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  • Qt




    QByteArray toAscii () const
    QByteArray toLatin1 () const
    QByteArray toLocal8Bit () const
    QByteArray toUtf8 () const
    const ushort * utf16 () const
    const QChar * unicode () const
    QVector<uint> toUcs4 () const
    std::string toStdString () const
    std::wstring toStdWString () const
    int toWCharArray ( wchar_t * array ) const


    QString fromAscii ( const char * str, int size = -1 )
    QString fromLatin1 ( const char * str, int size = -1 )
    QString fromLocal8Bit ( const char * str, int size = -1 )
    QString fromUtf8 ( const char * str, int size = -1 )
    QString fromUtf16 ( const ushort * unicode, int size = -1 )
    QString fromRawData ( const QChar * unicode, int size )
    QString fromUcs4 ( const uint * unicode, int size = -1 )
    QString fromStdString ( const std::string & str )
    QString fromStdWString ( const std::wstring & str )
    QString fromWCharArray ( const wchar_t * string, int size = -1 )



    const char * constData () const
    char * data ()
    const char * data () const
    QByteArray toBase64 () const
    QByteArray toHex () const
    QByteArray toPercentEncoding ( const QByteArray & exclude = QByteArray(), const QByteArray & include = QByteArray(), char percent = '%' ) const
    QByteArray & setRawData ( const char * data, uint size )


    QByteArray fromBase64 ( const QByteArray & base64 )
    QByteArray fromHex ( const QByteArray & hexEncoded )
    QByteArray fromPercentEncoding ( const QByteArray & input, char percent = '%' )
    QByteArray fromRawData ( const char * data, int size )





    int toInt ( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 ) const
    uint toUInt ( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 ) const
    short toShort ( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 ) const
    ushort toUShort ( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 ) const
    long toLong ( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 ) const
    ulong toULong ( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 ) const
    qlonglong toLongLong ( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 ) const
    qulonglong toULongLong ( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 ) const
    double toDouble ( bool * ok = 0 ) const
    float toFloat ( bool * ok = 0 ) const

    QString & setNum ( int n, int base = 10 )
    QString & setNum ( uint n, int base = 10 )
    QString & setNum ( short n, int base = 10 )
    QString & setNum ( ushort n, int base = 10 )
    QString & setNum ( long n, int base = 10 )
    QString & setNum ( ulong n, int base = 10 )
    QString & setNum ( qlonglong n, int base = 10 )
    QString & setNum ( qulonglong n, int base = 10 )
    QString & setNum ( double n, char format = 'g', int precision = 6 )
    QString & setNum ( float n, char format = 'g', int precision = 6 )


    QString number ( int n, int base = 10 )
    QString number ( uint n, int base = 10 )
    QString number ( long n, int base = 10 )
    QString number ( ulong n, int base = 10 )
    QString number ( qlonglong n, int base = 10 )
    QString number ( qulonglong n, int base = 10 )
    QString number ( double n, char format = 'g', int precision = 6 )



    int toInt ( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 ) const
    uint toUInt ( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 ) const
    short toShort ( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 ) const
    ushort toUShort ( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 ) const
    long toLong ( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 ) const
    ulong toULong ( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 ) const
    qlonglong toLongLong ( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 ) const
    qulonglong toULongLong ( bool * ok = 0, int base = 10 ) const
    double toDouble ( bool * ok = 0 ) const
    float toFloat ( bool * ok = 0 ) const

    QByteArray & setNum ( int n, int base = 10 )
    QByteArray & setNum ( uint n, int base = 10 )
    QByteArray & setNum ( short n, int base = 10 )
    QByteArray & setNum ( ushort n, int base = 10 )
    QByteArray & setNum ( qlonglong n, int base = 10 )
    QByteArray & setNum ( qulonglong n, int base = 10 )
    QByteArray & setNum ( double n, char f = 'g', int prec = 6 )
    QByteArray & setNum ( float n, char f = 'g', int prec = 6 )


    QByteArray number ( int n, int base = 10 )
    QByteArray number ( uint n, int base = 10 )
    QByteArray number ( qlonglong n, int base = 10 )
    QByteArray number ( qulonglong n, int base = 10 )
    QByteArray number ( double n, char f = 'g', int prec = 6 )

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/paullam/p/3711822.html
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