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  • SRM 502(2-1000pt)

    题意:在0~(n-1)中选择k个数,使得他们的和为n的倍数的选择方案有多少种。(n <= 1000, k <= 47)

    解法:裸dp。d[i][j][k’]表示在前i个数中(0~i-1),选择k‘个数使得其和mod n的余数为j的选择方案的种数。时间、空间复杂度均为O(n^2*k),时间复杂度能接受,空间不能,用滚动数组优化即可。

    tag:dp, 水题

      1 // BEGIN CUT HERE
      2 /*
      3  * Author:  plum rain
      4  * score :
      5  */
      6 /*
      8  */
      9 // END CUT HERE
     10 #line 11 "TheCowDivTwo.cpp"
     11 #include <sstream>
     12 #include <stdexcept>
     13 #include <functional>
     14 #include <iomanip>
     15 #include <numeric>
     16 #include <fstream>
     17 #include <cctype>
     18 #include <iostream>
     19 #include <cstdio>
     20 #include <vector>
     21 #include <cstring>
     22 #include <cmath>
     23 #include <algorithm>
     24 #include <cstdlib>
     25 #include <set>
     26 #include <queue>
     27 #include <bitset>
     28 #include <list>
     29 #include <string>
     30 #include <utility>
     31 #include <map>
     32 #include <ctime>
     33 #include <stack>
     35 using namespace std;
     37 #define CLR(x) memset(x, 0, sizeof(x))
     38 #define PB push_back
     39 #define SZ(v) ((int)(v).size())
     40 #define zero(x) (((x)>0?(x):-(x))<eps)
     41 #define out(x) cout<<#x<<":"<<(x)<<endl
     42 #define tst(a) cout<<#a<<endl
     43 #define CINBEQUICKER std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false)
     45 typedef vector<int> VI;
     46 typedef vector<string> VS;
     47 typedef vector<double> VD;
     48 typedef long long int64;
     50 const double eps = 1e-8;
     51 const double PI = atan(1.0)*4;
     52 const int maxint = 2139062143;
     53 const int mod = 1000000007;
     55 int d[2][1005][50];
     57 class TheCowDivTwo
     58 {
     59     public:
     60         int find(int n, int K){
     61             CLR (d);
     62             d[0][0][0] = 1;
     63             int cur = 1;
     64             for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++ i){
     65                 for (int j = 0; j < n; ++ j){
     66                     int tmp = j-(i-1)<0 ? n+j-(i-1) : j-(i-1);
     67                     for (int k = 0; k <= K; ++ k){
     68                         d[cur][j][k] = d[cur^1][j][k];
     69                         if (k){
     70                             d[cur][j][k] = (d[cur][j][k] + d[cur^1][tmp][k-1]) % mod;
     71                         }
     72                     }
     73                 }
     74                 cur ^= 1;
     75             }
     77             return d[cur^1][0][K];
     78         }
     80 // BEGIN CUT HERE
     81     public:
     82     void run_test(int Case) { if ((Case == -1) || (Case == 0)) test_case_0(); if ((Case == -1) || (Case == 1)) test_case_1(); if ((Case == -1) || (Case == 2)) test_case_2(); if ((Case == -1) || (Case == 3)) test_case_3(); if ((Case == -1) || (Case == 4)) test_case_4(); }
     83     private:
     84     template <typename T> string print_array(const vector<T> &V) { ostringstream os; os << "{ "; for (typename vector<T>::const_iterator iter = V.begin(); iter != V.end(); ++iter) os << '"' << *iter << "","; os << " }"; return os.str(); }
     85     void verify_case(int Case, const int &Expected, const int &Received) { cerr << "Test Case #" << Case << "..."; if (Expected == Received) cerr << "PASSED" << endl; else { cerr << "FAILED" << endl; cerr << "	Expected: "" << Expected << '"' << endl; cerr << "	Received: "" << Received << '"' << endl; } }
     86     void test_case_0() { int Arg0 = 7; int Arg1 = 4; int Arg2 = 5; verify_case(0, Arg2, find(Arg0, Arg1)); }
     87     void test_case_1() { int Arg0 = 1; int Arg1 = 1; int Arg2 = 1; verify_case(1, Arg2, find(Arg0, Arg1)); }
     88     void test_case_2() { int Arg0 = 58; int Arg1 = 4; int Arg2 = 7322; verify_case(2, Arg2, find(Arg0, Arg1)); }
     89     void test_case_3() { int Arg0 = 502; int Arg1 = 7; int Arg2 = 704466492; verify_case(3, Arg2, find(Arg0, Arg1)); }
     90     void test_case_4() { int Arg0 = 1000; int Arg1 = 47; int Arg2 = 219736903; verify_case(4, Arg2, find(Arg0, Arg1)); }
     92 // END CUT HERE
     94 };
     96 // BEGIN CUT HERE
     97 int main()
     98 {
     99 //    freopen( "a.out" , "w" , stdout );    
    100     TheCowDivTwo ___test;
    101     ___test.run_test(-1);
    102        return 0;
    103 }
    104 // END CUT HERE
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/plumrain/p/srm_502.html
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