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  • 结对-结对编项目作业名称-最终程序


    结对成员:祁昊   刘孝东 学号:2015035107047 学号:2015035107044 结对成员合照:











    import random

    import ctypes


    def InitTable(size, value):

        return [[value for i in range(size)] for j in range(size)]


    class LightBoard:

        def __init__(self, size, status=""):

            self.clickBoard = InitTable(size, -1)

            self.lightBoard = InitTable(size, 0)

            self.toCheck = []


            for i in range(size):

                for j in range(size):



            for pos, value in enumerate(status):

                if value == "1":

                    self.lightBoard[pos/size][pos%size] = 1


            self.size = size


        def PopToCheck(self):

            if len(self.toCheck) > 0:

                pos = self.toCheck[-1]

                del self.toCheck[-1]



                pos = None

            return pos


        def PushToCheck(self, pos):



        def ConnectedLight(self, pos):

            x, y = pos

            yield pos

            if x - 1 >= 0: yield x-1,y

            if x + 1 <self.size: yield x+1,y

            if y -1 >= 0: yield x, y-1

            if y+1 < self.size: yield x, y+1


        def NotCheckLight(self, pos):

            return [(x,y) for x, y in self.ConnectedLight(pos) if self.clickBoard[x][y] == -1]


        def SetCheck(self, pos, value):

            x, y = pos

            self.clickBoard[x][y] = value


            for x, y in self.ConnectedLight(pos):

                self.lightBoard[x][y] = 1 - self.lightBoard[x][y]


        def Pass(self, pos):

            x, y = pos

            self.clickBoard[x][y] = 0


        def CancelPass(self, pos):

            x, y = pos

            self.clickBoard[x][y] = -1


        def CheckError(self, pos):

            for p in self.ConnectedLight(pos):

                x, y = p


                if self.lightBoard[x][y] == 0 and len(self.NotCheckLight(p)) == 0:

                    return True

            return False


    def Solve(board):

        clickpos = board.PopToCheck()


        if clickpos == None:

            return board.clickBoard

        pos = board.NotCheckLight(clickpos)[0]

        board.SetCheck(pos, 1)


        if not board.CheckError( pos ):

            r = Solve(board)

            if r: return r

        board.SetCheck(pos, -1)



        if not board.CheckError( pos ):

            r = Solve(board)

            if r: return r




        return False


    from Tkinter import *


    class LightButton(Button):

        def __init__(self, parent, pos, board):

            Button.__init__(self, parent, width=2)

            self.board = board

            self.status = 0

            self.x, self.y = pos





        def SetColor(self):

            if self.status == 0:



            if self.status == 1:



        def onClick(self,event):

            toclick = [(0, 0), (-1,0), (1,0), (0, 1), (0, -1)]


            for x,y in toclick:


                    b = self.board[(self.x-x, self.y-y)]

                    b.status = 1 - b.status





            temp = 0

            for button in buttons.values():

                if button.status == 1:

                    temp += 1

                if temp == Size * Size:

                    # ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, u'Over!', u'Information', 0)



        def onRightClick(self, event):

            self.status = 1 - self.status



    if __name__ == "__main__":

        from tkSimpleDialog import askinteger


        def SolveIt():

            boardStatus = ["0"] * Size * Size


            for pos, light in buttons.items():

                if light.status == 1:

                    boardStatus[pos[1]*Size+pos[0]] = "1"

            clickBoard = Solve(LightBoard(Size, "".join(boardStatus)))


            for x, r in enumerate(clickBoard):

                for y, c in enumerate(r):

                    if c == 1:



        def Clear():

            for button in buttons.values():

                button.status = 0



                for y in range(3):

                    j = random.randint(0, Size - 1)

                    for x in range(3):

                        k = random.randint(0, Size - 1)

                        pos = j, k

                        c = LightButton(f, pos, buttons)


        root = Tk()

        root.title("Light Solver")

        f = Frame(root)

        f.pack(side = TOP)

        # Button(f, text="Solve", command=SolveIt).pack(side=LEFT)

        Button(f, text="Clear", command=Clear).pack(side=LEFT)

        buttons = {}

        Size = askinteger("Light Solver", "Please Input Board Size", initialvalue=5)

        for y in range(Size):

            f = Frame(root)

            f.pack(side = LEFT)

            for x in range(Size):

                pos = x, y

                b = LightButton(f, pos, buttons)


                buttons[pos] = b


        for y in range(3):

            j = random.randint(0,Size - 1)

            for x in range(3):

                k = random.randint(0, Size - 1)

                pos = j, k

                c = LightButton(f, pos, buttons)







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