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  • [转] gdb中忽略信号处理


    信号是一种软中断,是一种处理异步事件的方法。一般来说,操作系统都支持许多信号。尤其是UNIX,比较重要应用程序一般都会处理信号。UNIX定义了许 多信号,比如SIGINT表示中断字符信号,也就是Ctrl+C的信号,SIGBUS表示硬件故障的信号;SIGCHLD表示子进程状态改变信号; SIGKILL表示终止程序运行的信号,等等。信号量编程是UNIX下非常重要的一种技术。


    在GDB中定义一个信号处理。信号可以以SIG开头或不以 SIG开头,可以用定义一个要处理信号的范围(如:SIGIO-SIGKILL,表示处理从SIGIO信号到SIGKILL的信号,其中包括SIGIO, SIGIOT,SIGKILL三个信号),也可以使用关键字all来标明要处理所有的信号。一旦被调试的程序接收到信号,运行程序马上会被GDB停住,以 供调试。其可以是以下几种关键字的一个或多个。


    info signals
    info handle


    程序是和网络相关的,调试期间经常地收到SIGPIPE,导致gdb停下来。看了一下gdb info,解决方法很简单。用handle命令设置一下缺省signal的处理行为就可以了:
       handle SIGPIPE nostop
       handle SIGPIPE nostop noprint
    就可以了。其他相关信号也可以类似处理。想了解目前的signal状态可以使用info signal察看。

    GDB使用中比较麻烦的事情,就是每次启动,还要手动敲一把命令,特别是断点比较多的情况,这个特便影响,工作效率。查了一下gdb info,gdb支持自动读取一个启动脚本文件.gdbinit,所以经常输入的启动命令,就都可以写在gdb启动目录的.gdbinit里面。比如
       file myapp
       handle SIGPIPE nostop
       break ss.c:100
       break ss.c:200
       file myapp
       handle SIGPIPE nostop
       source gdb.break
       break ss.c:100
       break ss.c:200
    这样修改的断点配置,只需要编辑gdb.break就可以了。再后来,偶而还是需要单独启动GDB,不想执行自动脚本,于是又改进了一下。首先把.gdbinit命名为gdb.init,然后定义一个shell alias:
       $ alias .gdb=”gdb -x gdb.init”





    alias顾名思义就是起别名的意思,在linux里,可以通过alias命令为常用命令设置快捷方式,命令格式如下: alias name='command' 例如:alias del='rm'

    欲显示系统已有别名,直接使用 alias或alias -p



    handle SIGUSR2 nostop


        转自Magic C++论坛





        原发贴者 Couger:








        (gdb) handle SIGINT nostop print pass

        SIGINT is used by the debugger.

        Are you sure you want to change it? (y or n) y

        Signal Stop Print Pass to program Description

        SIGINT No Yes Yes Interrupt






        (gdb) signal SIGINT

        Continuing with signal SIGINT.

        Breakpoint 1, handler (signal=2) at main.cpp:15

        15 printf("Signal handler... "




        ;-( 但是这两种方法目前MC都还不支持,所以需要等新版本的MC才可以方便的支持你这种调试情况,呵呵。临时先手工调试一下吧。







        * This program is uninterruptable with

        * Ctrl+C, uses signal handler


        #include ;

        #include ;

        #include ;

        /* The signal handler function */

        void handler( int signal ) {

        printf("Signal handler... "



        psignal( signal, "Signal: "



        } /*handler*/

        main() {

        /* Registering the handler, catching

        SIGINT signals */

        signal( SIGINT, handler );

        /* Do nothing */

        while( 1 ) {

        printf("Running... "




        } /*while*/

        } /*main*/




        5.3 Signals

        A signal is an asynchronous event that can happen in a program. The

        operating system defines the possible kinds of signals, and gives each

        kind a name and a number. For example, in Unix SIGINT is the signal a

        program gets when you type an interrupt character (often C-c); SIGSEGV

        is the signal a program gets from referencing a place in memory far

        away from all the areas in use; SIGALRM occurs when the alarm clock

        timer goes off (which happens only if your program has requested an


        Some signals, including SIGALRM, are a normal part of the functioning

        of your program. Others, such as SIGSEGV, indicate errors; these

        signals are fatal (they kill your program immediately) if the program

        has not specified in advance some other way to handle the signal.

        SIGINT does not indicate an error in your program, but it is normally

        fatal so it can carry out the purpose of the interrupt: to kill the


        GDB has the ability to detect any occurrence of a signal in your

        program. You can tell GDB in advance what to do for each kind of


        Normally, GDB is set up to let the non-erroneous signals like SIGALRM

        be silently passed to your program (so as not to interfere with their

        role in the program's functioning) but to stop your program immediately

        whenever an error signal happens. You can change these settings with

        the handle command.

        info signals

        info handle

        Print a table of all the kinds of signals and how GDB has been told to

        handle each one. You can use this to see the signal numbers of all the

        defined types of signals.

        info handle is an alias for info signals.

        handle signal keywords...

        Change the way GDB handles signal signal. signal can be the number of a

        signal or its name (with or without the `SIG' at the beginning); a list

        of signal numbers of the form `low-high'; or the word `all', meaning

        all the known signals. The keywords say what change to make.

        The keywords allowed by the handle command can be abbreviated. Their full names are:


        GDB should not stop your program when this signal happens. It may still

        print a message telling you that the signal has come in.


        GDB should stop your program when this signal happens. This implies the print keyword as well.


        GDB should print a message when this signal happens.


        GDB should not mention the occurrence of the signal at all. This implies the nostop keyword as well.



        GDB should allow your program to see this signal; your program can

        handle the signal, or else it may terminate if the signal is fatal and

        not handled. pass and noignore are synonyms.



        GDB should not allow your program to see this signal. nopass and ignore are synonyms.

        When a signal stops your program, the signal is not visible to the

        program until you continue. Your program sees the signal then, if pass

        is in effect for the signal in question at that time. In other words,

        after GDB reports a signal, you can use the handle command with pass or

        nopass to control whether your program sees that signal when you


        The default is set to nostop, noprint, pass for non-erroneous signals

        such as SIGALRM, SIGWINCH and SIGCHLD, and to stop, print, pass for the

        erroneous signals.

        You can also use the signal command to prevent your program from seeing

        a signal, or cause it to see a signal it normally would not see, or to

        give it any signal at any time. For example, if your program stopped

        due to some sort of memory reference error, you might store correct

        values into the erroneous variables and continue, hoping to see more

        execution; but your program would probably terminate immediately as a

        result of the fatal signal once it saw the signal. To prevent this, you

        can continue with `signal 0'. See section Giving your program a signal.

    On some targets, gdb can inspect extra signal information associated with the intercepted signal, before it is actually delivered to the program being debugged. This information is exported by the convenience variable $_siginfo, and consists of data that is passed by the kernel to the signal handler at the time of the receipt of a signal. The data type of the information itself is target dependent. You can see the data type using the ptype $_siginfo command. On Unix systems, it typically corresponds to the standard siginfo_t type, as defined in thesignal.hsystem header.

    Here's an example, on a gnu/Linux system, printing the stray referenced address that raised a segmentation fault.

         (gdb) continue
         Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
         0x0000000000400766 in main ()
         69        *(int *)p = 0;
         (gdb) ptype $_siginfo
         type = struct {
             int si_signo;
             int si_errno;
             int si_code;
             union {
                 int _pad[28];
                 struct {...} _kill;
                 struct {...} _timer;
                 struct {...} _rt;
                 struct {...} _sigchld;
                 struct {...} _sigfault;
                 struct {...} _sigpoll;
             } _sifields;
         (gdb) ptype $_siginfo._sifields._sigfault
         type = struct {
             void *si_addr;
         (gdb) p $_siginfo._sifields._sigfault.si_addr
         $1 = (void *) 0x7ffff7ff7000


        直接使用gdb signal命令发送信号给调试目标程序




        语法是:signal ;,UNIX的系统信号通常从1到15。所以;取值也在这个范围。



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qiangxia/p/4738824.html
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