// Change.cpp: implementation of the CChange class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include "CodeChange.h" #include "Change.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__; #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CChange::CChange() { } CChange::~CChange() { } CString CChange::Encode_ansitounicode(CString str_temp) { CString return_temp; //声明返回变量 CString szAnsi = str_temp; //要进行转换编码的字符串 int wcsLen = ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, NULL, szAnsi, strlen(szAnsi), NULL, 0); //获得所需空间大小 wchar_t * wszString = new wchar_t[wcsLen+1]; //声明wchar_t变量,用于保存转换后的值 ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, NULL, szAnsi, strlen(szAnsi), wszString, wcsLen); //进行转换 wszString[wcsLen] = '\0'; //加上结束符 char *buf = (char *)malloc(wcsLen*2); //分配空间到变量 buf =(char *)wszString; //定义变量 //AfxMessageBox(buf); for(int i=0;i<wcsLen*2;i++) //用循环输出信息到编辑框 { str_temp.Format("%2.2x", buf[i]); //转成十六进制格式 str_temp = str_temp.Right(2); //取右二位 return_temp = return_temp + str_temp + " "; //用空格隔开 //AfxMessageBox(return_temp); } //#ifdef _DEBUG CFile cFile; cFile.Open(_T("ansitounicode.txt"), CFile::modeWrite | CFile::modeCreate); //文件开头 cFile.SeekToBegin(); //写入内容 cFile.Write("\xff\xfe", 2); cFile.Write(wszString, wcsLen * sizeof(wchar_t)); cFile.Flush(); cFile.Close(); //#endif delete[] wszString; wszString =NULL; return return_temp; } CString CChange::Encode_unicodetoansi(CString str_temp) { CString return_temp; //声明返回变量 char *endptr; //暂末用到 char string1[2], string2[2]; //用于存放两个字节 char *str_char = str_temp.GetBuffer(str_temp.GetLength()); //声明一个指针,指向字符串所映射的内存 //if(str_temp.GetLength() == 0 || 0 != str_temp.GetLength()%4) //简单的异常处理 //{ //AfxMessageBox("You string have lost some letter! Please input again!"); //return ""; //} wchar_t * wszString = new wchar_t[str_temp.GetLength()/4+1]; //声明wchar_t变量(unsigned short) for(int i = 0;i < str_temp.GetLength()/4;i++) //对两个两个数据进行处理 { //memcpy(string1, str_char+4*i, 2); //将str_char中的数据的2个字节复制到string1 //memcpy(string2, str_char+2+4*i, 2); string1[0] = str_temp[i*4]; string1[1] = str_temp[i*4+1]; string2[0] = str_temp[i*4+2]; string2[1] = str_temp[i*4+3]; CString string3; string3.Format("%c%c%c%c", string2[0],string2[1],string1[0],string1[1]); //memcpy(string3, string2, 2); //memcpy(string3+2, string1, 2); //复制4个字节数据到string3 long num = strtol(string3, &endptr, 16); wszString[i] = num; //转成16进制存入数组 } wszString[str_temp.GetLength()/4] = '\0'; //插入结束符 int ansiLen = str_temp.GetLength()/4; //目录字符数据大小 for(int j=0; j < str_temp.GetLength()/4; j++) { if(wszString[j]>256) ansiLen++; } //int ansiLen = ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, NULL, wszString, wcslen(wszString), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); char* szAnsi = new char[ansiLen + 1]; //声明保存数据变量 ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, NULL, wszString, wcslen(wszString), szAnsi, ansiLen, NULL, NULL); //进行转换 szAnsi[ansiLen] = '\0'; //赋结束符 return_temp = szAnsi; //#ifdef _DEBUG CFile cFile; cFile.Open(_T("unicodetoansi.txt"), CFile::modeWrite | CFile::modeCreate); //文件开头 cFile.SeekToBegin(); //写入内容 cFile.Write(szAnsi, ansiLen * sizeof(char)); cFile.Flush(); cFile.Close(); //#endif delete[] szAnsi; szAnsi =NULL; return return_temp; } CString CChange::Encode_ansitoutf8(CString str_temp) { CString return_temp; //声明返回变量 CString szAnsi = str_temp; //要进行转换编码的字符串 int wcsLen = ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, NULL, szAnsi, strlen(szAnsi), NULL, 0); //获得所需空间大小 wchar_t * wszString = new wchar_t[wcsLen+1]; //声明wchar_t变量,用于保存转换后的值 ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, NULL, szAnsi, strlen(szAnsi), wszString, wcsLen); //进行转换 wszString[wcsLen] = '\0'; //加上结束符 //到此时wszString里已经是转成unicode编码的数据了,接下来就只要将unicode编成utf-8就可以了 //wchar_t* wszString = L"中国a"; //测试用的数据 int u8Len = ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, NULL, wszString, wcslen(wszString),NULL, 0,NULL,NULL); //所需数据大小 char* szU8 = new char[u8Len+1]; //保存utf-8编码数据 //UTF8虽然是Unicode的压缩形式,但也是多字节字符串,所以可以以char的形式保存 //unicode版对应的strlen是wcslen ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, NULL, wszString, wcslen(wszString), szU8, u8Len, NULL, NULL); //进行 utf-8转码 szU8[u8Len] = '\0'; //加上结束符 //MessageBox不支持UTF8,所以只能写文件 //return_temp = szU8; //将数据赋给 返回值变量 for(int i=0;i<u8Len;i++) //用循环输出信息到编辑框 { str_temp.Format("%2.2x", szU8[i]); //转成十六进制格式 str_temp = str_temp.Right(2); //取右二位 return_temp = return_temp + str_temp + " "; //用空格隔开 //AfxMessageBox(return_temp); } //#ifdef _DEBUG //写文本文件,UTF8的BOM是0xbfbbef CFile cFile; cFile.Open(_T("ansitoutf8.txt"), CFile::modeWrite | CFile::modeCreate); cFile.SeekToBegin(); cFile.Write("\xef\xbb\xbf", 3);//写BOM,同样低位写在前 cFile.Write(szU8, u8Len*sizeof(char)); cFile.Flush(); cFile.Close(); //#endif delete[] szU8; szU8 = NULL; return return_temp; } CString CChange::Encode_utf8toansi(CString str_temp) { CString return_temp; //声明返回变量 char *endptr; //暂末用到 //char* szU8 = "abcd1234\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe6\x88\x91\xe4\xbb\x96\x00"; //测试数据 char *szU8 = new char[str_temp.GetLength()/2+1]; //存放要转换的数据 char string1[1]; //用于存放两个字节 char * str_char = str_temp.GetBuffer(str_temp.GetLength()); //声明一个指针,指向字符串所映射的内存 str_temp.ReleaseBuffer(); //释放对象 for(int i = 0;i < str_temp.GetLength()/2;i++) //两位两位的处理,将字符串转成十六进制存储 { memcpy(string1, str_char+i*2, 2); szU8[i] = (char)strtol(string1, &endptr, 16); } szU8[str_temp.GetLength()/2] = '\0'; //加入结束符 int wcsLen = ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, NULL, szU8, strlen(szU8),NULL, 0); //获取常量大小 wchar_t* wszString = new wchar_t[wcsLen+1]; //保存数据的变量 ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, NULL, szU8, strlen(szU8), wszString, wcsLen); //多位转字节 wszString[wcsLen] = '\0'; //加入结束符 int ansiLen = ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, NULL, wszString, wcslen(wszString), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); //获取常量大小 char* szAnsi = new char[ansiLen+1]; //声明保存数据变量 ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, NULL, wszString, wcslen(wszString), szAnsi, ansiLen, NULL, NULL); //进行转换 szAnsi[ansiLen] = '\0'; //赋结束符 return_temp = szAnsi; //#ifdef _DEBUG CFile cFile; cFile.Open(_T("utf8toansi.txt"), CFile::modeWrite | CFile::modeCreate); //文件开头 cFile.SeekToBegin(); //写入内容 cFile.Write(szAnsi, ansiLen * sizeof(char)); cFile.Flush(); cFile.Close(); //#endif delete[] szAnsi; delete[] szU8; szU8 = NULL; szAnsi =NULL; //AfxMessageBox(return_temp); return return_temp; }