一个简单的APC例子,对应于Windows 并发编程指南p124。
#include "stdafx.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> VOID NTAPI ApcFunc(ULONG_PTR pValue) { printf("Hello, this is APC and the parameter value is %d\n", *((DWORD*)pValue)); delete (DWORD*)pValue; } DWORD WINAPI Thread_A_Proc(LPVOID) { printf("Thread A is waiting...\n"); // Note: hEvent never signals HANDLE hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE/*bInitialState*/, NULL); // Wait till APC calls DWORD dwRet = WaitForSingleObjectEx(hEvent, INFINITE, TRUE /*bAlertable*/); if(dwRet == WAIT_IO_COMPLETION) printf("Hoho, A is waken up by APC call.\n"); CloseHandle(hEvent); return 0L; } DWORD WINAPI Thread_B_Proc(LPVOID hThread_A) { printf("Thread B will wake up Thread A in 3 sec...\n"); Sleep(3000); DWORD* dwData = new DWORD(2013); QueueUserAPC(ApcFunc, (HANDLE)hThread_A, (ULONG_PTR)dwData); return 0L; } int wmain(int argc, wchar_t * argv[]) { HANDLE handles[2] = {}; // 1) Create two thread: // A. Sleep and alertable wait. // B. Send a APC to A's APC queue. HANDLE hThread_A = handles[0] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, Thread_A_Proc, NULL, 0, NULL); HANDLE hThread_B = handles[1] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, Thread_B_Proc, hThread_A, 0, NULL); WaitForMultipleObjects(2, handles, TRUE, INFINITE); printf("Done!\n"); getchar(); }
Thread A is waiting... Thread B will wake up Thread A in 3 sec... Hello, this is APC and the parameter value is 2013 Hoho, A is waken up by APC call. Done!