The caller property is available only within the body of a function. If used outside a function declaration, the caller property is null.
The caller property is a reference to the calling function, so
- If you use it in a string context, you get the result of calling functionName.toString. That is, the decompiled canonical source form of the function.
- You can also call the calling function, if you know what arguments it might want. Thus, a called function can call its caller without knowing the name of the particular caller, provided it knows that all of its callers have the same form and fit, and that they will not call the called function again unconditionally (which would result in infinite recursion).
PS: Opera 不支持Caller,返回 undefiend ,( 是不是很BT? ) {更新下,新的Opera9.5+已经支持}
返回当前运行的Function函数体,说起很别扭,因为alert(arguments.callee) 输出的确实是一段当前函数体
a property whose value is the function reference.
arguments.callee refers to the function that is currently running. It provides a way for an unnamed function to refer to itself. This property is defined only within a function body.
function(x) {
if (x <= 1) return 1;
return x * arguments.callee(x-1);
arguments.length :实际参数长度
arguments.callee.length :形参长度
DemoCallee === arguments.callee :这两者是相等的
ECMAScript specifies two methods that are defined for all functions, call() and apply(). These methods allow you to invoke a function as if it were a method of some other object. The first argument to both call() and apply() is the object on which the function is to be invoked; this argument becomes the value of the this keyword within the body of the function. Any remaining arguments to call() are the values that are passed to the function that is invoked.