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  • 视频输入 范例


    *返回值:成功为0 失败非0
    HI_S32 enable_VI_dev()
        HI_S32 s32Ret;     //返回值
        VI_DEV ViDev = 0;     //VI设备号
        VI_CHN ViChn = 0;     //VI通道号
        VI_DEV_ATTR_S stDevAttr; 
        VI_CHN_ATTR_S stChnAttr; 
        stDevAttr.enIntfMode =VI_MODE_BT1120_STANDARD;         //接口模式
        stDevAttr.enWorkMode = VI_WORK_MODE_1Multiplex;     //124路复合工作模式
        stDevAttr.au32CompMask[0] = 0xFF000000;             //分量掩码
        stDevAttr.au32CompMask[1] = 0xFF0000; 
        stDevAttr. enClkEdge = VI_CLK_EDGE_SINGLE_UP;         //时钟边沿采样模式
        stDevAttr.s32AdChnId[0] = -1;                         //取值范围
        stDevAttr.s32AdChnId[1] = -1; 
        stDevAttr.s32AdChnId[2] = -1;
        stDevAttr.s32AdChnId[3] = -1; 
        s32Ret = HI_MPI_VI_SetDevAttr(ViDev, &stDevAttr);     //设置VI设备属性
        if (s32Ret != HI_SUCCESS) 
            printf("Set dev attributes failed with error code %#x!
    ", s32Ret); 
            return HI_FAILURE; 
        s32Ret = HI_MPI_VI_EnableDev(ViDev);                 //使能VI设备
        if (s32Ret != HI_SUCCESS) 
            printf("Enable dev failed with error code %#x!
    ", s32Ret); 
            return HI_FAILURE; 
        stChnAttr.stCapRest.s32X = 0;                         //捕获区域起始坐标
        stChnAttr.stCapRect.s32Y = 0; 
        stChnAttr.stCapRect.u32Width = 1920;                 //捕获区域宽高
        stChnAttr.stCapRect.u32Height = 1080; 
        stChnAttr.stDestSize.u32Width = 1920;                 //目标图像大小
        stChnAttr.stDestSize.u32Height = 1080; 
        stChnAttr.enCapSel = VI_CAPSEL_BOTH;                 //帧场选择 只用于隔行模式
        stChnAttr.enScanMode = VI_SCAN_PROGRESSIVE;         //输入扫描模式 逐行or隔行
        stChnAttr.enPixFormat = PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV_SEMIPLANAR_422;     //小苏储存格式
        stChnAttr.bMirror = HI_FALSE;                         //是否水平翻转
        stChnAttr.bFlip = HI_FALSE;                         //是否垂直翻转
        stChnAttr.s32SrcFrameRate = -1;                     //原始帧率
        stChnAttr.s32DstFrameRate = -1;                     //目标帧率
        s32Ret = HI_MPI_VI_SetChnAttr(ViChn,&stChnAttr);     //通道属性
        if (s32Ret != HI_SUCCESS) 
            printf("Set chn attributes failed with error code %#x!
    ", s32Ret); 
            return HI_FAILURE; 
        s32Ret = HI_MPI_VI_EnableChn(ViChn);                 //使能通道
        if (s32Ret != HI_SUCCESS) 
            printf("Enable chn failed with error code %#x!
    ", s32Ret); 
            return HI_FAILURE; 
    /* now, vi is capturing images, you can do something else ... */ 
        s32Ret = HI_MPI_VI_DisableChn(ViChn);                 //关闭通道
        if (s32Ret != HI_SUCCESS)
            printf("Disable chn failed with error code %#x!
    ", s32Ret); 
            return HI_FAILURE; 
        s32Ret = HI_MPI_VI_DisableDev(ViDev);                 //关闭设备
        if (s32Ret != HI_SUCCESS) 
            printf("Disable dev failed with error code %#x!
    ", s32Ret); 
            return HI_FAILURE; 


    HI_S32 vi_create_chn(PIXEL_FORMAT_E pixform, int vi_chn_num)
        VI_DEV ViDev;
        VI_DEV_ATTR_S stViDevAttr;
        VI_CHN_BIND_ATTR_S stChnBindAttr;
        HI_S32 s32Ret = 0;;
        HI_S32 vi_chn;    
        VI_CHN_ATTR_S stChnAttr,stChnMinorAttr;
        HI_S32 i = 0;
        unsigned char ch=0;
        unsigned char ch_1080p_num=0;
        unsigned char local_channel = 0;
        int vi_chn_num_number ;
            if(vi_chn_num == 4)
                 vi_chn_num_number = vi_chn_num*2;
                 vi_chn_num_number = vi_chn_num;
        for(i=0; i<vi_chn_num_number/4; i++)
            //根据当前的硬件绑定关系,需要开启的VI 设备为DEV2,DEV3
            ViDev =i;
            //modify by yqf 2018.6.21
            stViDevAttr.enClkEdge = VI_CLK_EDGE_DOUBLE;     //时钟边沿模式
            //stViDevAttr.enClkEdge = VI_CLK_EDGE_SINGLE_UP;
    /*         s32Ret = HI_MPI_VI_DisableDev(ViDev);
             if (s32Ret != HI_SUCCESS)
                 SDKPRINTF("HI_MPI_VI_DiableDev failed with %#x!
    ", s32Ret);
                 return HI_FAILURE;
             s32Ret = HI_MPI_VI_SetDevAttr(ViDev, &stViDevAttr);     //设置VI设备属性
            if (s32Ret != HI_SUCCESS)
                SDKPRINTF("HI_MPI_VI_SetDevAttr failed with %#x!
    ", s32Ret);
                return HI_FAILURE;
            s32Ret = HI_MPI_VI_EnableDev(ViDev);    //启用VI设备
            if (s32Ret != HI_SUCCESS)
                SDKPRINTF("HI_MPI_VI_EnableDev failed with %#x!
    ", s32Ret);
                return HI_FAILURE;
        // 设置VI通道属性
        for(i=0; i<vi_chn_num; i++)
                vi_chn = channel_adjust[i];
                /* When in the 8x1080p mode, bind chn 2,6,10,14 to way1 is needed */
                    if(vi_chn%4 != 0)
                        s32Ret = HI_MPI_VI_GetChnBind(vi_chn, &stChnBindAttr);
                        if(HI_ERR_VI_FAILED_NOTBIND == s32Ret)
                            stChnBindAttr.ViDev = vi_chn/4;
                              stChnBindAttr.ViWay = 1;
                              s32Ret = HI_MPI_VI_BindChn(vi_chn, &stChnBindAttr);
                              if(HI_SUCCESS != s32Ret)
                                SDKPRINTF("call HI_MPI_VI_BindChn failed with %#x
    ", s32Ret);
                                 return HI_FAILURE;
                stChnAttr.stCapRect.s32X = 0;     
                stChnAttr.stCapRect.s32Y = 0;
                local_channel = local_chan_index(i);
                stChnAttr.stDestSize.u32Width  = major_stream[local_channel].width;
                stChnAttr.stDestSize.u32Height = major_stream[local_channel].height;
                stChnAttr.enCapSel = VI_CAPSEL_BOTH;
                //modify by yqf 2018.6.21
                    stChnAttr.stCapRect.u32Width = major_stream[local_channel].width;    //*2;
                //else if(major_stream[local_channel].width==960)
                else if(major_stream[local_channel].width < 600)
                    stChnAttr.stCapRect.u32Width = major_stream[local_channel].width*2; //*4;
                printf("%d th  origial width  is %d , cap width  is %d!
                // stChnAttr.stCapRect.u32Width=major_stream[i].width;
                stChnAttr.stCapRect.u32Height = major_stream[local_channel].height;    
                stChnAttr.enPixFormat = PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV_SEMIPLANAR_420; 
                stChnAttr.bMirror = HI_FALSE;
                stChnAttr.bFlip = HI_FALSE;
                if(major_stream[local_channel].width == 1920)
                    if(major_stream[local_channel].v_norm == VIDEO_FORMAT_NTSC)
                        stChnAttr.s32SrcFrameRate = 30;
                        stChnAttr.s32DstFrameRate= 15;
                        stChnAttr.s32SrcFrameRate = 25;
                        stChnAttr.s32DstFrameRate= 15;
                else if(major_stream[local_channel].height == 720)
                    if(major_stream[local_channel].v_norm == VIDEO_FORMAT_NTSC)
                        stChnAttr.s32SrcFrameRate = 30;
                        stChnAttr.s32DstFrameRate = 15; //25;
                        stChnAttr.s32SrcFrameRate = 25;
                        stChnAttr.s32DstFrameRate = 15; //25;
                    stChnAttr.s32SrcFrameRate = -1;
                    stChnAttr.s32DstFrameRate= -1;
            printf("%d th major stream width is %d!
            s32Ret = HI_MPI_VI_SetChnAttr(vi_chn, &stChnAttr);
            if (s32Ret != HI_SUCCESS)
                SDKPRINTF("vi_chn (%d) failed with %#x!
    ",vi_chn, s32Ret);
                return HI_FAILURE;
            if(major_stream[i].width == 1920)
                stChnMinorAttr.stDestSize.u32Width= 960;
                   stChnMinorAttr.stDestSize.u32Height= 540;
                stChnMinorAttr.s32SrcFrameRate = 30;
                stChnMinorAttr.s32DstFrameRate = 10;
                  s32Ret = HI_MPI_VI_SetChnMinorAttr(vi_chn, &stChnMinorAttr);
                if (HI_SUCCESS != s32Ret)
                    SDKPRINTF("call HI_MPI_VI_SetChnMinorAttr failed with %#x
    ", s32Ret);
                    return HI_FAILURE;
                s32Ret =HI_MPI_VI_SetSkipMode(vi_chn,1);
                if (s32Ret != HI_SUCCESS)
                    SDKPRINTF("failed with %#x!
    ", s32Ret);
                    return HI_FAILURE;
            else if(major_stream[i].width==1280)
                s32Ret =HI_MPI_VI_SetSkipMode(vi_chn,2);
                if (s32Ret != HI_SUCCESS)
                    SDKPRINTF("failed with %#x!
    ", s32Ret);
                    return HI_FAILURE;
            else if(major_stream[i].width==1920)
                s32Ret =HI_MPI_VI_SetSkipMode(vi_chn,0);
                if (s32Ret != HI_SUCCESS)
                    SDKPRINTF("failed with %#x!
    ", s32Ret);
                    return HI_FAILURE;
        #if 0
            if((major_stream[i].videosize == PIC_720PV1) || if(major_stream[i].videosize == PIC_720PV2))
                if(2 == vi_chn%4)
                    s32Ret = HI_MPI_VI_EnableChn422to420(vi_chn);
                    if (s32Ret != HI_SUCCESS)
                        SDKPRINTF("HI_MPI_VI_EnableChn422to420 failed with %#x!
    ", s32Ret);
                        return HI_FAILURE;
            s32Ret = HI_MPI_VI_EnableChn(vi_chn);
            if (s32Ret != HI_SUCCESS)
                SDKPRINTF("failed with %#x!
    ", s32Ret);
                return HI_FAILURE;
                VI_SKIP_MODE_EX_S stModeEx;
                s32Ret = HI_MPI_VI_GetSkipModeEx(vi_chn,&stModeEx);
                stModeEx.bEnable = HI_TRUE;
                stModeEx.u32YMask = 9;
                s32Ret = HI_MPI_VI_SetSkipModeEx(vi_chn,&stModeEx);
                if (s32Ret != HI_SUCCESS)
                    SDKPRINTF("failed with %#x!
    ", s32Ret);
                    return HI_FAILURE;
                            VI_SKIP_MODE_EX_S stModeEx;
                            s32Ret = HI_MPI_VI_GetSkipModeEx(vi_chn,&stModeEx);
                            stModeEx.bEnable = HI_FALSE;
                    stModeEx.u32YMask = 1;
                    s32Ret = HI_MPI_VI_SetSkipModeEx(vi_chn,&stModeEx);
                            if (s32Ret != HI_SUCCESS)
                                    SDKPRINTF("failed with %#x!
    ", s32Ret);
                                    return HI_FAILURE;
        return HI_SUCCESS;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qifeng1024/p/13475586.html
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