- keypoint-methods(关键点提取方法)使用Harris3D角点检测,
- descriptor-types (特征点描述)使用FPFH
遇到descriptor_kdtree.nearestKSearch(*source, i, k, k_indices, k_squared_distances); correspondences[i] = k_indices[0];
Assertion failed: point_representation_->isValid (point) && "Invalid (NaN, Inf) point coordinates given to nearestKSearch!", file C:pcl-1.9.1kdtreeincludepcl/kdtree/impl/kdtree_flann.hpp, line 136
发现存在nan点printf("inf1"); typename pcl::PointCloud<FeatureType>::iterator itr; for (itr = source->begin(); itr != source->end(); itr++) { std::cout << *itr << endl; } printf("inf2"); (nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan) (1.43461, 0.68249, 7.00692, 5.67639, 0.586942, 14.6281, 1.97115, 50.7711, 13.3196, 2.07839, 1.84432, 0.0302716, 6.23244,5.27624, 2.1539, 10.8, 21.7394, 9.44449, 9.60597, 18.2812, 6.65871, 9.77746, 0.8217, 54.9463, 10.4616, 1.65747, 5.87402, 7.36899, 1.68395, 3.46515, 4.46561, 8.38836, 0.866902) ...
本例中使用FPFH特征描述子,特征描述类型为pcl::FPFHSignature33,pcl::FPFHSignature33的结构中使用float histogram [33] = {0.f}
来描述特征,详见PCL文档。并且demo中使用了模板编程,而对于不同的检测特征需要不同的nan点检测与剔除方法。因此需要对demo中findCorrespondences方法进行特化处理,针对pcl::FPFHSignature33类型的编写特定的nan点检测与剔除方法。//模板全特化pcl::FPFHSignature33 template<> void ICCVTutorial<pcl::FPFHSignature33>::findCorrespondences(typename pcl::PointCloud<pcl::FPFHSignature33>::Ptr source, typename pcl::PointCloud<pcl::FPFHSignature33>::Ptr target, std::vector<int>& correspondences) const { std::cout << "correspondence assignment..." << std::flush; printf("inf1//////////////////////////////"); std::cout << "source cloud size:" << static_cast<int> (source->size()) << endl; typename pcl::PointCloud<pcl::FPFHSignature33>::Ptr tempSource(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::FPFHSignature33>); typename pcl::PointCloud<pcl::FPFHSignature33>::iterator itr; for (itr = source->begin(); itr != source->end(); itr++) { std::cout << *itr << endl; auto hadNan = false; //是否有nan点 auto allzero = true; //是否全零 for (auto i = 0; i < 33; i++) { //std::cout << (itr->histogram)[i] << endl; if (pcl_isnan((itr->histogram)[i])) { std::cout << "exisist nan" << endl; std::cout << (itr->histogram)[i] << endl; hadNan = true; break; } if (0 != (itr->histogram)[i]) { allzero = false; break; } } if (!hadNan && !allzero) { std::cout << "good cloud" << endl; tempSource->push_back(*itr); } } std::cout << "tempSource cloud size:" << static_cast<int> (tempSource->size()) << endl; source->clear(); std::cout << "source cloud size:" << static_cast<int> (source->size()) << endl; //(源,目标) pcl::copyPointCloud(*tempSource, *source); std::cout << "source cloud size:" << static_cast<int> (source->size()) << endl; printf("inf2//////////////////////////////"); //printf("inf3//////////////////////////////"); std::cout << "target cloud size:" << static_cast<int> (target->size()) << endl; typename pcl::PointCloud<pcl::FPFHSignature33>::Ptr tempSource2(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::FPFHSignature33>); for (itr = target->begin(); itr != target->end(); itr++) { std::cout << *itr << endl; auto hadNan = false; //是否有nan点 auto allzero = true; //是否全零 for (auto i = 0; i < 33; i++) { //std::cout << (itr->histogram)[i] << endl; if (pcl_isnan((itr->histogram)[i])) { std::cout << "exisist nan" << endl; std::cout << (itr->histogram)[i] << endl; hadNan = true; break; } if (0 != (itr->histogram)[i]) { allzero = false; break; } } if (!hadNan && !allzero) { std::cout << "good cloud" << endl; tempSource2->push_back(*itr); } } std::cout << "tempSource2 cloud size:" << static_cast<int> (tempSource2->size()) << endl; target->clear(); std::cout << "target cloud size:" << static_cast<int> (target->size()) << endl; //(源,目标) pcl::copyPointCloud(*tempSource2, *target); std::cout << "target cloud size:" << static_cast<int> (target->size()) << endl; //printf("inf4//////////////////////////////"); correspondences.resize(source->size()); // Use a KdTree to search for the nearest matches in feature space pcl::KdTreeFLANN<pcl::FPFHSignature33> descriptor_kdtree; descriptor_kdtree.setInputCloud(target); // Find the index of the best match for each keypoint, and store it in "correspondences_out" const int k = 1; std::vector<int> k_indices(k); std::vector<float> k_squared_distances(k); for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int> (source->size()); ++i) { descriptor_kdtree.nearestKSearch(*source, i, k, k_indices, k_squared_distances); correspondences[i] = k_indices[0]; } std::cout << "OK" << std::endl; }