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  • 抽象基类(ABC),纯虚函数

    #ifndef _ACCTABC_H_
    #define _ACCTABC_H_
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    //Abstract Base Class
    class AcctABC
        std::string fullName;
        long acctNum;
        double balance;
        struct Formatting
            std::ios_base::fmtflags flag;
            std::streamsize pr;
        const std::string & FullName(void) const {return fullName;}
        long AcctNum(void) const {return acctNum;}
        Formatting SetFormat(void) const;
        void Restore(Formatting & f) const;
        AcctABC(const std::string & s = "Nullbody", long an = -1, double bal = 0.0);
        void Deposit(double amt);
        virtual void Withdraw(double amt) = 0;  //pure virtual function
        double Balance(void) const {return balance;};
        virtual void ViewAcct(void) const = 0;  //pure virtual function
        virtual ~AcctABC() {}
    //Brass Account Class
    class Brass : public AcctABC
        Brass(const std::string & s = "Nullbody", long an = -1, double bal = 0.0) : AcctABC(s, an, bal) {}
        virtual void Withdraw(double amt);
        virtual void ViewAcct(void) const;
        virtual ~Brass() {}
    //Brass Plus Account Class
    class BrassPlus : public AcctABC
        double maxLoan;
        double rate;
        double owesBank;
        BrassPlus(const std::string & s = "Nullbodt", long an = -1, double bal = 0.0, double ml = 500, double r = 0.10);
        BrassPlus(const Brass & ba, double ml = 500, double r = 0.1);
        virtual void ViewAcct(void) const;
        virtual void Withdraw(double amt);
        void ResetMax(double m) {maxLoan = m;}
        void ResetRate(double r) {rate = r;}
        void ResetOwes(void) {owesBank = 0;}
    #include <iostream>
    #include "acctabc.h"
    using std::cout;
    using std::ios_base;
    using std::endl;
    using std::string;
    //Abstract Base class
    AcctABC::AcctABC(const string & s, long an, double bal)
        fullName = s;
        acctNum = an;
        balance = bal;
    void AcctABC::Deposit(double amt)
        if(amt < 0)
            cout << "Negative deposit not allowed; deposit is cancelled." << endl;
            balance += amt;
    void AcctABC::Withdraw(double amt)
        balance -= amt;
    //protected methods for formatting
    AcctABC::Formatting AcctABC::SetFormat(void) const
        //set up ###.## format
        Formatting f;
        f.flag = cout.setf(ios_base::fixed, ios_base::floatfield);
        f.pr = cout.precision(2);
        return f;
    void AcctABC::Restore(Formatting & f) const
        cout.setf(f.flag, ios_base::floatfield);
    //Brass methods
    void Brass::Withdraw(double amt)
        if(amt < 0)
            cout << "Withdrawal amount must be positive; withdrawal canceled." << endl;
        else if(amt < Balance())
            cout << "Withdrawal amount of $" << amt << " exceeds your balance." << endl << "Withdrawal canceled." << endl;
    void Brass::ViewAcct(void) const
        Formatting f = SetFormat();
        cout << "Brass Client: " << FullName() << endl;
        cout << "Account Number: " << AcctNum() << endl;
        cout << "Balance: $" << Balance() << endl;
    //BrassPlus Methods
    BrassPlus::BrassPlus(const string & s, long an, double bal, double ml, double r) : AcctABC(s, an, bal)
        maxLoan = ml;
        owesBank = 0.0;
        rate = r;
    BrassPlus::BrassPlus(const Brass & ba, double ml, double r) : AcctABC(ba)
        maxLoan = ml;
        owesBank = 0.0;
        rate = r;
    void BrassPlus::ViewAcct(void) const
        Formatting f = SetFormat();
        cout << "BrassPlus Client: " << FullName() << endl;
        cout << "Account Number: " << AcctNum() << endl;
        cout << "Balance: $" << Balance() << endl;
        cout << "Maxinum loan: $" << maxLoan <<endl;
        cout << "Owed to bank: $" << owesBank << endl;
        cout << "Loan Rate: " << 100 * rate << "%
    void BrassPlus::Withdraw(double amt)
        Formatting f = SetFormat();
        double bal = Balance();
        if(amt <= bal)
        else if(amt <= bal + maxLoan - owesBank)
            double advance = amt - bal;
            owesBank += advance * (1.0 + rate);
            cout << "Bank advance: $" << advance * rate << endl;
            cout << "Credit limit exceeded. Transaction cancelled." << endl;
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include "acctabc.h"
    const int CLIENTS = 4;
    int main(void)
        using std::cin;
        using std::cout;
        using std::endl;
        AcctABC * p_clients[CLIENTS];
        std::string temp;
        long tempnum;
        double tempbal;
        char kind;
        for(int i = 0; i < CLIENTS; i++)
            cout << "Enter client's name: ";
            getline(cin, temp);
            cout << "Enter client's account number: ";
            cin >> tempnum;
            cout << "Enter opening balance: $";
            cin >> tempbal;
            cout << "Enter 1 for Brass Account or 2 for BrassPlus Account: ";
            while(cin >> kind && (kind != '1' && kind != '2'))
                cout << "Enter either 1 or 2: ";
            if(kind == '1')
                p_clients[i] = new Brass(temp, tempnum, tempbal);
                double tmax, trate;
                cout << "Enter the overdraft limit: $";
                cin >> tmax;
                cout << "Enter the interest rate " << "as a decimal fraction: ";
                cin >> trate;
                p_clients[i] = new BrassPlus(temp, tempnum, tempbal, tmax, trate);
            while(cin.get() != '
        cout << endl;
        for(int i = 0; i < CLIENTS; i++)
            cout << endl;
        for(int i = 0; i < CLIENTS; i++)
            delete p_clients[i];
        cout << "DONE.
        return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/pingge/p/3363832.html
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