Ogre RTSS Node Based System
dark_sylinc wrote: I agree on the tools. This is why I added a few slides about RTSS to be more node-like. If we make a customizable node system, creating a graphical interactive tool for setting up material would be very easy.....
I proposed an idea similar to this back in 2011, (see here), however i did not get enough feedback to warrant me spending a lot of time on it. However the comments I did get back made some valid points. Mainly the RTSS is slightly lower level then a node based system that an artist may use, however there some simple extensions that could be added to RTSS to allow a node based system to be built on top of it if someone wishes.
你想拥有Blender这样cool的Node Editor吗?
你想在自己的项目中实现这样cool的Node Editor吗?本人经过很长一段时间的搜索,收集了一些节点编辑器,总有一款你喜欢的,现整理如下:
1. QT Node Editor
§ Simple and flexible
§ Style with CSS
§ Automatic connection path handling that still handles the basic cases nicely
§ Provide signals and slots where useful
开源免费的哦!MIT License. 不过目前该软件正在重构开发中,期待新版本。。。。。。
2. Kiwi
· Kiwi is free.
· Kiwi is generic.
· Kiwi is lightweight and fast.
· Kiwi is easy to use as a non-developer and easy to extend.
· Kiwi is good re-usability and prototyping.
· Kiwi is not finished yet... (but will be operational soon !)
这个是目前效果最接近Blender的,作者也说了,自己是受Blender's node compositor启发才开发出Kiwi的,这个库分D语言版本和C++版本,而C++语言版本正在开发完善中。同样非常期待。
3. OpenAssembler
4. QNodesEditor
5. NetworkView(WPF控件)
NetworkView: A WPF custom control for visualizing and editing networks, graphs and flow-charts
6. ShaderMan
Visual node-based editor for DAGs.