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  • sql面试题(学生表_课程表_成绩表_教师表@oracle


    Student(S#,Sname,Sage,Ssex) 学生表
    Course(C#,Cname,T#) 课程表
    SC(S#,C#,score) 成绩表
    Teacher(T#,Tname) 教师表

    CREATE TABLE student 
         s#    INT, 
         sname varchar2(32), 
         sage  INT, 
         ssex  varchar2(8) 
      ) ;
    CREATE TABLE course 
         c#    INT, 
         cname nvarchar(32), 
         t#    INT 
         s#    INT, 
         c#    INT, 
         score INT 
      ) ;
    CREATE TABLE teacher 
         t#    INT, 
         tname varchar2(16) 
      ) ;


    insert into Student select 1,'刘一',18,'' FROM DUAL union  
    select 2,'钱二',19,'' FROM DUAL union 
    select 3,'张三',17,'' FROM DUAL union  
    select 4,'李四',18,'' FROM DUAL union  
    select 5,'王五',17,'' FROM DUAL union  
    select 6,'赵六',19,'' FROM DUAL;
    insert into Course select 1,'语文',1 from dual union all
     select 2,'数学',2 from dual union all
     select 3,'英语',3 from dual union all
     select 4,'物理',4 from dual;
    insert into Teacher select 1,'叶平' from dual union all
    select 2,'贺高' from dual union all
    select 3,'杨艳' from dual union all
    select 4,'周磊' from dual;
    insert into SC 
    select 1,1,56 from dual union all 
    select 1,2,78 from dual union all 
    select 1,3,67 from dual union all 
    select 1,4,58 from dual union all 
    select 2,1,79 from dual union all 
    select 2,2,81 from dual union all 
    select 2,3,92 from dual union all 
    select 2,4,68 from dual union all 
    select 3,1,91 from dual union all 
    select 3,2,47 from dual union all 
    select 3,3,88 from dual union all 
    select 3,4,56 from dual union all 
    select 4,2,88 from dual union all 
    select 4,3,90 from dual union all 
    select 4,4,93 from dual union all 
    select 5,1,46 from dual union all 
    select 5,3,78 from dual union all 
    select 5,4,53 from dual union all 
    select 6,1,35 from dual union all 
    select 6,2,68 from dual union all 
    select 6,4,71 from dual;
    insert into SC
    select 1,1,56 from dual union all select 1,2,78 from dual union all select 1,3,67 from dual union all select 1,4,58 from dual union all select 2,1,79 from dual union all select 2,2,81 from dual union all select 2,3,92 from dual union all select 2,4,68 from dual union all select 3,1,91 from dual union all select 3,2,47 from dual union all select 3,3,88 from dual union all select 3,4,56 from dual union all select 4,2,88 from dual union all select 4,3,90 from dual union all select 4,4,93 from dual union all select 5,1,46 from dual union all select 5,3,78 from dual union all select 5,4,53 from dual union all select 6,1,35 from dual union all select 6,2,68 from dual union all select 6,4,71 from dual;


    select a.s# from
    (select s#,score from sc where c#=1) a,
    (select s#,score from sc where c#=2) b
    where a.s#=b.s# and a.score>b.score;
    select s#,avg(score) from sc  having avg(score)>60 group by s# order by s#
    having 弥补where 不能与 聚合函数连用(即where后面不跟聚合函数)
    select sc.s#,student.sname,count(c#),sum(score) from sc ,student  where 
    sc.s# = student.s# group by sc.s#,student.sname order by s#;
    select Student.S#,Student.Sname,count(SC.C#),sum(score) 
      from Student left Outer join SC on Student.S#=SC.S# 
      group by Student.S#,Sname  order by student.s#
      select count(Tname) 
      from Teacher 
      where Tname like '李%'; 
      select Student.S#,Student.Sname 
    from Student  
    where S# not in (select distinct( SC.S#) from SC,Course,Teacher where  SC.C#=Course.C# and Teacher.T#=Course.T# and Teacher.Tname='叶平'); 
    select s#,sname from STUDENT where S# not in  (select STUDENT.s# from STUDENT,SC where  STUDENT.S#=SC.S# and SC.c#= 
    (select c# from course where t#=(select t# from TEACHER where tname='叶平')));
     select Student.S#,Student.Sname from Student,SC where Student.S#=SC.S# and SC.C#=1 and 
    exists( select * from sc sc2 WHERE sc2.c#=2 and sc2.s#=SC.s#); 
    select STUDENT.s#,STUDENT.SNAME from STUDENT,SC where STUDENT.s#=SC.S# and SC.C#=(
    select c# from COURSE,TEACHER where COURSE.T#=TEACHER.T# and TEACHER.TNAME='叶平')
    select a.s#,STUDENT.SNAME from STUDENT,
    (select s#,score from sc where c#=2) a,
    (select s#,score from sc where c#=1) b
    where  STUDENT.S#=a.s# and a.s#=b.s# and a.score<b.score ;
    select STUDENT.s#,sname from sc,STUDENT where SC.S#=STUDENT.s# and
     score<60 group by STUDENT.s#,sname order by s#;
    select s#,sname from STUDENT where s# in (select sc.s#  from sc group by SC.s#
     HAVING count(SC.c#) < (select count(COURSE.c#) from COURSE) ) order by s#
    select SC.s#,STUDENT.sname from sc,STUDENT where SC.s#=STUDENT.s# 
    and c# in (select c# from sc where s#=1) group by SC.s# ,STUDENT.SNAME order by SC.s# 
    update sc set  score =
    (select avg(score) from SC,COURSE,TEACHER where COURSE.t#=TEACHER.t# and sc.c#=COURSE.c# and TNAME='叶平')
    where c#=(select DISTINCT SC.C# from SC,COURSE,TEACHER where COURSE.t#=TEACHER.t# and sc.c#=COURSE.c# and TNAME='叶平');
      select S# from SC where C# in (select C# from SC where S#=1)
     group by S# having count(*)=(select count(*) from SC where S#=1);


    select st.s# as 学号,
    (select ss.score from sc ss where st.s#=ss.s# and c#=1) as 语文,
    (select ss.score from sc ss where st.s#=ss.s# and c#=2) as 数学,
    (select ss.score from sc ss where st.s#=ss.s# and c#=3) as 英语,
    (select ss.score from sc ss where st.s#=ss.s# and c#=4) as 物理,
    avg(ss2.score) as 平均成绩
    from student st INNER JOIN sc ss2 on st.s#=ss2.s#
    group by st.s#
    order by avg(ss2.score) desc

    select c#,max(score),min(score) from sc group by c#;

        co.CNAME AS 科目名称,
        avg (ss.score) as 平均成绩,
        CAST (CAST (SUM(case WHEN COALESCE(ss.score,0)>=60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT)/
        COUNT(CO.cname) AS DECIMAL (10, 2))  as 及格率
    FROM sc ss ,course co where ss.c# = co.c# GROUP BY co.cname;

        co.CNAME AS 科目名称,
        avg (ss.score) as 平均成绩,
        CAST (CAST (SUM(case WHEN COALESCE(ss.score,0)>=60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FLOAT)/
        COUNT(CO.cname) AS DECIMAL (10, 2))  as 及格率
    FROM sc ss INNER JOIN course co
    on ss.c# = co.c# GROUP BY co.cname;



    select (select cname from course where c#=SC.c#) 课程,count(SC.C#) 学生数 from sc group by SC.c# ;                                      
    select SC.S#,SNAME from SC ,STUDENT where SC.S#=STUDENT.S#  group by SC.S#,SNAME  HAVING count(c#)=1 ;

    select a.男生,b.女生 from
    (select count(*) 男生 from STUDENT  WHERE SSEX='男') a,
    (select count(*) 女生 from STUDENT  WHERE SSEX='女') b;

    select SSEX,count(SSEX) from STUDENT group by ssex;

     select sname from STUDENT where sname like '张%';
    select sname from STUDENT group by sname HAVING count(*) >1;

    select c#,avg(score) from sc group by c# order by avg(score) ,c# desc;

    select SC.s#, sname, avg(score) from sc,STUDENT  where SC.S#=STUDENT.S#  group by SC.s#,sname HAVING avg(score)>70

    select SC.s#,sname,score from sc,COURSE,STUDENT where SC.s#=STUDENT.s# and SC.C#=COURSE.C# and COURSE.cname='语文' and SCORE<60;

    select st.sname,co.cname,ss.score
    from sc ss,student st,course co where ss.s#=st.s# and ss.c#=co

    select st.sname,co.cname,ss.score
    from sc ss
    inner join student st on ss.s#=st.s#
    inner join course co on ss.c#=co.c#

    select sname,cname,score from sc
    INNER JOIN COURSE on COURSE.c#=SC.c# and score>70;

    select STUDENT.SNAME,SC.SCORE from STUDENT,sc where STUDENT.s#=SC.S# and score=
    and TEACHER.TNAME='叶平' and COURSE.C#=SC.C# )

    select st.sname,co.cname,te.tname, ss.score from sc ss
    inner join student st on ss.s#=st.s#
    inner join course co on ss.c#=co.c#
    inner join teacher te on co.t#=te.t#
    where te.tname='叶平' order by ss.score desc

    select COURSE.CNAME,count(SC.c#) from sc,COURSE where SC.C#=COURSE.C# group by COURSE.CNAME;


    44、统计每门课程的学生选修人数,要求输出课程号和选修人数,查询结果按人数降序排列,查询结果按人数降序排列,若人    数相同,按课程号升序排列
    select c#,count(c#) from sc group by c# order by count(c#) desc, c# asc;

    select SC.S# from SC ,STUDENT where SC.S#=STUDENT.S#  group by SC.S#,SNAME  HAVING count(c#)>=2

    SELECT co.c#, co.cname
    FROM sc ss
    INNER JOIN course co ON co.c# = ss.c#
    GROUP BY co.c#, co.cname
    HAVING COUNT(co.c#) = (SELECT COUNT (s#) FROM student)

    select s#,count(s#),avg(score) from sc  where score<60 group by s# HAVING count(s#) >1
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qiyaru/p/9109298.html
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