There are two main types of functions in template.php: theme function overrides and preprocess functions. The template system handles these two types in very different ways.
Theme functions are called through theme('[hook]', $var, ...). When a sub-theme overrides a theme function, no other version of that theme function is called.
On the other hand, preprocess functions are called before processing a .tpl file. For instance, [theme]_preprocess_page is called before page.tpl.php is rendered. Unlike theme functions, preprocess functions are not overridden in a sub-theme. Instead, the parent theme preprocess function will be called first, and the sub-theme preprocess function will be called next.
theme function: 覆盖
theme process function: 被继承/集成到子模板里
There is no way to prevent all functions in the parent theme from being inherited. As stated above, it is possible to override parent theme functions. However, the only way to remove a parent theme's preprocess function is through hook_theme_registry_alter().
Overriding inherited .tpl.php templates: Add a template file with the same name in your sub-theme folder to have it override the template from the parent theme.
TPL文件会被集成/继承到子模板里, 如果相同名字则会被覆盖。
favicon (favicon.ico)
will not be inherited. 不会被继承/集成到子模板里
当修改了模板的区域设置时, 需要刷新缓存才行
drush vget
drush vget | grep ' '