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  • Mysql 安全登陆工具 mysql_config_editor


    man mysql_config_editor 或 mysql_config_editor -? 或 mysql_config_editor set -?
    该文件格式由选项组组成,每个选项组被称为login path ,仅包含特定选项: host, user, password, port and socket 用于用户验证。


    mysql_config_editor set [command options] Sets user name/password/host name/socket/port for a given login path (section). 
    mysql_config_editor remove [command options] Remove a login path from the login file.
    mysql_config_editor print [command options] Print all the options for a specified login path.
    mysql_config_editor reset [command options] Deletes the contents of the login file.

    设置 login path

    [root@mysql1 ~]# mysql_config_editor set -?

    -h, --host=name Host name to be entered into the login file.
    -G, --login-path=name Name of the login path to use in the login file. (Default: client)
    -p, --password Prompt for password to be entered into the login file.
    -u, --user=name User name to be entered into the login file.
    -S, --socket=name Socket path to be entered into login file.
    -P, --port=name Port number to be entered into login file.

    mysql_config_editor set -G mypath -u root -p -S /u01/data/mysql5.7.25/mysql.sock
    mysql_config_editor set -G user1 -u user1 -p -S /u01/data/mysql5.7.25/mysql.sock

    显示 login path

    mysql_config_editor print --all
    mysql_config_editor print -G user1
    [root@mysql1 ~]# mysql_config_editor print --all
    [client] # 默认 login path
    user = root
    password = *****
    socket = /u01/data/mysql5.7.25/mysql.sock
    user = root
    password = *****
    socket = /u01/data/mysql5.7.25/mysql.sock
    user = user1
    password = *****
    socket = /u01/data/mysql5.7.25/mysql.sock

    删除 login path

    mysql_config_editor remove -G user1
    [root@mysql1 ~]# mysql_config_editor remove -G user1
    [root@mysql1 ~]# mysql_config_editor print --all
    user = root
    password = *****
    socket = /u01/data/mysql5.7.25/mysql.sock
    user = root
    password = *****
    socket = /u01/data/mysql5.7.25/mysql.sock

    重置 login file

    mysql_config_editor reset
    [root@mysql1 ~]# mysql_config_editor reset
    [root@mysql1 ~]# mysql_config_editor print --all  # 文件已被清空

    使用 login path

    mysql --login-path=mypath
    mysqladmin  --login-path=mypath
    [root@mysql1 ~]# mysqladmin --login-path=mypath status
    Uptime: 11918 Threads: 1 Questions: 18 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 106 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 99 Queries per second avg: 0.001
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/plluoye/p/10629180.html
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