lambda 表达式
Action is also a delegate type defined in the System namespace. An Action type delegate is the same as Func delegate except that the Action delegate doesn't return a value. In other words, an Action delegate can be used with a method that has a void return type.
Action is also a delegate type 其也可以推导出来两个结论。
1. action 是一个type,类似于int, 那就可以定义变量,其定义一个什么样类型的变量,其变量的含义是什么。就需要下面一个推论。
2. action 是一个delegate type,其就是一个delegate,那就是一个函数指针,用于方法之间的调用。
3. 有了delegate那又要有Action,使用action其的目的是为了更加简化。
public delegate void Print(int val);
delegate 其需要先定义且要定义方法名
Action<int> 其就直接定义形参的类型且不要返回值。
Advantages of Action and Func delegates:
- Easy and quick to define delegates.
- Makes code short.
- Compatible type throughout the application.
【action 其使用的场景】
1. 在框架当中的线程之间使用
this._readThread = ThreadEx.ThreadCall(new Action(this.ReadThread));
public static System.Threading.Thread ThreadCall(System.Action action)
return ThreadEx.ThreadCall(action, null);
public static System.Threading.Thread ThreadCall(System.Action action, string name)
return ThreadEx.Call(action, name);
public static System.Threading.Thread Call(System.Action action, string name)
System.Threading.Thread thread = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(action.Invoke));
if (name != null)
thread.Name = name;
return thread;