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  • 倒排索引

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>

    char chr_legal[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-./";
    int chr_idx[256] = {0};
    char idx_chr[256] = {0};

    #define FNAME 0
    typedef struct trie_t *trie, trie_t;
    struct trie_t {
    trie next[sizeof(chr_legal)]; /* next letter; slot 0 is for file name */
    int eow;

    trie trie_new() { return calloc(sizeof(trie_t), 1); }

    #define find_word(r, w) trie_trav(r, w, 1)
    /* tree traversal: returns node if end of word and matches string, optionally
    * create node if doesn't exist
    trie trie_trav(trie root, char * str, int no_create)
    int c;
    while (root) {
    if ((c = str[0]) == '\0') {
    if (!root->eow && no_create) return 0;
    if (! (c = chr_idx[c]) ) {

    if (!root->next[c]) {
    if (no_create) return 0;
    root->next[c] = trie_new();
    root = root->next[c];
    return root;

    /* complete traversal of whole tree, calling callback at each end of word node.
    * similar method can be used to free nodes, had we wanted to do that.
    int trie_all(trie root, char path[], int depth, int (*callback)(char *))
    int i;
    if (root->eow && !callback(path)) return 0;

    for (i = 1; i < sizeof(chr_legal); i++) {
    if (!root->next[i]) continue;

    path[depth] = idx_chr[i];
    path[depth + 1] = '\0';
    if (!trie_all(root->next[i], path, depth + 1, callback))
    return 0;
    return 1;

    void add_index(trie root, char *word, char *fname)
    trie x = trie_trav(root, word, 0);
    x->eow = 1;

    if (!x->next[FNAME])
    x->next[FNAME] = trie_new();
    x = trie_trav(x->next[FNAME], fname, 0);
    x->eow = 1;

    int print_path(char *path)
    printf(" %s", path);
    return 1;

    /* pretend we parsed text files and got lower cased words: dealing *
    * with text file is a whole other animal and would make code too long
    char *files[] = { "f1.txt", "source/f2.txt", "other_file" };
    char *text[][5] ={{ "it", "is", "what", "it", "is" },
    { "what", "is", "it", 0 },
    { "it", "is", "a", "banana", 0 }};

    trie init_tables()
    int i, j;
    trie root = trie_new();
    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(chr_legal); i++) {
    chr_idx[(int)chr_legal[i]] = i + 1;
    idx_chr[i + 1] = chr_legal[i];

    /* Enable USE_ADVANCED_FILE_HANDLING to use advanced file handling.
    * You need to have files named like above files[], with words in them
    * like in text[][]. Case doesn't matter (told you it's advanced).
    void read_file(char * fname) {
    char cmd[1024];
    char word[1024];
    sprintf(cmd, "perl -p -e 'while(/(\\w+)/g) {print lc($1),\"\\n\"}' %s", fname);
    FILE *in = popen(cmd, "r");
    while (!feof(in)) {
    fscanf(in, "%1000s", word);
    add_index(root, word, fname);

    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
    if (!text[i][j]) break;
    add_index(root, text[i][j], files[i]);

    return root;

    void search_index(trie root, char *word)
    char path[1024];
    printf("Search for \"%s\": ", word);
    trie found = find_word(root, word);

    if (!found) printf("not found\n");
    else {
    trie_all(found->next[FNAME], path, 0, print_path);

    int main()
    trie root = init_tables();

    search_index(root, "what");
    search_index(root, "is");
    search_index(root, "banana");
    search_index(root, "boo");
    return 0;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/phoenixzq/p/2244037.html
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