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  • 使用redis接管cookie

    class RedisCookie {
    // 默认配置名称(使用load_config加载)
    private $_default_config_path = 'package/cache/redis_cookie';
    // 当前用作服务端保存cookie数据的哈希名
    private $_cookie_id = null;

    // cookie中的每个变量(包含cookie_id本身), 在redis中的最大生存时间
    public $max_life_time = 0;
    // 用作生成 cookie_id 的标识值
    public $key_preffix = '';
    // 客户端cookie_id的变量名
    public $id_client_var = '';
    // 客户端cookie_id的保存domain
    public $id_client_host = '';
    // cookie_id保存于客户端时的有效时长,单位:秒
    public $id_valid_time = 0;

    // packagecacheRedis 类的一个实例
    public $redis = null;
    * 构造函数
    * @access public
    * @param objcet $redis 指定一个特定的 packagecacheRedis 实例
    * @return void
    public function __construct($redis=null) {
    $conf = load_config($this -> _default_config_path);
    if (!is_array($conf) or empty($conf)) {
    to_log(MAIN_LOG_ERROR, '', __CLASS__ . ':' . __FUNCTION__ . ': 默认配置为空');

    isset($conf['max_life_time']) and $this -> max_life_time = $conf['max_life_time'];
    isset($conf['key_preffix']) and $this -> key_preffix = $conf['key_preffix'];
    isset($conf['id_client_var']) and $this -> id_client_var = $conf['id_client_var'];
    isset($conf['id_client_host']) and $this -> id_client_host = $conf['id_client_host'];
    isset($conf['id_valid_time']) and $this -> id_valid_time = $conf['id_valid_time'];

    empty($redis) and $redis = g('\package\cache\Redis');
    $this -> redis = $redis;

    * 类似 session_start, 使用该类时调用这个方法初始化
    * @access public
    * @return void
    public function start() {
    $this -> get_now_id();

    * 获取cookie_id
    * @access public
    * @param integer $id 指定使用该id作为cookie_id
    * @return string
    public function get_now_id($id='') {
    if (!empty($id)) {
    $this -> _cookie_id = $id;
    $this -> save_id();
    $cookie_id = $id;
    }else {
    $cookie_id = $this -> get_id();

    return $cookie_id;

    * 获取指定cookie数据
    * @access public
    * @param string $name 变量名
    * @return mixed 失败返回(bool)false,否则返回(string)
    public function get($name='') {
    $name = strval($name);
    $hash = $this -> get_now_id();

    if (empty($name) or empty($hash)) {
    return false;

    $key = $this -> get_cache_key($name);
    try {
    $redis = $this -> redis -> get_handler();
    $ret = $redis -> hGet($hash, $key);
    }catch(RedisException $e) {
    return false;

    if ($ret === false) return false;
    $ret = json_decode($ret, true);
    if (!is_array($ret) or empty($ret)) return false;

    if ($ret['ttl'] <= time()) {
    $this -> delete($key);
    return false;

    $this -> renew();
    $ret = $ret['data'];

    return $ret;

    * 设置指定cookie数据
    * @access public
    * @param string $name 缓存变量名
    * @param mixed $value 缓存变量值
    * @param string $ttl 有效的生存时间
    * @return boolean
    public function set($name, $value, $ttl=3600) {
    $name = strval($name);
    $hash = $this -> get_now_id();

    if (empty($name) or empty($hash)) {
    return false;

    // 生存时间不能大于最大生存时间
    $real_ttl = $ttl <= $this -> max_life_time ? $ttl : $this -> max_life_time;
    $eff_end = time() + $real_ttl;
    $cache_data = array(
    'data' => $value,
    'ttl' => $eff_end,

    $key = $this -> get_cache_key($name);
    $json_data = json_encode($cache_data);

    try {
    $redis = $this -> redis -> get_handler();
    $ret = $redis -> hSet($hash, $key, $json_data);
    }catch(RedisException $e) {
    return false;

    if ($ret === false) return $ret;
    $this -> renew();

    return true;

    * 检测cookie_id是否已经被初始化
    * @access public
    * @return boolean
    public function check_id_exists() {
    if (isset($_COOKIE[$this -> id_client_var])) {
    return true;

    return false;

    * 删除指定名称的cookie变量
    * @access public
    * @param string $name 变量名
    * @return boolean
    public function delete($name='') {
    $name = strval($name);
    $hash = $this -> get_now_id();

    if (empty($name) or empty($hash)) {
    return false;

    $key = $this -> get_cache_key($name);
    try {
    $redis = $this -> redis -> get_handler();
    $ret = $redis -> hDel($hash, $key);
    }catch(RedisException $e) {
    return false;

    return $ret;

    * 删除该cookie_id下的全部数据
    * @access public
    * @return boolean
    public function destory() {
    $hash = $this -> get_now_id();
    if (empty($hash)) return false;

    $this -> redis -> delete($hash);
    $this -> _cookie_id = null;
    setcookie($this -> id_client_var, '', time() - 3600, '/', $this -> id_client_host, false, true);

    return true;

    * 获取或构造cookie_id(不存在时)
    * @access private
    * @return string
    private function get_id() {
    if (!empty($this -> _cookie_id)) {
    return $this -> _cookie_id;
    if (isset($_COOKIE[$this -> id_client_var])) {
    $this -> _cookie_id = $_COOKIE[$this -> id_client_var];
    }else {
    $this -> _cookie_id = $this -> create_id();
    $this -> save_id();

    return $this -> _cookie_id;

    * 保存rcookie_id到客户端
    * @access public
    * @return void
    private function save_id() {
    setcookie($this -> id_client_var, $this -> _cookie_id, time() + $this -> id_valid_time, '/', $this -> id_client_host, false, true);

    * 刷新cookie_id的生存时间
    * @access private
    * @return boolean
    private function renew() {
    $hash = $this -> get_now_id();
    if (empty($hash)) return false;

    $ret = $this -> redis -> expire($hash, $this -> max_life_time);

    return $ret;

    * 生成新的cookie_id
    * @access private
    * @return string
    private function create_id() {
    $time = time();
    $uid = uniqid($this -> key_preffix, true);
    $rand = get_rand_str(3);
    $key_str = "rcookie_id:uid:{$uid}:time:{$time}:rand:{$rand}";
    $key = sha1($key_str);

    return $key;

    * 获取redis缓存变量名
    * @access private
    * @param string $str 用作生成缓存变量的字符串
    * @return string
    private function get_cache_key($str) {
    $key = md5($str);
    return $key;
  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/phonecom/p/6816493.html
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