I don't know why the xpath does not work, but have an easier solution. Discourse also has a JSON response, that is easier to work with:
"expected_update_period_in_days": "2",
"url": "https://discussion.listary.com/c/release.json",
"type": "json",
"mode": "on_change",
"extract": {
"title": {
"path": "topic_list.topics[*].title"
I've been playing around with huginn for a week to setup security feeds. I worked around a way to add prefix/suffix to url/link by using concat(string1,string2) function in the value field. For your scenario,try:
"url": {
"css": "body",
"value": "concat('@attr',testing)"
The attr is to be replaced with the attribute containing url (which for most cases was @href). Hope this helps. Have fun!
{{content-full.post_array | map: 'url' | join: ','}}.
{{"'https://discuss.ardupilot.org/t",topic_list.topics[*] | split: "," | join "/"}}
{{ url | to_uri: "http://mp.weixin.qq.com" }}