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  • 读懂掌握 Python logging 模块源码 (附带一些 example)

    搜了一下自己的 Blog 一直缺乏一篇 Python logging 模块的深度使用的文章。其实这个模块非常常用,也有非常多的滥用。所以看看源码来详细记录一篇属于 logging 模块的文章。

    整个 logging 模块的主要部分 1700 来行代码,还是很简单的。我们从实际行为来带大家过下代码

    当我们在写 logging.info 的时候我们在干啥?

    def info(msg, *args, **kwargs):
        if len(root.handlers) == 0:
        root.info(msg, *args, **kwargs)

    可以看到默认使用的 root.info 接口。

    如果我们直接调用的话会默认调用 basicConfig 的初始配置:

        if len(root.handlers) == 0:
            filename = kwargs.get("filename")
            if filename:
                mode = kwargs.get("filemode", 'a')
                hdlr = FileHandler(filename, mode)
                stream = kwargs.get("stream")
                hdlr = StreamHandler(stream)
            fs = kwargs.get("format", BASIC_FORMAT)
            dfs = kwargs.get("datefmt", None)
            fmt = Formatter(fs, dfs)
            level = kwargs.get("level")
            if level is not None:

    第一行就是拿一把锁,我们可以容易判断, logging 模块应该是考虑了线程安全的情况。

    这里我们没有 filename 所以直接会初始化一个流 handler StreamHandler 在这里会传入一个 None 最后会得到一个标准输出 sys.stderr。

    之后就是得到一些默认配置,然后设置一下输出的格式化方法最后 set 上 handler。

    最后为 root 添加上这个流处理的 handler。


    这样我们就完成了 baseConfig 的初始化。 当然你在平时看到的其他 blog 中肯定有介绍初始化 config 的各种方法,其实他们在做的就是覆盖上面那些代码的一些参数。修改成自定义的参数。

    那么可能大家会问了, root.info 这个 root 是什么定义呢?


    root = RootLogger(WARNING)
    Logger.root = root
    Logger.manager = Manager(Logger.root)

    由于上面代码是会在 logging 被 import 的时候就执行,所以 root 会直接被赋值。让我们来看看 RootLogger 初始化的时候发生了什么。

    class RootLogger(Logger):
        def __init__(self, level):
            Initialize the logger with the name "root".
            Logger.__init__(self, "root", level)

    没什么看点 让我们来看父类 logger.__init__ 实现了什么

    class Logger(Filterer):
        def __init__(self, name, level=NOTSET):
            self.name = name
            self.level = _checkLevel(level)
            self.parent = None
            self.propagate = 1
            self.handlers = []
            self.disabled = 0

    这里默认 name 是 root。 然后会初始化这些参数最后返回这个 logger 对象。

    logger 有非常多的方法其中就包括 .info .error .warn 之类的直接打印日志的方法。

    def info(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
        Log 'msg % args' with severity 'INFO'.
        To pass exception information, use the keyword argument exc_info with
        a true value, e.g.
        logger.info("Houston, we have a %s", "interesting problem", exc_info=1)
        if self.isEnabledFor(INFO):
            self._log(INFO, msg, args, **kwargs)

    当我们再调用 logging.info 的时候就是在调用 logger('root').info 

    当我们知道这点时候 就继续来看一下 logger 是怎么打日志的吧。

    调用 self._log 方法其实就是调用 logger._log 方法

    def _log(self, level, msg, args, exc_info=None, extra=None):
        if _srcfile:
                fn, lno, func = self.findCaller()
            except ValueError:
                fn, lno, func = "(unknown file)", 0, "(unknown function)"
            fn, lno, func = "(unknown file)", 0, "(unknown function)"
        if exc_info:
            if not isinstance(exc_info, tuple):
                exc_info = sys.exc_info()
        record = self.makeRecord(self.name, level, fn, lno, msg, args, exc_info, func, extra)


    会直接初始化 record 调用 makeRecord 方法。最后调用自己的 handle 方法。我们可以先来看下 makeRecord 方法。

    在看这个代码之前可以先为大家明确一下 logRecord 在 logging 日志模块里面意义。就是说我们每打印的一条日志 其实就是一个  logRecord 实例。好我们来看代码

    def __init__(self, name, level, pathname, lineno,
                 msg, args, exc_info, func=None):
        Initialize a logging record with interesting information.
        ct = time.time()
        self.name = name
        self.msg = msg
        # The following statement allows passing of a dictionary as a sole
        # argument, so that you can do something like
        #  logging.debug("a %(a)d b %(b)s", {'a':1, 'b':2})
        # Suggested by Stefan Behnel.
        # Note that without the test for args[0], we get a problem because
        # during formatting, we test to see if the arg is present using
        # 'if self.args:'. If the event being logged is e.g. 'Value is %d'
        # and if the passed arg fails 'if self.args:' then no formatting
        # is done. For example, logger.warn('Value is %d', 0) would log
        # 'Value is %d' instead of 'Value is 0'.
        # For the use case of passing a dictionary, this should not be a
        # problem.
        # Issue #21172: a request was made to relax the isinstance check
        # to hasattr(args[0], '__getitem__'). However, the docs on string
        # formatting still seem to suggest a mapping object is required.
        # Thus, while not removing the isinstance check, it does now look
        # for collections.Mapping rather than, as before, dict.
        if (args and len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], collections.Mapping)
            and args[0]):
            args = args[0]
        self.args = args
        self.levelname = getLevelName(level)
        self.levelno = level
        self.pathname = pathname
            self.filename = os.path.basename(pathname)
            self.module = os.path.splitext(self.filename)[0]
        except (TypeError, ValueError, AttributeError):
            self.filename = pathname
            self.module = "Unknown module"
        self.exc_info = exc_info
        self.exc_text = None      # used to cache the traceback text
        self.lineno = lineno
        self.funcName = func
        self.created = ct
        self.msecs = (ct - long(ct)) * 1000
        self.relativeCreated = (self.created - _startTime) * 1000
        if logThreads and thread:
            self.thread = thread.get_ident()
            self.threadName = threading.current_thread().name
            self.thread = None
            self.threadName = None
        if not logMultiprocessing:
            self.processName = None
            self.processName = 'MainProcess'
            mp = sys.modules.get('multiprocessing')
            if mp is not None:
                # Errors may occur if multiprocessing has not finished loading
                # yet - e.g. if a custom import hook causes third-party code
                # to run when multiprocessing calls import. See issue 8200
                # for an example
                    self.processName = mp.current_process().name
                except StandardError:
        if logProcesses and hasattr(os, 'getpid'):
            self.process = os.getpid()
            self.process = None

    可以看到各种参数,包括打印所需要的当前时间戳,名字要打印的内容。包括一些带进来的参数,需要打印时候的 level 等级。都会被赋到这个 logRecord 实例上面。

    拿到这个 record 之后就是执行 logger.handle 方法了。并且传入 record 实例对象。

    def handle(self, record):
        Call the handlers for the specified record.
        This method is used for unpickled records received from a socket, as
        well as those created locally. Logger-level filtering is applied.
        if (not self.disabled) and self.filter(record):

    如果说没有被 self.filter 过滤的话。注意这里的 handle 方法是是 logger 的。filter 方法却是基类 filter 的。 filter 这里会去取之前 add 进 handler 的 filter 方法是一个数组, Logger 和 Handler 类的 父类都是 Filterer类 他会维护一个 self.filters 的数组。

    然后我们调用 callHandlers 方法

    def callHandlers(self, record):
        Pass a record to all relevant handlers.
        Loop through all handlers for this logger and its parents in the
        logger hierarchy. If no handler was found, output a one-off error
        message to sys.stderr. Stop searching up the hierarchy whenever a
        logger with the "propagate" attribute set to zero is found - that
        will be the last logger whose handlers are called.
        c = self
        found = 0
        while c:
            for hdlr in c.handlers:
                found = found + 1
                if record.levelno >= hdlr.level:
            if not c.propagate:
                c = None    #break out
                c = c.parent
        if (found == 0) and raiseExceptions and not self.manager.emittedNoHandlerWarning:
            sys.stderr.write("No handlers could be found for logger"
                             " "%s"
    " % self.name)
            self.manager.emittedNoHandlerWarning = 1

    通过 logger 上挂的 handler 数组,依次拿出来调用 handle 方法处理 record 对象。

    def handle(self, record):
        Conditionally emit the specified logging record.
        Emission depends on filters which may have been added to the handler.
        Wrap the actual emission of the record with acquisition/release of
        the I/O thread lock. Returns whether the filter passed the record for
        rv = self.filter(record)
        if rv:
        return rv

    这个方法是 Handler 类的方法。还记得吗 刚才我们初始化的是 StreamHandler 方法, Handler 类是它的父类。

    然后这里会再次调用 handler 的 自身的 filter 方法。如果过滤之后依然有结果就加锁 调起 emit 方法开始打日志。

    这里会使用 StreamHandler 方法的 emit 方法。

    def emit(self, record):
        Emit a record.
        If a formatter is specified, it is used to format the record.
        The record is then written to the stream with a trailing newline.  If
        exception information is present, it is formatted using
        traceback.print_exception and appended to the stream.  If the stream
        has an 'encoding' attribute, it is used to determine how to do the
        output to the stream.
            msg = self.format(record)
            stream = self.stream
            fs = "%s
            if not _unicode: #if no unicode support...
                stream.write(fs % msg)
                    if (isinstance(msg, unicode) and
                        getattr(stream, 'encoding', None)):
                        ufs = u'%s
                            stream.write(ufs % msg)
                        except UnicodeEncodeError:
                            #Printing to terminals sometimes fails. For example,
                            #with an encoding of 'cp1251', the above write will
                            #work if written to a stream opened or wrapped by
                            #the codecs module, but fail when writing to a
                            #terminal even when the codepage is set to cp1251.
                            #An extra encoding step seems to be needed.
                            stream.write((ufs % msg).encode(stream.encoding))
                        stream.write(fs % msg)
                except UnicodeError:
                    stream.write(fs % msg.encode("UTF-8"))
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):

    然后就愉快的写到 流里面去了,就结束了整个流程。

    其实只要理解了这个流程,会发现打日志还是很简单的。我们平常的使用无法就是在这个流程上修改一些配置,或者初始化的时候不使用 root 而使用自定义的 名字然后增加一些自定义的配置 XD.


    https://juejin.im/post/5b13fdd0f265da6e0b6ff3dd  Pycon2018 利用logging模块轻松地进行Python日志记录

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/piperck/p/9634133.html
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