var meidcalViewer=new MedicalViewer();
meidcalViewer.AlignScrollBarToLeft =true;
AlignScrollBarToLeft get or set 滚动条是否在左侧 true=左侧,false=右侧
AutoScroll get or set 内容超过控件区域是否出现滚动条
BackColor get or set 控件背景颜色
CellMaintenance 当允许用户调整水平和垂直距离时,是自动生成和删除单元格.默认不产生新cell
Cells get or set MedcialViewer的[MedicalViewerCellCollection] 集合
Columns get or set MedcialViewer的 cloumn数量
ColumnSplitters 列分割设置,如下
_medicalViewer.ColumnSplitters[0].Position = 0.25;
exploded 是否启动exploded 模式。即让选中cell占据整个MedcialViewer区域。
The exploded mode is a mode where the selected cell takes the whole viewer area. This property is useful when the viewer is displaying multiple cells, and the user wants to enlarge one of them for a closer study.
To make the exploded mode work, the user must select one cell only.
FullExplode 双击cell时候 是否进入explode模式 (双击退出explode模式)
///viewer 是否为网关模式 (grid mode.)
public bool GridMode { get; }
LayoutOptions 设置布局选项
// Set the LayoutOptions
medicalViewer.LayoutOptions.AllowOverlappingCells = false; //cell 是否可重叠
medicalViewer.LayoutOptions.DesignTool = MedicalViewerDesignTool.Draw; //设计方式(模式)
medicalViewer.LayoutOptions.GridSize = new Size(8, 8);
medicalViewer.LayoutOptions.RectBackColor = Color.Yellow;
medicalViewer.LayoutOptions.RectForeColor = Color.Red;
medicalViewer.LayoutOptions.ShowGrid = true;
medicalViewer.LayoutOptions.ShowPosition = true;
medicalViewer.LayoutOptions.SnapToGrid = true;
medicalViewer.LayoutOptions.UserMode = MedicalViewerUserMode.Design;
LowMemoryUsageEnabled 是否启用低内存占用功能
ResizeBoth 获取或设置当鼠标指针悬停在水平分隔线和垂直分隔线的交叉点上时显示的光标 (值为: System.Windows.Forms.Cursor)
ResizeHorizontalCursor、ResizeVerticalCursor设置和ResizeBoth 类同
Rows 设置MedicalViewer的cell行数
RowSplitters 行分割设置,类同ColumnSplitters
ShowSelectedReferenceLine get or set 选中cell参考线
SynchronizationType 同步类型 目前就一个值可用 MedicalViewerSynchronizationType .Automatic
UseExtraSplitters get or set 是否在viewer底部显示单元拆分器,默认要显示