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  • 慢查询日志分析(mysql)





     1 $ mysqldumpslow.pl --help
     2 Usage: mysqldumpslow [ OPTS... ] [ LOGS... ]
     4 Parse and summarize the MySQL slow query log. Options are
     6   --verbose    verbose
     7   --debug      debug
     8   --help       write this text to standard output
    10   -v           verbose
    11   -d           debug
    12   -s ORDER     what to sort by (al, at, ar, c, l, r, t), 'at' is default
    13                 al: average lock time
    14                 ar: average rows sent
    15                 at: average query time
    16                  c: count
    17                  l: lock time
    18                  r: rows sent
    19                  t: query time
    20   -r           reverse the sort order (largest last instead of first)
    21   -t NUM       just show the top n queries
    22   -a           don't abstract all numbers to N and strings to 'S'
    23   -n NUM       abstract numbers with at least n digits within names
    24   -g PATTERN   grep: only consider stmts that include this string
    25   -h HOSTNAME  hostname of db server for *-slow.log filename (can be wildcard),
    26                default is '*', i.e. match all
    27   -i NAME      name of server instance (if using mysql.server startup script)
    28   -l           don't subtract lock time from total time
     1 -s, 是表示按照何种方式排序
     2     c: 访问计数
     4     l: 锁定时间
     6     r: 返回记录
     8     t: 查询时间
    10     al:平均锁定时间
    12     ar:平均返回记录数
    14     at:平均查询时间
    16 -t, 是top n的意思,即为返回前面多少条的数据;
    17 -g, 后边可以写一个正则匹配模式,大小写不敏感的;
    19 比如:
    20 得到返回记录集最多的10个SQL。
    21 mysqldumpslow -s r -t 10 /database/mysql/mysql06_slow.log
    23 得到访问次数最多的10个SQL
    24 mysqldumpslow -s c -t 10 /database/mysql/mysql06_slow.log
    26 得到按照时间排序的前10条里面含有左连接的查询语句。
    27 mysqldumpslow -s t -t 10 -g “left join” /database/mysql/mysql06_slow.log
    29 另外建议在使用这些命令时结合 | 和more 使用 ,否则有可能出现刷屏的情况。
    30 mysqldumpslow -s r -t 20 /mysqldata/mysql/mysql06-slow.log | more

    如果不能执行,可以先安装perl,然后通过perl mysqldumpslow xxx.log

    pt-query-digest 参考


    下载安装 https://www.percona.com/downloads/percona-toolkit/LATEST/



    $ perl pt-query-digest --help
    pt-query-digest analyzes MySQL queries from slow, general, and binary log files.
    It can also analyze queries from C<SHOW PROCESSLIST> and MySQL protocol data
    from tcpdump.  By default, queries are grouped by fingerprint and reported in
    descending order of query time (i.e. the slowest queries first).  If no C<FILES>
    are given, the tool reads C<STDIN>.  The optional C<DSN> is used for certain
    options like L<"--since"> and L<"--until">.  For more details, please use the
    --help option, or try 'perldoc pt-query-digest' for complete documentation.
    Usage: pt-query-digest [OPTIONS] [FILES] [DSN]
      --ask-pass                   Prompt for a password when connecting to MySQL
      --attribute-aliases=a        List of attribute|alias,etc (default db|Schema)
      --attribute-value-limit=i    A sanity limit for attribute values (default 0)
      --charset=s              -A  Default character set
      --config=A                   Read this comma-separated list of config files;
                                   if specified, this must be the first option on
                                   the command line
      --[no]continue-on-error      Continue parsing even if there is an error (
                                   default yes)
      --[no]create-history-table   Create the --history table if it does not exist (
                                   default yes)
      --[no]create-review-table    Create the --review table if it does not exist (
                                   default yes)
      --daemonize                  Fork to the background and detach from the shell
      --database=s             -D  Connect to this database
      --defaults-file=s        -F  Only read mysql options from the given file
      --embedded-attributes=a      Two Perl regex patterns to capture pseudo-
                                   attributes embedded in queries
      --expected-range=a           Explain items when there are more or fewer than
                                   expected (default 5,10)
      --explain=d                  Run EXPLAIN for the sample query with this DSN
                                   and print results
      --filter=s                   Discard events for which this Perl code doesn't
                                   return true
      --group-by=A                 Which attribute of the events to group by (
                                   default fingerprint)
      --help                       Show help and exit
      --history=d                  Save metrics for each query class in the given
                                   table. pt-query-digest saves query metrics (
                                   query time, lock time, etc.) to this table so
                                   you can see how query classes change over time
      --host=s                 -h  Connect to host
      --ignore-attributes=a        Do not aggregate these attributes (default arg,
                                   cmd, insert_id, ip, port, Thread_id, timestamp,
                                   exptime, flags, key, res, val, server_id,
                                   offset, end_log_pos, Xid)
      --inherit-attributes=a       If missing, inherit these attributes from the
                                   last event that had them (default db,ts)
      --interval=f                 How frequently to poll the processlist, in
                                   seconds (default .1)
      --iterations=i               How many times to iterate through the collect-
                                   and-report cycle (default 1)
      --limit=A                    Limit output to the given percentage or count (
                                   default 95%:20)
      --log=s                      Print all output to this file when daemonized
      --order-by=A                 Sort events by this attribute and aggregate
                                   function (default Query_time:sum)
      --outliers=a                 Report outliers by attribute:percentile:count (
                                   default Query_time:1:10)
      --output=s                   How to format and print the query analysis
                                   results (default report)
      --password=s             -p  Password to use when connecting
      --pid=s                      Create the given PID file
      --port=i                 -P  Port number to use for connection
      --preserve-embedded-numbers  Preserve numbers in database/table names when
                                   fingerprinting queries
      --processlist=d              Poll this DSN's processlist for queries, with --
                                   interval sleep between
      --progress=a                 Print progress reports to STDERR (default time,
      --read-timeout=m             Wait this long for an event from the input; 0 to
                                   wait forever (default 0).  Optional suffix s=
                                   seconds, m=minutes, h=hours, d=days; if no
                                   suffix, s is used.
      --[no]report                 Print query analysis reports for each --group-by
                                   attribute (default yes)
      --report-all                 Report all queries, even ones that have been
      --report-format=A            Print these sections of the query analysis
                                   report (default rusage,date,hostname,files,
      --report-histogram=s         Chart the distribution of this attribute's
                                   values (default Query_time)
      --resume=s                   If specified, the tool writes the last file
                                   offset, if there is one, to the given filename
      --review=d                   Save query classes for later review, and don't
                                   report already reviewed classes
      --run-time=m                 How long to run for each --iterations.  Optional
                                   suffix s=seconds, m=minutes, h=hours, d=days; if
                                   no suffix, s is used.
      --run-time-mode=s            Set what the value of --run-time operates on (
                                   default clock)
      --sample=i                   Filter out all but the first N occurrences of
                                   each query
      --set-vars=A                 Set the MySQL variables in this comma-separated
                                   list of variable=value pairs
      --show-all=H                 Show all values for these attributes
      --since=s                    Parse only queries newer than this value (parse
                                   queries since this date)
      --slave-password=s           Sets the password to be used to connect to the
      --slave-user=s               Sets the user to be used to connect to the slaves
      --socket=s               -S  Socket file to use for connection
      --timeline                   Show a timeline of events
      --type=A                     The type of input to parse (default slowlog)
      --until=s                    Parse only queries older than this value (parse
                                   queries until this date)
      --user=s                 -u  User for login if not current user
      --variations=A               Report the number of variations in these
                                   attributes' values
      --version                    Show version and exit
      --[no]version-check          Check for the latest version of Percona Toolkit,
                                   MySQL, and other programs (default yes)
      --[no]vertical-format        Output a trailing "G" in the reported SQL
                                   queries (default yes)
      --watch-server=s             This option tells pt-query-digest which server
                                   IP address and port (like "") to
                                   watch when parsing tcpdump (for --type tcpdump);
                                   all other servers are ignored
    Option types: s=string, i=integer, f=float, h/H/a/A=comma-separated list, d=DSN, z=size, m=time
      This tool accepts additional command-line arguments. Refer to the SYNOPSIS and usage information for details.
    DSN syntax is key=value[,key=value...]  Allowable DSN keys:
      ===  ====  =============================================
      A    yes   Default character set
      D    yes   Default database to use when connecting to MySQL
      F    yes   Only read default options from the given file
      P    yes   Port number to use for connection
      S    yes   Socket file to use for connection
      h    yes   Connect to host
      p    yes   Password to use when connecting
      t    no    The --review or --history table
      u    yes   User for login if not current user
      If the DSN is a bareword, the word is treated as the 'h' key.
    Options and values after processing arguments:
      --ask-pass                   FALSE
      --attribute-aliases          db|Schema
      --attribute-value-limit      0
      --charset                    (No value)
      --config                     /etc/percona-toolkit/percona-toolkit.conf,/etc/percona-toolkit/pt-query-digest.conf,/c/Users/Admin/.percona-toolkit.conf,/c/Users/Admin/.pt-query-digest.conf
      --continue-on-error          TRUE
      --create-history-table       TRUE
      --create-review-table        TRUE
      --daemonize                  FALSE
      --database                   (No value)
      --defaults-file              (No value)
      --embedded-attributes        (No value)
      --expected-range             5,10
      --explain                    (No value)
      --filter                     (No value)
      --group-by                   fingerprint
      --help                       TRUE
      --history                    (No value)
      --host                       (No value)
      --ignore-attributes          arg,cmd,insert_id,ip,port,Thread_id,timestamp,exptime,flags,key,res,val,server_id,offset,end_log_pos,Xid
      --inherit-attributes         db,ts
      --interval                   .1
      --iterations                 1
      --limit                      95%:20
      --log                        (No value)
      --order-by                   Query_time:sum
      --outliers                   Query_time:1:10
      --output                     report
      --password                   (No value)
      --pid                        (No value)
      --port                       (No value)
      --preserve-embedded-numbers  FALSE
      --processlist                (No value)
      --progress                   time,30
      --read-timeout               0
      --report                     TRUE
      --report-all                 FALSE
      --report-format              rusage,date,hostname,files,header,profile,query_report,prepared
      --report-histogram           Query_time
      --resume                     (No value)
      --review                     (No value)
      --run-time                   (No value)
      --run-time-mode              clock
      --sample                     (No value)
      --since                      (No value)
      --slave-password             (No value)
      --slave-user                 (No value)
      --socket                     (No value)
      --timeline                   FALSE
      --type                       slowlog
      --until                      (No value)
      --user                       (No value)
      --version                    FALSE
      --version-check              TRUE
      --vertical-format            TRUE
      --watch-server               (No value)
    View Code
    pt-query-digest [OPTIONS] [FILES] [DSN]
    --create-review-table  当使用--review参数把分析结果输出到表中时,如果没有表就自动创建。
    --create-history-table  当使用--history参数把分析结果输出到表中时,如果没有表就自动创建。
    --filter  对输入的慢查询按指定的字符串进行匹配过滤后再进行分析
    --limit    限制输出结果百分比或数量,默认值是20,即将最慢的20条语句输出,如果是50%则按总响应时间占比从大到小排序,输出到总和达到50%位置截止。
    --host  mysql服务器地址
    --user  mysql用户名
    --password  mysql用户密码
    --history 将分析结果保存到表中,分析结果比较详细,下次再使用--history时,如果存在相同的语句,且查询所在的时间区间和历史表中的不同,则会记录到数据表中,可以通过查询同一CHECKSUM来比较某类型查询的历史变化。
    --review 将分析结果保存到表中,这个分析只是对查询条件进行参数化,一个类型的查询一条记录,比较简单。当下次使用--review时,如果存在相同的语句分析,就不会记录到数据表中。
    --output 分析结果输出类型,值可以是report(标准分析报告)、slowlog(Mysql slow log)、json、json-anon,一般使用report,以便于阅读。
    --since 从什么时间开始分析,值为字符串,可以是指定的某个”yyyy-mm-dd [hh:mm:ss]”格式的时间点,也可以是简单的一个时间值:s(秒)、h(小时)、m(分钟)、d(天),如12h就表示从12小时前开始统计。
    --until 截止时间,配合—since可以分析一段时间内的慢查询。



    第一部分 总体统计结果


    time range:查询执行的时间范围








    # 该工具执行日志分析的用户时间,系统时间,物理内存占用大小,虚拟内存占用大小
    # 343ms user time, 78ms system time, 0 rss, 0 vsz
    # 工具执行时间
    # Current date: Thu Mar 29 15:51:38 2018
    # 运行分析工具的主机名
    # Hostname: NB2015041602
    # 被分析的文件名
    # Files: /d/xampp/mysql/data/NB2015041602-slow.log
    # 语句总数量,唯一的语句数量,QPS,并发数
    # Overall: 5 total, 3 unique, 0.00 QPS, 0.05x concurrency ________________
    # 日志记录的时间范围
    # Time range: 2018-03-28 14:02:06 to 14:22:10
    # 属性               总计      最小    最大    平均    95%  标准    中等
    # Attribute          total     min     max     avg     95%  stddev  median
    # ============     ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= =======
    # 语句执行时间
    # Exec time            60s     10s     17s     12s     17s      3s     11s
    # 锁占用时间
    # Lock time            1ms       0   500us   200us   490us   240us       0
    # 发送到客户端的行数
    # Rows sent             50      10      10      10      10       0      10
    # select语句扫描行数
    # Rows examine     629.99k  45.43k 146.14k 126.00k 143.37k  39.57k 143.37k
    # 查询的字符数
    # Query size         2.81k     235   1.36k  575.40   1.33k  445.36  234.30

    第二部分 查询分组统计结果


    query id:语句的id,(去掉多余空格和文本字符,计算hash值)







    # Profile
    # Rank Query ID           Response time Calls R/Call  V/M   Item
    # ==== ================== ============= ===== ======= ===== ==============
    #    1 0x96112A601F7BCCC0 32.9042 55.0%     3 10.9681  0.01 SELECT affiliatemerchant_list user_list
    #    2 0x70885F9703A0E38D 17.2162 28.8%     1 17.2162  0.00 SELECT normalmerchant merchant_mapping normalmerchant_addinfo merchant_search_filter affiliatemerchant_list user_list
    #    3 0x43D8527285567FC4  9.7367 16.3%     1  9.7367  0.00 SELECT affiliatemerchant_list user_list affiliatemerchant_list user_list

    第三部分 每一种查询的详细统计结果

    id:查询的id号,和上面的query id对应






    # Query 1: 0.00 QPS, 0.03x concurrency, ID 0x96112A601F7BCCC0 at byte 2647
    # This item is included in the report because it matches --limit.
    # Scores: V/M = 0.01
    # Time range: 2018-03-28 14:03:31 to 14:19:54
    # Attribute    pct   total     min     max     avg     95%  stddev  median
    # ============ === ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= =======
    # Count         60       3
    # Exec time     54     33s     11s     11s     11s     11s   243ms     11s
    # Lock time     50   500us       0   500us   166us   490us   231us       0
    # Rows sent     60      30      10      10      10      10       0      10
    # Rows examine  69 438.42k 146.14k 146.14k 146.14k 146.14k       0 146.14k
    # Query size    24     707     235     236  235.67  234.30       0  234.30
    # String:
    # Databases    database_base
    # Hosts        localhost
    # Users        root
    # Query_time distribution
    #   1us
    #  10us
    # 100us
    #   1ms
    #  10ms
    # 100ms
    #    1s
    #  10s+  ################################################################
    # Tables
    #    SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `database_base` LIKE 'table_list1'G
    #    SHOW CREATE TABLE `database_base`.`table_list1`G
    #    SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `database_base` LIKE 'user_list'G
    #    SHOW CREATE TABLE `database_base`.`user_list`G
    # EXPLAIN /*!50100 PARTITIONS*/
    select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS al.*, ul.Alias as userName
            FROM table_list1 al
            LEFT JOIN user_list ul ON ul.ID = al.UserId
             WHERE TRUE  AND (al.SupportCountrys LIKE '%%')
             limit 80, 10G


    pt-query-digest  slow.log > slow_report.log
    pt-query-digest  --since=12h  slow.log > slow_report2.log
    pt-query-digest slow.log --since '2017-01-07 09:30:00' --until '2017-01-07 10:00:00'> > slow_report3.log
    pt-query-digest --filter '$event->{fingerprint} =~ m/^select/i' slow.log> slow_report4.log
    pt-query-digest --filter '($event->{user} || "") =~ m/^root/i' slow.log> slow_report5.log
    查询所有全表扫描或full join的慢查询
    pt-query-digest --filter '(($event->{Full_scan} || "") eq "yes") ||(($event->{Full_join} || "") eq "yes")' slow.log> slow_report6.log
    pt-query-digest --user=root –password=abc123 --review  h=localhost,D=test,t=query_review--create-review-table  slow.log
    pt-query-digest  --user=root –password=abc123 --review  h=localhost,D=test,t=query_history--create-review-table  slow.log_0001
    pt-query-digest  --user=root –password=abc123 --review  h=localhost,D=test,t=query_history--create-review-table  slow.log_0002
    tcpdump -s 65535 -x -nn -q -tttt -i any -c 1000 port 3306 > mysql.tcp.txt
    pt-query-digest --type tcpdump mysql.tcp.txt> slow_report9.log
    mysqlbinlog mysql-bin.000093 > mysql-bin000093.sql
    pt-query-digest  --type=binlog  mysql-bin000093.sql > slow_report10.log
    分析general log
    pt-query-digest  --type=genlog  localhost.log > slow_report11.log
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/peter-yan/p/8670005.html
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