图中的骨架各节点的连接方式是通过看原论文(PKU-MMD: A Large Scale Benchmark for Continuous Multi-Modal Human Action Understanding)而画出来的,但我最近看到另外一篇论文(A Deep Learning Approach for Human Action Recognition using Skeletal Information)的画法:
import os import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D file_name = '0017-M.txt' points = np.loadtxt(os.path.join('/Users/wangpeng/Desktop/PKU_MMD/Skeleton', file_name), dtype=np.float) row = points.shape[0] point = (points[:, :75]).reshape(row, 25, 3) xmax = np.max(point[:, :, 0]) xmin = np.min(point[:, :, 0]) ymax = np.max(point[:, :, 1]) ymin = np.min(point[:, :, 1]) zmax = np.max(point[:, :, 2]) zmin = np.min(point[:, :, 2]) # 读取标签 num_classes = 52 # number of classes gt_array = np.loadtxt(os.path.join('/Users/wangpeng/Desktop/PKU_MMD/Label', file_name),, delimiter=',') label = np.ones([row, ], * (num_classes - 1) # 0~50th is the original ground truth. The 51st class is the background. for i in range(gt_array.shape[0]): label[gt_array[i, 1]-1: gt_array[i, 2]-1] = gt_array[i, 0] - 1 # 末尾的-1是为了让标签从0开始 # 相邻各节点列表,用来画节点之间的连接线 arm = [21, 7, 6, 5, 4, 20, 8, 9, 10, 11, 23] rightHand = [22, 7] leftHand = [24, 11] bodyLeg = [3, 2, 20, 1, 0, 12, 13, 14, 15] leftLeg = [0, 16, 17, 18, 19] # 2D展示------------------------------------------------------------------------ n = 0 # 从第n帧开始展示 m = 1 # 到第m帧结束,n<m<row plt.figure() plt.ion() for i in range(n, m): plt.cla() plt.scatter(point[i, :, 0], point[i, :, 1], c='red', s=40.0) plt.plot(point[i, arm, 0], point[i, arm, 1], c='green', lw=2.0) plt.plot(point[i, rightHand, 0], point[i, rightHand, 1], c='green', lw=2.0) plt.plot(point[i, leftHand, 0], point[i, leftHand, 1], c='green', lw=2.0) plt.plot(point[i, bodyLeg, 0], point[i, bodyLeg, 1], c='green', lw=2.0) plt.plot(point[i, leftLeg, 0], point[i, leftLeg, 1], c='green', lw=2.0) plt.text(xmax-0.8, ymax-0.2, 'frame: {}/{}'.format(i, row)) plt.text(xmax-0.8, ymax-0.4, 'label: ' + str(label[i])) plt.xlim(xmin, xmax) plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) plt.pause(0.01) plt.ioff() # 3D展示------------------------------------------------------------------------ #n = 1100 # 从第n帧开始展示 #m = 1200 # 到第m帧结束,n<m<row #fig = plt.figure() # 先生成一块画布,然后在画布上添加3D坐标轴 #plt.ion() #for i in range(n, m): # fig.clf() # ax = Axes3D(fig) # ax.scatter(point[i, :, 0], point[i, :, 1], point[i, :, 2], c='red', s=40.0) # ax.plot(point[i, arm, 0], point[i, arm, 1], point[i, arm, 2], c='green', lw=2.0) # ax.plot(point[i, rightHand, 0], point[i, rightHand, 1], point[i, rightHand, 2], c='green', lw=2.0) # ax.plot(point[i, leftHand, 0], point[i, leftHand, 1], point[i, leftHand, 2], c='green', lw=2.0) # ax.plot(point[i, bodyLeg, 0], point[i, bodyLeg, 1], point[i, bodyLeg, 2], c='green', lw=2.0) # ax.plot(point[i, leftLeg, 0], point[i, leftLeg, 1], point[i, leftLeg, 2], c='green', lw=2.0) # ax.text(xmax-0.8, ymax-0.2, zmax-0.2, 'frame {}/{}'.format(i, row)) # ax.text(xmax-0.8, ymax-0.4, zmax-0.4, 'label: ' + str(label[i])) # ax.set_xlabel("X") # ax.set_ylabel("Y") # ax.set_zlabel("Z") # ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) # ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) # ax.set_zlim(zmin, zmax) # plt.pause(0.01) # #plt.ioff()