1 分页查询 传入id,分页的大小和页码 (附:limit的用法: https://blog.csdn.net/u013256816/article/details/103342250 )
<select id="getCooperationInfo" resultType="coopInfo"> SELECT * FROM ${tableName} WHERE deleted=0 AND id=#{planId} <if test="org != 'all'"> AND organization=#{org} </if> <if test="startDt != null and startDt != ''"> AND publish_dt >= #{startDt} </if> <if test="endDt != null and endDt != ''"> AND publish_dt <= #{endDt} </if> ORDER BY update_time DESC LIMIT ${((pageNo-1) * pageSize)}, #{pageSize} </select>
注:if选项中如果传值为int则不用两个单引号即可,如果传值是string 则必须用单引号引起来
<select id="get" resultType=""> SELECT max(a.crawled_time) as crawled_time, max(search_count) as search_count, min(`rank`) as `rank`, max(word_link) as wordLink, max(b.description) as description FROM aTable a join ${relationTable} b on a.list_id = b.list_id and a.site = #{site} and b.site = a.site WHERE b.plan_id=#{planId} GROUP BY a.site, title <choose> <when test="order == 'seaCount'">order by search_count desc </when> <when test="order == 'craTime'">order by max(a.crawled_time) desc </when> <otherwise> order by `rank` asc </otherwise> </choose> </select>
<select id="getEmp" resultType="User"> <!-- bind:可以将OGNL表达式的值绑定到一个变量中,方便后来引用这个变量的值 --> name是User中一个属性值 <bind name="bName" value="'%'+name+'%'"/> SELECT * FROM user <if test="_parameter!=null"> where ename like #{bName} </if> </select>
<select id="get" resultType="mar"> SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE <include refid="aa" /> AND qipu_id=#{qipuId} ORDER BY create_time DESC LIMIT #{limit} </select> <sql id="aa"> deleted!=1 <if test="!admin"> AND LOWER(creator) <choose> <when test="userType == 0">=LOWER(#{username})</when> <otherwise> IN <foreach collection="rolePeers" item="peer" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{peer} </foreach> </otherwise> </choose> </if> </sql>