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  • python中struct.pack中的fmt理解(笔记)


    struct.pack(fmt, v1, v2, …)

    Return a string containing the values v1, v2, … packed according to the given format. The arguments must match the values required by the format exactly.



    By default, C types are represented in the machine’s native format and byte order, and properly aligned by skipping pad bytes if necessary (according to the rules used by the C compiler).

    Alternatively, the first character of the format string can be used to indicate the byte order, size and alignment of the packed data, according to the following table:

    If the first character is not one of these, ‘@’ is assumed.

    Native byte order is big-endian or little-endian, depending on the host system. For example, Intel x86 and AMD64 (x86-64) are little-endian; Motorola 68000 and PowerPC G5 are big-endian; ARM and Intel Itanium feature switchable endianness (bi-endian). Use sys.byteorder to check the endianness of your system.
    野生翻译:原生字节顺序是big-endian还是little-endian,取决于主机系统。例如,Intel x86和AMD64(x86-64)是little-endian ;摩托罗拉68000和PowerPC G5是big-endian; ARM和英特尔的Itanium特性是可切换的(双endian)。可以使用sys.byteorder指令来检查你系统是按照什么排序的

    Native size and alignment are determined using the C compiler’s sizeof expression. This is always combined with native byte order.

    Standard size depends only on the format character; see the table in the Format Characters section.

    Note the difference between ‘@’ and ‘=’: both use native byte order, but the size and alignment of the latter is standardized.

    The form ‘!’ is available for those poor souls who claim they can’t remember whether network byte order is big-endian or little-endian.

    There is no way to indicate non-native byte order (force byte-swapping); use the appropriate choice of ‘<’ or ‘>’.



    1. Padding is only automatically added between successive structure members. No padding is added at the beginning or the end of the encoded struct.
    2. No padding is added when using non-native size and alignment, e.g. with ‘<’, ‘>’, ‘=’, and ‘!’.
    3. To align the end of a structure to the alignment requirement of a particular type, end the format with the code for that type with a repeat count of zero. See Examples.


    1. 填充只在连续的结构成员之间自动添加。在编码的结构体的开始或结束时没有添加填充物。
    2. 在使用非本地大小和对齐方式时,不添加任何填充,例如“<”、“”、“=”和“!”。
    3. 为了使结构的结束与特定类型的对齐要求保持一致,以重复计数为零的方式结束该类型的代码。详见examples

    二、 下面是讲fmt后面的内容
    Format characters have the following meaning; the conversion between C and Python values should be obvious given their types. The ‘Standard size’ column refers to the size of the packed value in bytes when using standard size; that is, when the format string starts with one of ‘<’, ‘>’, ‘!’ or ‘=’. When using native size, the size of the packed value is platform-dependent.



    1. The ‘?’ conversion code corresponds to the _Bool type defined by C99. If this type is not available, it is simulated using a char. In standard mode, it is always represented by one byte.

    New in version 2.6.

    1. The ‘q’ and ‘Q’ conversion codes are available in native mode only if the platform C compiler supports C long long, or, on Windows, __int64. They are always available in standard modes.

    New in version 2.2.

    1. When attempting to pack a non-integer using any of the integer conversion codes, if the non-integer has a index() method then that method is called to convert the argument to an integer before packing. If no index() method exists, or the call to index() raises TypeError, then the int() method is tried. However, the use of int() is deprecated, and will raise DeprecationWarning.

    Changed in version 2.7: Use of the index() method for non-integers is new in 2.7.

    Changed in version 2.7: Prior to version 2.7, not all integer conversion codes would use the int() method to convert, and DeprecationWarning was raised only for float arguments.

    1. For the ‘f’ and ‘d’ conversion codes, the packed representation uses the IEEE 754 binary32 (for ‘f’) or binary64 (for ‘d’) format, regardless of the floating-point format used by the platform.

    2. The ‘P’ format character is only available for the native byte ordering (selected as the default or with the ‘@’ byte order character). The byte order character ‘=’ chooses to use little- or big-endian ordering based on the host system. The struct module does not interpret this as native ordering, so the ‘P’ format is not available.


    MsgType uInt32 消息类型
    seqNum Int64 消息序号
    BodyLength uint32 消息体长度


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