var 类型推断
type 类的分类 如:type nametype = name.GetType(); //取变量name的类型
const 常量 const int painame = 3.1415
char 是字符类型 string是字符串类型
选择语句:switch(变量){case 常量值1:语句1 break;…………;default 常量值n:语句2 break;}
二个值相同语句时:switch(变量){case 常量值1:case 常量值1:语句1 break;…………;default 常量值n:语句2 break;}
wile 循环一般用在不知道循环多少次的情况下
do…wile 是先循环后判断
foreach() 遍历
goto 跳转语句 goto pray;语句1;…………;pray: 语句n; ///直接跳过语句1执行语句n (大多情况下不允许用慎用)
break 跳出循环体
continue 跳过当次循环(非跳出循环体)
Main() { TimeOfDay time = (TimeOfDay)Enum.Parse(typeof(TimeOfDay), "afternoon",true); //从字符串对应的值,参数3区分大小写 Console.WriteLine((int)time); TimeOfDay time2 = TimeOfDay.Evening; Console.WriteLine((int)time2);//输出为2
} public enum TimeOfDay { morning = 0, Afternoon = 1, Evening = 2, }
testpray.testclass.Class1.***() namespace testpray { namespace testclass { class Class1 {}}}
static int Main(string[] args) { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(args[i]); } return 0; } //在CMD下运行程序 test /a /r /e ,a、r、e为参数
Console.WriteLine("{0,4:C2} ",i,} // 0表示索引值(对应变量I),4表示宽度(正直表示右对齐,负值表示左对齐,C2表输出精度后2位的货币,)
C | 货币 |
D | 十进制 |
E | 科学计数法 |
F | 小数点位数 |
G | 普通格式 (只显示前n个有效数字) |
N | 显示千分制 12543.234 n2 12,543.12 |
p | 百分数 0.52123 p2 52.12% |
X | 十六进制 |
2.12 C#预处理指令
#define 名称符号 (声明存在这个符号,用于调试) #undef 名称符号 (删除符号)
#if 名称符号 (在前面的#define时才会执行) #
3.3 类
ref 参数,在值参数前加入ref 其方法对参数的改变会在原始对象中体现!(调用时也要在参数上添加 ref)
out 参数,传递时变量可以不初始化,(调用时也要在参数前加 out)
命名参数,调用时可 test(i:32,98);
可选参数,必须在是方法定义的最后的参数(net4) 例:void test(int i,int n = 10) {…} //多个可选参数时可与命名参数指定参数!
属性的访问修饰符如: public name{get{} private set{}}
struct 定义一个结构体 如struct 名称 {} 注:结构是值类型
partial 部分类 ,在多个文件中存放有方法和属性 例: partial class name{}
3.10 扩展方法
扩展方法是静态方法 新建一个静态类,然后其内容中添加:
public static void AddToAmount(this 类名 参数1,扩展的方法) {参数1.Amount += 扩展的方法 }
4.3.1虚方法 (用于多态性)
virtual 关键字,例 基类: public virtual string Testprint(){} 派生类:public override string Testprint()注:字段与静态函数不能声明为virtual
using System; namespace PolymorphismApplication { class Shape { protected int width, height; public Shape( int a=0, int b=0) { width = a; height = b; } public virtual int area() { Console.WriteLine("父类的面积:"); return 0; } } class Rectangle: Shape { public Rectangle( int a=0, int b=0): base(a, b) { } public override int area () { Console.WriteLine("Rectangle 类的面积:"); return (width * height); } } class Triangle: Shape { public Triangle(int a = 0, int b = 0): base(a, b) { } public override int area() { Console.WriteLine("Triangle 类的面积:"); return (width * height / 2); } } class Caller { public void CallArea(Shape sh) { int a; a = sh.area(); Console.WriteLine("面积: {0}", a); } } class Tester { static void Main(string[] args) { Caller c = new Caller(); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(10, 7); Triangle t = new Triangle(10, 5); c.CallArea(r); c.CallArea(t); Console.ReadKey(); } } }
调用基类的方法 base.基类函数名()
抽象类与方法 必须在派生类中重写, 理解用于防漏写方法 修饰符:abstract
密封类与方法 例 sealed class name{} 对于类表示不能继承, 对于方法表示不能重写
注:应用于方法或属性时,sealed 修饰符必须始终与 override 结合使用。
4.36 带参数的构造函数 this()表示当前法
4.5 接口 关键字:interface 例 public interface IDisposable{} 有点类类似抽象类 接口的应用统一接口 相关介绍
public interface ITransferBankAccount : IBankAccount { bool TransferTo(IBankAccount destination, decimal amount); }
5.1.1泛型 相关介绍与用法可参考
5.3.2约束 where T :struct 对于结构约束,类型T必须是值类型
5.4.1 协变与抗变 相关资料 相关理解
static void Main(string[] args) { //协变 IIndex<Rectangle> rectangles = RectangleCollection.GetRectangles(); IIndex<Shape> shapes = rectangles; for (var i = 0; i < shapes.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(shapes[i]); } Console.ReadKey(); } } public class Shape { public double Width { get; set; } public double Height { get; set; } public override string ToString() { return string.Format("Width: {0}, Height: {1}.", Width.ToString(), Height.ToString()); } } public class Rectangle : Shape { } public interface IIndex<out T> { T this[int index] { get; } int Count { get; } } public class RectangleCollection : IIndex<Rectangle> { private readonly Rectangle[] _data = new Rectangle[3] { new Rectangle{Height = 2,Width = 5}, new Rectangle{Height = 3,Width = 4}, new Rectangle{Height = 4,Width = 5}, }; public static RectangleCollection GetRectangles() { return new RectangleCollection(); } public Rectangle this[int index] { get { if (index < 0 || index > _data.Length) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index"); return _data[index]; } } public int Count { get { return _data.Length; } }
int[][] =new int[3],[]
6.5Array类 如果数组元素超出整数取值范围,可以做用longlength属性来获取元素大小,,,Rank属性-数组的维数
6.5.1创建数组 Array1.CreateInstance(typeof(int),5)
设置数组元素Array1.SetValue(元素值,下标); 获取元素Array1.GetValue(下标);
6.5.2复制数组 因数组为引用类型,所以不能直接用等号,如果数组的元素为值类型,复制用 Array2=(int[]) Array1.Clone(); 注意如果数组的元素为引用类型则只复制引用,修改其只一个会改变另一个对象,如要深层副本,则必须迭代数组并创建新对象。
6.5.3数组排序 简单类型int与String可直接Array.Sort(数组)排序,如自定义类, 要使之实现IComparable<类>接口的Compareto方法,如下:
public int CompareTo(Person other) { if (other == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("other"); int result = this.LastName.CompareTo(other.LastName); if (result == 0) { result = this.FirstName.CompareTo(other.FirstName); } return result; }
6.6.2 ArraySegment<T>
static void Main() { int[] ar1 = { 1, 4, 5, 11, 13, 18 }; int[] ar2 = { 3, 4, 5, 18, 21, 27, 33 }; //分隔ar1的索引0后的3个元素,与ar2的索引3后的3个元素. var segments = new ArraySegment<int>[2] {new ArraySegment<int>(ar1, 0, 3), new ArraySegment<int>(ar2, 3, 3)}; var sum = SumOfSegments(segments); Console.WriteLine("sum of all segments: {0}", sum); Console.ReadKey(); } static int SumOfSegments(ArraySegment<int>[] segments) { int sum = 0; foreach (var segment in segments) { for (int i = segment.Offset; i < segment.Offset + segment.Count; i++) //i取的是数组的原数组下标值!即ar1与ar2的下标 { sum += segment.Array[i]; } } return sum; }
class Program { static void Main() { var titles = new MusicTitles(); foreach (var title in titles.Subset(2, 2)) { Console.WriteLine(title); } } } public class MusicTitles { string[] names = { "Tubular Bells", "Hergest Ridge", "Ommadawn", "Platinum" }; public IEnumerable<string> Subset(int index, int length) { for (int i = index; i < index + length; i++) { yield return names[i]; } } }
2用yieid return 返回枚举器
static void Main() { var game = new GameMoves(); IEnumerator enumerator = game.Cross(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { enumerator = enumerator.Current as IEnumerator; } Console.ReadLine(); } public class GameMoves { private IEnumerator cross; private IEnumerator circle; public GameMoves() { cross = Cross(); circle = Circle(); } private int move = 0; const int MaxMoves = 9; public IEnumerator Cross() { while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Cross, move {0}", move); if (++move >= MaxMoves) yield break; yield return circle;//下一次为circle方法 } } public IEnumerator Circle() { while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Circle, move {0}", move); if (++move >= MaxMoves) yield break; yield return cross;//下一次为Cross方法 } } }
var result = Divide(5, 2); Console.WriteLine("result of division: {0}, reminder: {1}, resum:{2}", result.Item1, result.Item2, result.Item3); public static Tuple<int, int,int> Divide(int dividend, int divisor) { int result = dividend / divisor; int reminder = dividend % divisor; int resum = dividend + divisor; return Tuple.Create<int,int,int>(result, reminder, resum);
if ((persons1 as IStructuralEquatable).Equals(
persons2, EqualityComparer<Person>.Default))
static void Main() { var janet = new Person { FirstName = "Janet", LastName = "Jackson"}; Person[] persons1 = { new Person { FirstName = "Michael", LastName = "Jackson" }, janet }; Person[] persons2 = { new Person { FirstName = "Michae2", LastName = "Jackson" }, janet }; Console.WriteLine(janet.ToString()); Console.ReadLine(); if (persons1 != persons2) { Console.WriteLine("不相同的引用"); } if (!persons1.Equals(persons2)) Console.WriteLine("等于返回false -不相同的引用"); if ((persons1 as IStructuralEquatable).Equals(persons2, EqualityComparer<Person>.Default)) Console.WriteLine("相同的内容"); } public class Person : IEquatable<Person> { public int Id { get; private set; } public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } public override string ToString() { return String.Format("{0}, {1} {2}", Id, FirstName, LastName); } public bool Equals(Person other) { if (other == null) return base.Equals(other); return this.FirstName == other.FirstName && this.LastName == other.LastName; } }