dplyr包可以配合一系列数据库使用,如:sqlite, mysql and postgresql。这里我们着重探讨sqlite。
year=2015 for (m in (1:2) ){ url1<-paste0("http://www.nber.org/fda/faers/",year,"/demo",year,"q",m,".csv.zip") download.file(url1,dest="data.zip") # Demography unzip ("data.zip") url2<-paste0("http://www.nber.org/fda/faers/",year,"/indi",year,"q",m,".csv.zip") download.file(url2,dest="data.zip") # Indication unzip ("data.zip") }
filenames <- list.files(pattern="^demo.*.csv", full.names=TRUE)
demography = rbindlist(lapply(filenames, fread, select=c("primaryid","caseid","age","event_dt","sex","wt","occr_country")))
str(demography) ## Classes 'data.table' and 'data.frame': 606551 obs. of 7 variables: ## $ primaryid : int 35032933 36655882 38671183 38775713 38783443 40954634 41149942 41352566 41943882 42207644 ... ## $ caseid : int 3503293 3665588 3867118 3877571 3878344 4095463 4114994 4135256 4194388 4220764 ... ## $ event_dt : int 20000118 NA 20021015 NA NA 20040204 200011 200303 20040321 200404 ... ## $ age : num 39 35 54 NA 66 ... ## $ sex : chr "F" "F" "F" "M" ... ## $ wt : num 83 NA 70 NA NA NA NA NA 60.8 NA ... ## $ occr_country: chr "US" "DE" "US" "GB" ... ## - attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr>
filenames <- list.files(pattern="^indi.*.csv", full.names=TRUE)
indication = rbindlist(lapply(filenames, fread, select=c("primaryid","indi_drug_seq","indi_pt")))
str(indication) ## Classes 'data.table' and 'data.frame': 1409632 obs. of 3 variables: ## $ primaryid : int 35032933 35032933 35032933 35032933 35032933 35032933 35032933 36655882 36655882 36655882 ... ## $ indi_drug_seq: int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 ... ## $ indi_pt : chr "Multiple sclerosis" "Multiple sclerosis" "Depression" "Hypercholesterolaemia" ... ## - attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr>
my.db<- src_sqlite("adverse.events", create = T) # create =T creates a new database
my.db<- src_mysql("####",host="#.#.#.#",port=####,user="####",password="########")
copy_to(my.db,demography,temporary = FALSE) # uploading demography data
## Source: sqlite 3.8.6 [adverse.events] ## From: demography [606,551 x 7] ## ## primaryid caseid event_dt age sex wt occr_country ## (int) (int) (int) (dbl) (chr) (dbl) (chr) ## 1 35032933 3503293 20000118 39.000 F 83.0 US ## 2 36655882 3665588 NA 35.000 F NA DE ## 3 38671183 3867118 20021015 54.000 F 70.0 US ## 4 38775713 3877571 NA NA M NA GB ## 5 38783443 3878344 NA 66.000 M NA IT ## 6 40954634 4095463 20040204 65.476 F NA JP ## 7 41149942 4114994 200011 17.000 F NA ## 8 41352566 4135256 200303 46.000 F NA US ## 9 41943882 4194388 20040321 75.000 F 60.8 ## 10 42207644 4220764 200404 18.000 F NA US ## .. ... ...
copy_to(my.db,indication,temporary = FALSE) # uploading indication data ## Source: sqlite 3.8.6 [adverse.events] ## From: indication [1,409,632 x 3] ## ## primaryid indi_drug_seq indi_pt ## (int) (int) (chr) ## 1 35032933 1 Multiple sclerosis ## 2 35032933 2 Multiple sclerosis ## 3 35032933 3 Depression ## 4 35032933 4 Hypercholesterolaemia ## 5 35032933 5 Benign neoplasm of thyroid gland ## 6 35032933 6 Depression ## 7 35032933 7 Depression ## 8 36655882 1 Schizoaffective disorder ## 9 36655882 2 Schizoaffective disorder ## 10 36655882 3 Schizoaffective disorder ## .. ... ... ...
my.db <- src_sqlite("adverse.events", create = F) # create = F to connect to an existing databasesrc_tbls(my.db) ## [1] "demography" "indication" "sqlite_stat1"
demography = tbl(my.db,"demography")
head(demography) ## primaryid caseid event_dt age sex wt occr_country ## 1 35032933 3503293 20000118 39.000 F 83 US ## 2 36655882 3665588 NA 35.000 F NA DE ## 3 38671183 3867118 20021015 54.000 F 70 US ## 4 38775713 3877571 NA NA M NA GB ## 5 38783443 3878344 NA 66.000 M NA IT ## 6 40954634 4095463 20040204 65.476 F NA JP
indication = tbl(my.db,"indication")
head(indication) ## primaryid indi_drug_seq indi_pt ## 1 35032933 1 Multiple sclerosis ## 2 35032933 2 Multiple sclerosis ## 3 35032933 3 Depression ## 4 35032933 4 Hypercholesterolaemia ## 5 35032933 5 Benign neoplasm of thyroid gland ## 6 35032933 6 Depression
FR = filter(demography, occr_country=='FR') # Filtering demography of patients from FranceFR$query ## <Query> SELECT "primaryid", "caseid", "event_dt", "age", "sex", "wt", "occr_country" ## FROM "demography" ## WHERE "occr_country" = 'FR' ## <SQLiteConnection>
explain(FR) ## <SQL> ## SELECT "primaryid", "caseid", "event_dt", "age", "sex", "wt", "occr_country" ## FROM "demography" ## WHERE "occr_country" = 'FR' ## ## ## <PLAN> ## selectid order from detail ## 1 0 0 0 SCAN TABLE demography
数据分析 + 可视化ggplot
demography %>%
group_by(country=occr_country) %>%
summarize(total=n()) %>% arrange(desc(total)) %>%
filter(country!='') %>% head(5) ## country total ## 1 US 434526 ## 2 GB 18680 ## 3 JP 15384 ## 4 CA 11530 ## 5 FR 11274
demography %>%
group_by(country=occr_country) %>%
summarize(total=n()) %>%
arrange(desc(total)) %>% filter(country!='') %>%
head(5) %>%
mutate(country = factor(country,levels = country[order(total)])) %>% ggplot(aes(x=country,y=total))+geom_bar(stat='identity',color='blue',fill='yellow')+xlab("")+ ggtitle('Top Five Countries With Highest Number Of Adverse Events')+theme(plot.title=element_text(size=rel(1.6), lineheight=.9, family="Times", face="bold.italic", colour="dark green"))+coord_flip()+ylab('Total Number Of Reports')+ theme(axis.title.x=element_text(size=15, lineheight=.9, family="Times", face="bold.italic", colour="blue"))+ theme(axis.text.y=element_text(size=12,family="Times", face="bold.italic", colour="blue"))
demography %>%
group_by(country=occr_country) %>%
summarize(total=n()) %>%
arrange(desc(total)) %>% filter(country!='' & country!='US') %>%
head(10) %>%
mutate(country = factor(country,levels = country[order(total)])) %>% ggplot(aes(x=country,y=total))+geom_bar(stat='identity',color='blue',fill='orange')+xlab("")+ ggtitle('Top Ten Non-US Countries')+theme(plot.title=element_text(size=rel(1.6), lineheight=.9, family="Times", face="bold.italic", colour="dark green"))+coord_flip()+ylab('Total Number Of Reports')+ theme(axis.title.x=element_text(size=15, lineheight=.9, family="Times", face="bold.italic", colour="blue"))+ theme(axis.text.y=element_text(size=12,family="Times", face="bold.italic", colour="blue"))
indication %>%
group_by(indi_pt) %>%
summarise(count=n()) %>%
arrange(desc(count)) %>%
head(5) ## indi_pt count ## 1 Product used for unknown indication 463524 ## 2 Diabetes mellitus 53742 ## 3 Rheumatoid arthritis 47780 ## 4 Multiple sclerosis 30946 ## 5 Plasma cell myeloma 29256
indication %>%
group_by(indi_pt) %>%
summarise(count=n()) %>%
arrange(desc(count)) %>%
head(6) %>%
tail(-1) %>% mutate(indi_pt=factor(indi_pt,levels = indi_pt[order(desc(count))])) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=indi_pt, y=count))+ geom_bar(stat='identity',colour="#000099",fill="#000099")+ggtitle('Top Five Indication Counts') + xlab('') + ylab('')+theme(plot.title =element_text(size = rel(1.6), family="Times", face="bold", colour = "black"))+ theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, size=12,family="Times", face="bold", colour="blue"))
都能用于作图 -
demography$age <- round(as.numeric(demography$age))
demography %>%
filter(!is.na(age) & age<100 & age>0) %>%
select(age) %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
ggplot(aes(x=age))+ geom_histogram(breaks=seq(0, 100, by =5), col="dark grey", aes(fill=..count..)) + scale_fill_gradient("Count", low = "green", high = "red")+labs(title="Age Histogram") +labs(x="Age",y="")+ theme(plot.title =element_text(size = rel(1.6), family="Times", face="bold", colour = "black"))+ theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=10,family="Times", face="bold", colour="black"))+ theme(axis.title.x=element_text(size=12,family="Times", face="bold", colour="black"))
joined = demography %>%
inner_join(indication, by='primaryid',copy = TRUE) head(joined,5) ## primaryid caseid event_dt age sex wt occr_country indi_drug_seq ## 1 35032933 3503293 20000118 39 F 83 US 1 ## 2 35032933 3503293 20000118 39 F 83 US 2 ## 3 35032933 3503293 20000118 39 F 83 US 3 ## 4 35032933 3503293 20000118 39 F 83 US 4 ## 5 35032933 3503293 20000118 39 F 83 US 5 ## indi_pt ## 1 Multiple sclerosis ## 2 Multiple sclerosis ## 3 Depression ## 4 Hypercholesterolaemia ## 5 Benign neoplasm of thyroid gland