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    LoadRunner 11 Patch 2 支持VS2010

    What's New in LoadRunner 11.00 Patch 02

    The LoadRunner 11.00 Patch 02 release is a cumulative release and contains the content from the Patch 01 release.

    This section includes:


    This section includes:

    Ajax TruClient
    • Object Identification
      • Replay assistance.During replay, if TruClient cannot locate an object in the script, it provides you with a variety of options to locate the correct object in the application, and enables your script. to continue to replay.
      • XPath.Object Identification now provides multiple XPath suggestions.
      • TruClient includes two new functions in the JavaScript. area of a step:
        • evalXPath(XPath).Returns an array of the objects defined by the XPath in the argument.
        • random(array).Returns a random item from the array that is provided as its argument.
    • Steps
      • Else condition.You can now add anElsecondition to anIfsection in a TruClient script.
      • Verify step.A new Verify step action was added for the browser object. Possible properties to verify are Title and Location.
      • Wait for Property step.A new Wait for Property step was added. Wait for Property waits the amount of time specified in the Step Timeout for the specified property to match the specified value. The list of properties you can verify depends on the role of the object.
      • Property verification.The list of properties you can verify for each object depends on the roles of the object and is no longer limited to visible text, all text, and inner html.
      • New properties and functions.TruClient now includes more functions and properties for use in your steps. For details, see the sections on TruClient Functions and TruClient Properties in theHP Virtual User Generator User Guide.
      • Replace with parameter.You can now right-click a value in a step and selectReplace with parameterto automatically replace a value with a parameter.
    • Snapshots
      • Object icon.When you record a step on a button or similar object in TruClient, the description in the step may now include an image of the object.
      • Snapshots on errors.Snapshots on errors is now supported for TruClient scripts in Controller.
      • Compare snapshots.You can now compare recording, interactive replay, and load mode replay snapshots.
    • General
      • Web page graphs.You can now view Web page component breakdown graphs in Analysis for TruClient Vusers.
      • Due to the use of third-party components (for example, Mozilla's Necko), Ajax TruClient measurements are less detailed, and may be less accurate than in other protocols.

        Some graphs (for example, Time to First Buffer Breakdown) and some measurements (for example, SSL Handshake, Client/Error Time) are not available.

      • Browser settings.Browser settings are now accessible in theAjax TruClient General Settingsdialog box, in theBrowser Settingstab.
      • Bookmarks.You can now save bookmarks in theAjax TruClient General Settingsdialog box.
      • Transactions.TheTransaction Editordialog box now contains indications if your transaction is missing a start or end step.
    • Functions.The functionsSync on textandGet text(text trapping functions) for 32-bit applications are now supported on Windows 2008 R2.
    • XenApp 6.Citrix XenApp 6 is now supported.
    • Update to Citrix correlation rule. This update should be applied manually in order to preserve possible changes made by the user. To apply the new rule:
      • Go toTools > Recording Options > HTTP Properties > Correlationnode.
      • ClickImport.
      • In theImport Correlation Settings from a Filedialog box, find the following: ..\LoadRunner > dat > webrulesdefaultsettings > CitrixSession_TokenRule.cor.
      • ClickOpen. The new correlation rule is added for Citrix.
    • AMF parsing.LoadRunner now includes improved AMF externalizable object parsing (Action Messaging Format). This makes the process of serializing using an external Java serializer simpler and more robust.
    • RTMP
      • Messaging support.RTMP now supports enhanced record and replay of messaging and has been verified for Adobe LiveCycle Data Services ES2 Version 3.1.
      • Streaming support.RTMP now supports enhanced record and replay of streaming.
      • When you record a Flex stream, by default, LoadRunner now generates a singleflex_rtmp_receive_streamstep in place of manyflex_rtmp_receiveandflex_rtmp_sendsteps. Theflex_rtmp_receive_streamstep makes your script. more readable (eliminating tens or hundreds of lines) and makes the replay more reliable.

        Note: The newflex_rtmp_receive_streamstep is generated when theGenerate flex_rtmp_receive_stream stepoption is selected in theFlex:RTMPpane of the Recording Options dialog box. Although this step makes the script. more reliable, it does not replay certain actions you may perform. while recording your script, such aspauseandseek. It also does not replay the automatic requests that the client performs whenDynamic Streamis in use.

        If it is important to replay these actions, you can clear theGenerate flex_rtmp_receive_stream stepoption in theFlex:RTMPpane of the Recording Options dialog box, which causes LoadRunner to generate the steps for all of the raw streaming data.

        However, to ensure proper replay, you must manually modify the generated script. as described inManually Adjusting Recorded Flex RTMP Steps.

        The above functionality has been verified for Flash Media Server versions 3.5 and 4.0.

      • Externalizable objects.LoadRunner supports externalizable objects over RTMP.
      • User Data Points.LoadRunner now generates a number of new data points that provide more useful information for analysis. Note that some of the less commonly used Flex RTMP data points from previous versions were removed.
    • Correlations rules.Correlations now use a newweb_reg_save_param_exAPI which enables VuGen to find more and more precise correlations.
    • Correlations Studio.The performance of correlation studio was improved (scan for correlations).
    • Correlations.Step snapshots now include more information about tasks that were initiated by the primary request. Correlation rules now search this new more complete snapshot.
    • web_reg_save_param_ex.web_reg_save_param_exno longer supports regular expressions for left and right boundaries. To define the dynamic data with regular expressions, use the new function, web_reg_save_param_regexp.


    • LoadRunnersupport on Visual Studio 2010.The LoadRunner Visual Studio add-in now supports Visual Studio 2010.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/preftest/p/2095091.html
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