0 简介
Returns a simple Cartesian product restricted by the join condition and a time constraint. An interval join requires at least one equi-join predicate and a join condition that bounds the time on both sides. Two appropriate range predicates can define such a condition (<, <=, >=, >), a BETWEEN predicate, or a single equality predicate that compares time attributes of the same type (i.e., processing time or event time) of both input tables.
1 使用
For example, this query will join all orders with their corresponding shipments if the order was shipped four hours after the order was received.
SELECT * FROM Orders o, Shipments s WHERE o.id = s.order_id AND o.order_time BETWEEN s.ship_time - INTERVAL '4' HOUR AND s.ship_time
The following predicates are examples of valid interval join conditions:
ltime = rtime ltime >= rtime AND ltime < rtime + INTERVAL '10' MINUTE ltime BETWEEN rtime - INTERVAL '10' SECOND AND rtime + INTERVAL '5' SECOND
For streaming queries, compared to the regular join, interval join only supports append-only tables with time attributes. Since time attributes are quasi-monotonic increasing, Flink can remove old values from its state without affecting the correctness of the result.
2 说明
相对于 regular join,interval Join 则利用窗口的给两个输入表设定一个 Join 的时间界限,超出时间范围的数据则对 join 不可见并可以被清理掉,这样就能修正 regular join 因为没有剔除数据策略带来 join 结果的误差以及需要大量的资源。但是使用interval join,需要定义好时间属性字段,可以是计算发生的 Processing Time,也可以是根据数据本身提取的 Event Time;如果是定义的是 Processing Time,则Flink 框架本身根据系统划分的时间窗口定时清理数据;如果定义的是 Event Time,Flink 框架分配 Event Time 窗口并根据设置的 watermark 来清理数据。而在前面的数据准备中,我们根据点击流和曝光流提取实践时间属性字段,并且设置了允许 5 分钟乱序的 watermark。目前 Interval join 已经支持 inner ,left outer, right outer , full outer 等类型的 join。因此,interval join 只需要缓存时间边界内的数据,存储空间占用小,计算更为准确的实时 join 结果。
- 使用语法
--写法1 SELECT columns FROM t1 [AS <alias1>] [LEFT/INNER/FULL OUTER] JOIN t2 ON t1.column1 = t2.key-name1 AND t1.timestamp BETWEEN t2.timestamp AND BETWEEN t2.timestamp + + INTERVAL '10' MINUTE;
--写法2 SELECT columns FROM t1 [AS <alias1>] [LEFT/INNER/FULL OUTER] JOIN t2 ON t1.column1 = t2.key-name1 AND t2.timestamp <= t1.timestamp and t1.timestamp <= t2.timestamp + + INTERVAL ’10' MINUTE ;
right.timestamp ∈ [left.timestamp + lowerBound, left.timestamp + upperBound]
- 使用场景:双流join场景