用程序商店,你的应用程序显示其产品。 其次,用户选择一个产品购买,应用程序从应用商店请求支付。 最后,应用商店处理该支付,你的应用程序传递被购产品。
Figure I-1 Stages of the purchase process
图I-1 购买过程的阶段
You Create and Configure Products in iTunes Connect
一、在iTunes Connect里创建和配置产品
Understanding what kinds of products and behaviors are supported by In-App Purchase lets you design your app and in-app store to make the best use of this technology.
Your App Interacts with the App Store to Sell Products
All apps that use In-App Purchase need to implement the core functionality described in these chapters to let users make purchases and then deliver the purchased products.
These development tasks need to be done in order. The relevant chapters introduce them in the order you implement them, and they’re listed in full in“Implementation Checklist.” To help plan your development, you may want to read the full checklist before you begin.
这些开发任务需要按顺序完成。 相关章节按照你实现它们的顺序介绍,它们在“Implementation Checklist.”中有完整列表来帮助你计划你的开发,你可以在开始前先阅读完整的清单。
Relevant Chapters: “Retrieving Product Information,” “Requesting Payment,” “Delivering Products”
相关章节: “Retrieving Product Information,” “Requesting Payment,” “Delivering Products”
Subscriptions Require Additional Application Logic
Apps that offer subscriptions need to keep track of when the user has an active subscription, respond to expiration and renewal, and determine what content the user has access to.
Users Can Restore Purchases
Users can restore products that they previously purchased—for example, to bring content they’ve already paid for onto their new phone.
Apps and Products Are Submitted for Review
When you’re done developing and testing, you submit your app and your In-App Purchase products for review.
See Also
In-App Purchase Configuration Guide for iTunes Connect describes how to create and configure your app’s products in iTunes Connect.
描述了如何在iTunes Connect 里创建和配置应用程序的产品。
Receipt Validation Programming Guide describes how to work with receipts, in particular with the record of successful in-app purchases.