1,使用while循环输入123456 8 9 10.
代码T1:使用while循环输入123456 89 10
1 count = 0 2 while count < 10: 3 count +=1 4 if count == 7: 5 continue 6 print(count)
1 sum= 0 2 count = 1 3 while count <= 100: 4 count +=1 5 sum = count + sum 6 print(sum)
1 #方法一: 2 count = 1 3 while count < 101: 4 print(count) 5 count += 2 6 7 #方法二: 8 count = 0 9 while count < 100: 10 count +=1 11 if count % 2 ==1: 12 print(count)
1 ##我没想出来这样写。。规范代码 2 ''' 3 sum = 0 4 count = 1 5 while count < 100: 6 if count % 2 == 0: 7 sum = sum - count 8 else: 9 sum = sum + count 10 count+=1 11 print(sum) 12 ''' 13 ##我写的代码 14 #-*- encoding:utf-8 -*- 15 sum = 0 16 count = 0 17 numj = 0 18 numo = 0 19 sumz1 = 0 20 sumz2 = 0 21 sumz3 = 0 22 while count <99: 23 count +=1 24 sum = count 25 if sum %2 == 1 : 26 numj = sum 27 elif sum %2 == 0: 28 numo = sum 29 # print('偶数是:',numo) #最后一个偶数是98 30 sumz1 = numj - numo 31 #最后一个运算是 97 - 98 32 sumz2 = sumz1 + sumz2 33 #最后一个奇数99没进sumz2 34 continue 35 sumz3 = sumz2 + 99 36 print(sumz3) 37 38 39 #ps: 说实话代码很low,但是是我熬到凌晨1点半写的。小小纪念下!
1 #-*- encoding:utf-8 -*- 2 i = 1 3 while i < 3: 4 username = input('请输入你的名字:') 5 password = input('请输入你的密码:') 6 if username == 'zx' and password == '111' 7 print('登陆成功。') 8 else: 9 print ('密码输入错误,请重新输入。') 10 i += 1
%占位符 s d
1 name = input('请输入姓名') 2 age = input('请输入年龄') 3 height = input('请输入身高') 4 msg = "我叫%s,今年%s 身高 %s" %(name,age,height) 5 print(msg)
1 name = input('请输入姓名:') 2 age = input('请输入年龄:') 3 job = input('请输入工作:') 4 hobbie = input('你的爱好:') 5 6 msg = '''------------ info of %s ----------- 7 Name : %s 8 Age : %d 9 job : %s 10 Hobbie: %s 11 ------------- end -----------------''' %(name,name,int(age),job,hobbie) 12 print(msg)
2,while else
1 count = 0 2 while count <= 5 : 3 count += 1 4 if count == 3:break 5 print("Loop",count) 6 7 else: 8 print("循环正常执行完啦") 9 print("-----out of while loop ------")
1 #ps int ----> bool 非零转换成bool True 0 转换成bool 是False 2 # print(bool(2)) 3 # print(bool(-2)) 4 # print(bool(0)) 5 # #bool --->int 6 # print(int(True)) # 1 7 # print(int(False)) # 0
1 '''x or y x True,则返回x''' 2 # print(1 or 2) # 1 3 # print(3 or 2) # 3 4 # print(0 or 2) # 2 5 # print(0 or 100) # 100
1 # print(2 or 100 or 3 or 4) # 2
1 # print(0 or 4 and 3 or 2) 2 '''x and y x True,则返回y''' 3 # print(1 and 2) 4 # print(0 and 2) 5 print(2 or 1 < 3) 6 print(3 > 1 or 2 and 2)
发展 升级
ASCII ————> unicode ————>utf-8 utf-16 utf-32 gbk
ASCII 涵盖了英文字母大小写,特殊字符,数字。
01010001 8个位,所有ASCII左边第一个位都是0
Unicode 升级 utf-8 utf-16 utf-32
8位 = 1字节 bytes
utf-8 一个字符最少用8位去表示,英文用8位 一个字节
欧洲文字用16位去表示 两个字节
中文用24位去表示 三个字节
utf-16 一个字符最少用16位去表示
gbk 中国人自己发明的,一个中文用两个字节 16位去表示。
1bit 8bit = 1bytes
1byte 1024byte = 1KB
1MB ...