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  • Exceptional C++ 精华代码—实现异常安全的Stack

    Exceptional C++ 精华代码实现异常安全的Stack

    最近赶上15号台风过境,意外的休息了半天,于是重新读了一遍Exceptional C++,在网上找了一下书中关于实现异常安全的Stack的代码,但是基本上都组织的有些乱,于是将其整理一下,并加以自己的注释,希望对学习C++的朋友们有所帮助。


    --Separate Implementation class---Implementation of StackImpl--

    template <class T> class StackImpl


                            public :

                            StackImpl ( size_t size = 0 );

                            ~ StackImpl ();

                            void Swap ( StackImpl & other ) throw ();

                            T* v_; // ptr to dynamic memory area

                            size_t vsize_ ; // capacity of v_

                            size_t vused_ ; // # of T's actually in use

                            private :

                            // private and undefined : no copying allowed

                            StackImpl ( const StackImpl & );

                            StackImpl & operator =( const StackImpl & );





    template <class T>

    StackImpl <T >:: StackImpl ( size_t size )

    : v_( static_cast <T*>

    ( size == 0 ? 0: operator new( sizeof (T)* size ) ) ),

    vsize_ ( size ),

    vused_ ( 0 )





    template <class T>

    StackImpl <T >::~ StackImpl ()


                            destroy ( v_ , v_+ vused_ );

                            operator delete ( v_ );




    template < class T1 , class T2 > void construct (T1* p, const T2& val)


                            new (p) T1(val); // placement new



    template <class T> void destroy ( T* p )


                            p ->~T();


    template < class FwdIt > void destroy ( FwdIt first , FwdIt last )


                            while ( first != last )


                                                    destroy ( &* first );

                                                    ++ first ;




    template <class T>

    void StackImpl <T >:: Swap ( StackImpl & other ) throw ()


                            swap ( v_ , other .v_ );

                            swap ( vsize_ , other . vsize_ );

                            swap ( vused_ , other . vused_ );



    template <class T> void swap ( T& a, T& b )


                T temp (a);

    a = b;

    b = temp ;


    Swap() safely exchanges guts of a StackImpl object with another one This cannot throw (only assignment of pointers)!


    真正的Stack实现代码如下, StackImpl作为Stack的成员出现:

    --Separate Implementation class---Implementation of Stack--

    Stack containing StackImpl member

    template <class T> class Stack


                            public :

                            Stack ( size_t size = 0 );

                            ~ Stack ();

                            Stack ( const Stack & );

                            Stack & operator =( const Stack & );

                            size_t Count () const ;

                            void Push ( const T& );

                            T& Top (); // if empty , throws exception

                            void Pop (); // if empty , throws exception

                            private :

                            StackImpl <T> impl_ ; // private implementation


    Stack in HAS-A containment relationship to StackImpl

    Alternative: Private inheritance (StackImpl's interface could be protected in this case)




    template <class T> Stack <T >:: Stack ( size_t size =0)

    : impl_ ( size )




    Copy Constructor:

     template <class T> Stack <T >:: Stack ( const Stack <T >& other )

     : impl_ ( other . impl_ . vused_ )


                             while ( impl_ . vused_ < other . impl_ . vused_ )


                                                     construct ( impl_ .v_+ impl_ .vused_ , other . impl_ .v_[ impl_ . vused_ ]);

                                                     ++ impl_ . vused_ ;




    Copy Assignment

    template <class T>

    Stack <T >& Stack <T >:: operator =( const Stack <T >& other )


                            Stack <T> temp ( other );

                            impl_ . Swap ( temp . imp_ ); // this can 't throw

                            return * this ;


    Canonical form of copy assignment:"Create Temporary and Swap"idiom Strongly exception safe, provided non-throwing Swap() function Protected against self-assignment.Take code that might throw safely off to the side. When this has succeeded, modify the program state (and clean up) using only non-throwing operations.



    template <class T>

    size_t Stack <T >:: Count () const


                            return impl_ . vused_ ;




    template <class T>

    size_t Stack <T >:: Push ( const T& t )


                            if ( impl_ . vused_ == impl_ . vsize_ ) {

                            Stack temp ( impl_ . vsize_ * 2 + 1 );

                            while ( temp . Count () < impl_ . vsize_ )


                                                    temp . Push ( impl_ .v_[ temp . Count ()] );


                            temp . Push ( t );

                            impl_ . Swap ( temp . impl_ );




                                                                            construct ( impl_ .v_ + impl_ .vused_ , t );

                                                                            ++ impl_ . vused_ ;





    template <class T> std :: auto_ptr <T> Stack <T >:: Pop ()


                             if ( impl_ . vused_ == 0 ) throw " empty stack ";

                             std :: auto_ptr <T> res = new T( impl_ .v_[ impl_ . vused_ - 1] );

                             --impl_ . vused_ ;

                             destroy ( impl_ .v_ + impl_ . vused_ );

                             return res;


    auto_ptr assignment cannot failTrades off performance for exception safety.








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