MediaPlayer属性、方法和事件(MediaPlayer Properties, Methods, and Events)
表1. TMediaPlayer主要属性
属性 | 描述 |
AutoOpen | Determines if the media player is opened automatically when the application is run. 是否已启动播放程序就打开设备,默认为False。 |
AutoRewind | Determines if the media player control rewinds before playing or recording. 当为True时,在媒体播放后,媒体位置指针将被重新设置为媒体起点,默认为True。 |
DeviceType | Specifies a multimedia device type to open the media player. 多媒体设备类型。设置成dtAutoSelect时,可根据文件名扩展自动选择设备类型,默认值为dtAutoSelect。 |
Display | Specifies the display window for an multimedia device that uses a window for output. 用于设置媒体设备的显示窗口。 |
DisplayRect | Specifies a rectangular area in the control specified by the Display property that is used to display output from a multimedia device. 用于设置媒体设备回放窗口的大小和位置,重新确定视频大小以适应矩形框。 |
EnableButtons | Determines which buttons on the media player are usable. 决定播放控制按钮是否允许使用。默认为所有按钮。 |
EndPos | Specifies the position within the currently loaded medium at which to stop playing or recording. 媒体结束位置,媒体播放是从起点到终点(EndPos),如果没有指定EndPos,媒体将全部播放完。所赋EndPos值依赖于播放的类型。 |
Error | Specifies the MCI error code returned by the media control method. 最近一次操作的错误码。 |
ErrorMessage | Describes the error code stored in the Error property. 最近错误的文本描述。 |
Frame | Specifies the number of frames moved forward or backward. 调用Back或Next方法时,或点击MediaPlayer控制栏上的Back或Next按钮时所要移动的帧数。 |
Length | Specifies the length of the medium in the open multimedia device. 媒体长度,Length值依赖于被播放的媒体类型和TimeFormat的值。 |
Mode | Indicates the state of the currently open multimedia device. 设备状态,可以是mpNotready, mpStopped, mpPlaying, mpRecording, mpSeeking, mpPaused, mpOpen。 |
Notify | Determines whether an OnNotify event is generated. 若为True时,当MediaPlayer完成一个操作时,产生OnNotify事件。 |
Notify Value | Indicates the result of the last media control method that requested a notification. 上次通知操作的结果。可以是nvSuccessful, nvSuperseded, nvAborted或nvFailure。 |
Position | Specifies the current position within the currently loaded medium. 媒体当前位置。 |
StartPos | Specifies the position within the currently loaded medium from which to begin playing or recording. 媒体起点,媒体从StartPos开始播放到EndPos,若没有指定媒体起点StartPos,媒体从头开始播放。所赋StartPos值依赖于媒体类型。 |
TimeFormat | Determines the format used to specify position information. 使用媒体设备的时间格式。时间格式可以用毫秒、帧、字节、采样、磁道/分/秒、小时/分/秒等格式。 |
Tracks | Specifies the number of playable tracks on the open multimedia device. 媒体所包含的磁道数(对于CD设备来说) |
VisibleButtons | Indicates which of the buttons on the media player are visible. 指定MediaPlayer控制栏上显示的按钮,默认为所有按钮。 |
Wait | Determines whether a media control method returns control to the application only after it has been completed. 决定控制否马上或在媒体播放完之后返回调用。 |
表2. TMediaPlayer主要方法
方法 | 描述 |
Back | Steps backward a number of frames (determined by the value of the Frames property) in the currently loaded medium. 将媒体回放由Frame属性指定的帧数。 |
Close | Closes the open multimedia device. 关闭设备。 |
Eject | Releases the loaded medium from the open multimedia device. 如果合适的话,退出媒体(例如,退出CD)。 |
Next | Moves to the beginning of the next track of the currently loaded medium. 为支持轨道的设备开始下一个轨。 |
Open | Opens a multimedia device. 打开设备(用于AutoOpen属性为False时)。 |
Pause | Toggles the open multimedia device on or off. 暂停播放或录制。 |
Play | Plays the media loaded in the open multimedia device. 开始设备的播放。 |
Previous | Sets the current position to the beginning of the previous track if the position was at the beginning of a track when Previous was called. 移到前一个音轨的起点。 |
Resume | Resumes playing or recording the currently paused multimedia device. 恢复pause中断的行为。 |
Rewind | Sets the current position to the beginning of the the medium, which is stored in the Start property. 重新设置媒体位置为媒体的开头。 |
Save | Saves the currently loaded medium to the file specified in the FileName property. 把媒体存储到FileName属性指定的文件中。 |
StartRecording | Begins recording from the current Position or from the position specified in StartPos. 开始录制数据。 |
Step | Moves forward a number of frames (determined by the Frames property) in the currently loaded medium. 前移Frame属性指定的帧数。 |
Stop | Halts playing or recording. 停止播放或录制。 |