其中 sigma为普朗特数,r为瑞利数,b为非负常数,这是一个混沌系统。当我们取参数 sigma=10,r=28,sigma=8/3,初值为(0,1,0)时,采用四阶显式龙格库塔方法进行求解的MATLAB程序如下:
clc,clear; close all; k = 0.01; % constant step size tf = 100; % final time % given initial conditions y0(1) = 0; y0(2) = 1; y0(3) = 0; y0 = shiftdim(y0); % integrate [tout,yout] = rk4(tf,k,y0); % plot solution in phase space figure (1) subplot(1,3,1) plot(yout(1,:),yout(2,:)); xlabel('y_1'); ylabel('y_2'); subplot(1,3,2) plot(yout(1,:),yout(3,:)); xlabel('y_1'); ylabel('y_3'); subplot(1,3,3) plot(yout(2,:),yout(3,:)); xlabel('y_2'); ylabel('y_3'); figure (2) subplot(1,3,1) plot(tout,yout(1,:)); xlabel('t'); ylabel('y_1'); subplot(1,3,2) plot(tout,yout(2,:)); xlabel('t'); ylabel('y_2'); subplot(1,3,3) plot(tout,yout(3,:)); xlabel('t'); ylabel('y_3');
function [tout,yout] = rk4 (tf,k,y0) % % [tout,yout] = rk4 (tf,k,y0) % solves non-stiff IVODEs based on classical 4-stage Runge-Kutta % % y’ = ffun (t,y), y(0) = y0, 0 < t < tf % ffun returns a vector of m components for a given % t and y of m components. % % Input: % tf - final time % k - uniform step size % y0 - initial values y(0) (size (m,1)) % % Output: % tout - times where solution is computed % yout - solution vector at times tout. % prepare N = tf / k; tout = [0]; fo = ffun (tout(1),y0); yout(:,1) = y0; % loop in time for n=1:N t = tout(n); y = yout(:,n); Y1 = y; K1 = ffun(t,Y1); Y2 = y + k/2*K1; t = t + k/2; K2 = ffun(t,Y2); Y3 = y + k/2*K2; K3 = ffun(t,Y3); Y4 = y + k*K3; t = t + k/2; K4 = ffun(t,Y4); tout(n+1) = t; yout(:,n+1) = y + k/6*(K1+2*K2+2*K3+K4); end end
function f = ffun(t,y) % function defining ODE sigma = 10; b = 8/3; r = 28; f = zeros(3,1); f(1) = sigma *(y(2)-y(1)); f(2) = r * y(1) - y(2) - y(1)*y(3); f(3) = y(1)*y(2) - b*y(3);
[1] Ascher, Uri M . Numerical Methods for Evolutionary Differential Equations, SIAM, 2008.