在树中,每个节点都含有自己的数值,以及与之相连的子节点,连接节点的线叫做相连线(edge)。如下图所示,A是根节点(root),也是B和C的父节点(parent node),也就是说B、C都是A的子节点(child node)。同理,B是D和E的父节点,以此类推。要注意H、I、J、F、G都是尾节点(leaf node),因为它们位于树的最底部,没有任何子节点。
一个树由许许多多的子树(sub-tree)构成,每个节点加上它所有的子节点(包括子节点的子节点们)就是一个子树,如上图,D、H、和I就是能构成sub tree,B、D、E、H、I、和J也是一个子树。
- 二叉树(Binary Tree):每个节点最多含有两个子节点,上面图示中的树就是二叉树。
- 完全二叉树(Complete Binary Tree):假设一个二叉树深度(depth)为d(d > 1),除了第d层外,其它各层的节点数量均已达到最大值,且第d层所有节点从左向右紧密排列,这样的二叉树就是完全二叉树。
- 满二叉树(Full Binary Tee):在满二叉树中,每个不是尾节点的节点都有两个子节点。
- 排序二叉树(Binary Search Tree):在此树中,每个节点的数值比左子树上的每个节点都大,比所有右子树上的节点都小。
- 平衡二叉树(AVL Tree):任何节点的两颗子树的高度差不大于1的二叉树。
- B树(B-Tree):B树和平衡二插树一样,只不过它是一种多叉树(一个节点的子节点数量可以超过二)。
- 红黑树(Red—Black Tree):是一种自平衡二叉寻找树。
二分查找树(Binary Search Tree)的实现
接下来,我们就来实现二分查找树(Binary Search Tree),也叫做排序二叉树。在这种树中,我们寻找一个特定的数值非常容易,因为二分查找树满足以下的特性:每个节点都比自己左子树上的节点大,并比右子树上的节点小。如果我们想要寻找一个特定的元素,只需要依赖其特性,顺着特定的路径就能找到目标。
public class BST { static class TreeNode { public int value; public TreeNode left; public TreeNode right; public TreeNode(int value) { this.value = value; } } private TreeNode root; }
TreeNode就是我们的树节点,其中包含value记录数值,left指向left child,right指向right child。BST就是二分查找树,其中只需要记录根节点root即可。下面是核心方法 insert 的实现:
public void insert(int key) { if(root == null) { root = new TreeNode(key); return; } TreeNode current = root; TreeNode parent = null; while(true) { parent = current; if(key < parent.value) { current = parent.left; if(current == null) { parent.left = new TreeNode(key); return; } } else if (key > parent.value){ current = parent.right; if(current == null) { parent.right = new TreeNode(key); return; } } else { return; // BST does not allow nodes with the same value } } }
public TreeNode get(int key) { TreeNode current = root; while(current != null && current.value != key) { if (key < current.value) { current = current.left; } else if (key > current.value) { current =current.right; } } return current == null ? null : current; }
public boolean delete(int key) { TreeNode parent = root; TreeNode current = root; boolean isLeftChild = false; while(current != null && current.value != key) { parent = current; if(current.value > key) { isLeftChild = true; current = current.left; } else { isLeftChild = false; current = current.right; } } if(current == null) { return false; } // Case 1: if node to be deleted has no children if(current.left == null && current.right == null) { if(current == root) { root = null; } else if(isLeftChild) { parent.left = null; } else { parent.right = null; } // Case 2: if node to be deleted has only one child } else if (current.right == null) { if(current == root) { root = current.left; } else if (isLeftChild) { parent.left = current.left; } else { parent.right = current.left; } } else if (current.left == null) { if(current == root) { root = current.right; } else if (isLeftChild) { parent.left = current.right; } else { parent.right = current.right; } // Case 3: current.left != null && current.right != null } else { TreeNode successor = getSuccessor(current); if (current == root) { root = successor; } else if (isLeftChild) { parent.left = successor; } else { parent.right = successor; } successor.left = current.left; } return true; } private TreeNode getSuccessor(TreeNode node) { TreeNode successor = null; TreeNode successorParent = null; TreeNode current = node.right; while (current != null) { successorParent = successor; successor = current; current = current.left; } if (successor != node.right) { successorParent.left= successor.right; successor.right = node.right; } return successor; }
树的遍历 Tree Traversal
- 前序遍历 (Pre-order Traversal)
- 中序遍历 (In-order Traversal)
- 后序遍历 (Post-order Traversal)
前序遍历 Preorder Traversal
public static void preOrderTraversal(TreeNode root) { if(root == null) { return; } System.out.println(root.value); preOrderTraversal(root.left); preOrderTraversal(root.right); }
中序遍历 Inorder Traversal
public static void inOrderTraversal(TreeNode root) { if(root == null) { return; } inOrderTraversal(root.left); System.out.println(root.value); inOrderTraversal(root.right); }
后序遍历 Postorder Traversal
public static void postOrderTraversal(TreeNode root) { if(root == null) { return; } postOrderTraversal(root.left); postOrderTraversal(root.right); System.out.println(root.value); }
- Check Completeness of a Binary Tree (958)
- Balanced Binary Tree (110)
- Symmetric Tree (101)
- Insert into a Binary Search Tree (701)
- Maximum Depth of Binary Tree (104)