- 代词是用来代替重复出现的名词
1.Ravi is a boy. He often donates money to the poor.
2.He was already on his way to airport.Realized Ravi.
这种句子表达的方式的逆序的,这类句子叫预指(Cataphora) - 代码
import nltk
from nltk.chunk import tree2conlltags
from nltk.corpus import names # 有 人名和性别 标签
import random
class AnaphoraExample:
def __init__(self): # 不需要参数就能构造
males = [(name,'male') for name in names.words('male.txt')]
females = [(name,'female') for name in names.words('female.txt')]
combined = males + females # 列表元素:人名和性别构成的元组
# print(combined)
training = [(self.feature(name),gender) for (name,gender) in combined]
self._classifier = nltk.NaiveBayesClassifier.train(training) # 分类器
def feature(self,word): # 单词最后一个字母当特征
return {'last(1)' : word[-1]}
def gender(self,word): # 返回单词放到分类器中得到的性别标签
return self._classifier.classify(self.feature(word))
def learnAnaphora(self):
sentences = [
"John is a man. He walks",
"John and Mary are married. They have two kids",
"In order for Ravi to be successful, he should follow John",
"John met Mary in Barista. She asked him to order a Pizza",
for sent in sentences:
chunks = nltk.ne_chunk(nltk.pos_tag(nltk.word_tokenize(sent)),binary=False)
# 实现分词,词性标注,组块(实体)抽取,返回组块树结果,赋给chunks
stack = []
items = tree2conlltags(chunks) # 将一个句子展平成一个列表,并以IOB格式表示
for item in items:
if item[1] == 'NNP' and (item[2] == 'B-PERSON' or item[2] == '0'): # 人名
stack.append((item[0],self.gender(item[0]))) # 人名和性别的元组
elif item[1] == 'CC': # 连词
elif item[1] == 'PRP': # 人称代词
print(' {}'.format(stack))
if __name__ == "__main__":
anaphora = AnaphoraExample()
John is a man. He walks
[('John', 'male'), 'He']
John and Mary are married. They have two kids
[('John', 'male'), 'and', ('Mary', 'female'), 'They']
In order for Ravi to be successful, he should follow John
[('Ravi', 'female'), 'he', ('John', 'male')]
John met Mary in Barista. She asked him to order a Pizza
[('John', 'male'), ('Mary', 'female'), 'She', 'him']