财务资产类数据源(FI-AA)上载存在先后顺序,如果不按顺序上载信息包,则信息包请求会报错,提示需要先上载之前的数据源。 以下为SAP HELP上的说明: Sequence of DataRequest
Forsummarization of line items by master record characteristics (such as costcenter) during posting of ODS objects to InfoCubes, master data must alreadyexist prior to extraction of transaction data. The following sequence musttherefore be kept to during extraction:
1. 0FI_GL_4 General Ledger: line items (if required)
2. 0ASSET_ATTR_TEXT Asset subnumber (flexible updating)
3. 0ASSET_AFAB Depreciation area real or derived
then thetransaction data
1. 0FI_AA_11 FIAA : transactions and / or
2. 0FI_AA_12 Posted depreciations (period values)
HELP写得很明白,如果需要加载数据,需要按照0FI_GL_4==>0ASSET_ATTR_TEXT==>0ASSET_AFAB_ATTR==>0FI_AA_11==>0FI_AA_12顺序加载, 当然这个指的是增量抽取的时候,对于全量抽取,则没有加载顺序的限制。 另外,对于重新初始化,如果需要重新初始化某个数据源,同样需要先增量抽取完前面的数据源,然后再重新初始化。