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  • BufferedInputStream 源码分析




      【markpos的作用,marklength区域内的数据表示需要保留的数据,也就是在重置(reset 方法)buffer的时候,这部分数据是不会被删除的,强制要求保留。】  


        current position in the buffer, this is the index of the next character to be read from the buffer.



        The value of the pos field at the time the last mark method was called.

        markpos 的数值等于上一次调用mark方法时候的pos位置。

    1     public synchronized void mark(int readlimit) {
    2         marklimit = readlimit;
    3         markpos = pos;
    4     }





     1 private void fill() throws IOException {
     2         byte[] buffer = getBufIfOpen();
     3         if (markpos < 0)
     4             pos = 0;            /* no mark: throw away the buffer */
     5         else if (pos >= buffer.length)  /* no room left in buffer */
     6             if (markpos > 0) {  /* can throw away early part of the buffer */
     7                 int sz = pos - markpos;
     8                 System.arraycopy(buffer, markpos, buffer, 0, sz);
     9                 pos = sz;
    10                 markpos = 0;
    11             } else if (buffer.length >= marklimit) {
    12                 markpos = -1;   /* buffer got too big, invalidate mark */
    13                 pos = 0;        /* drop buffer contents */
    14             } else {            /* grow buffer */
    15                 int nsz = pos * 2;
    16                 if (nsz > marklimit)
    17                     nsz = marklimit;
    18                 byte nbuf[] = new byte[nsz];
    19                 System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, nbuf, 0, pos);
    20                 if (!bufUpdater.compareAndSet(this, buffer, nbuf)) {
    21                     // Can't replace buf if there was an async close.
    22                     // Note: This would need to be changed if fill()
    23                     // is ever made accessible to multiple threads.
    24                     // But for now, the only way CAS can fail is via close.
    25                     // assert buf == null;
    26                     throw new IOException("Stream closed");
    27                 }
    28                 buffer = nbuf;
    29             }
    30         count = pos;
    31         int n = getInIfOpen().read(buffer, pos, buffer.length - pos);
    32         if (n > 0)
    33             count = n + pos;
    34     }

        byte[] buffer = getBufIfOpen(); 获取当前buffer的引用

         if (markpos < 0)
                  pos = 0;            /* no mark: throw away the buffer */ 整个buffer没有被标记过,也就是没有预留空间

        else if (pos >= buffer.length)  /* no room left in buffer */   (markpos >0 或=0 )有预留空间,而且没有剩余空间可用。

          if (markpos > 0) {  /* can throw away early part of the buffer */  预留空间的起始位置不在buffer的开始位置
                      int sz = pos - markpos;    挪动预留空间
                      System.arraycopy(buffer, markpos, buffer, 0, sz);
                      pos = sz;
                      markpos = 0;

          } else if (buffer.length >= marklimit) { 如果marklimit的值小于缓存的长度,说明buffer很大,从内存使用的角度考虑,此时不宜再增大缓存的容量,

                      markpos = -1;   /* buffer got too big, invalidate mark */
                      pos = 0;        /* drop buffer contents */

          } else {            /* grow buffer */ 2倍扩展buffer
                      int nsz = pos * 2;
                      if (nsz > marklimit)
                          nsz = marklimit;
                      byte nbuf[] = new byte[nsz];
                      System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, nbuf, 0, pos);
                      if (!bufUpdater.compareAndSet(this, buffer, nbuf)) { 确保多线程情况下的可见性。
                          // Can't replace buf if there was an async close.
                          // Note: This would need to be changed if fill()
                          // is ever made accessible to multiple threads.
                          // But for now, the only way CAS can fail is via close.
                          // assert buf == null;
                          throw new IOException("Stream closed");
                      buffer = nbuf;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/plxx/p/4794833.html
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