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  • sql经典面试题——oracle

    1、 用一条SQL 语句 查询出每门课都大于80 分的学生姓名
    name kecheng fenshu
    张三 语文 81
    张三 数学 75
    李四 语文 76
    李四 数学 90
    王五 语文 81
    王五 数学 100
    王五 英语 90

    A: select distinct name from table where name not in (select distinct name from table where fenshu<=80)
       select name from table group by name having min(fenshu)>80

    2、学生表 如下:

    自动编号 学号 姓名 课程编号 课程名称 分数
    1 2005001 张三 0001 数学 69
    2 2005002 李四 0001 数学 89
    3 2005001 张三 0001 数学 69
    删除除了自动编号不同, 其他都相同的学生冗余信息

    A: delete table where 自动编号 not in(select min( 自动编号) from table group by 学号, 姓名, 课程编号, 课程名称, 分数)

    3、 面试题:怎么把这样一个表儿

    year month amount
    1991 1 1.1
    1991 2 1.2
    1991 3 1.3
    1991 4 1.4
    1992 1 2.1
    1992 2 2.2
    1992 3 2.3
    1992 4 2.4
    year m1 m2 m3 m4
    1991 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
    1992 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4


    select year, 
    (select amount from aaa m where month=1 and m.year=aaa.year) as m1,
    (select amount from aaa m where month=2 and m.year=aaa.year) as m2,
    (select amount from aaa m where month=3 and m.year=aaa.year) as m3,
    (select amount from aaa m where month=4 and m.year=aaa.year) as m4
    from aaa group by year

    语文 数学 英语
    及格 优秀 不及格  


    SELECT (CASE WHEN 语文 >=80 THEN '优秀' 
                 WHEN 语文 >=60 THEN '及格'
                 else '不及格'
            END) AS 语文 ,
            (CASE WHEN 数学 >=80 THEN '优秀' 
                 WHEN 数学 >=60 THEN '及格'
                 else '不及格'
            END) AS 数学 ,
            (CASE WHEN 英语 >=80 THEN '优秀' 
                 WHEN 英语 >=60 THEN '及格'
                 else '不及格'
            END) AS 英语 
    from TABLE;

     6、一道SQL语句面试题,关于group by

    2005-05-09 胜
    2005-05-09 胜
    2005-05-09 负
    2005-05-09 负
    2005-05-10 胜
    2005-05-10 负
    2005-05-10 负

    如果要生成下列结果, 该如何写sql语句?

                胜 负
    2005-05-09 2 2
    2005-05-10 1 2



    select year,
    (select count(losu) from taba a where a.losu='' and a.year=taba.year ) as 胜,
    (select count(losu) from taba a where a.losu='' and a.year=taba.year ) asfrom taba group by year;


    select year,
    sum(case when losu='' then 1 else 0 end ) as 胜,
    sum(case when losu='' then 1 else 0 end ) asfrom taba group by year ;

    Year Salary
    2000 1000
    2001 2000
    2002 3000
    2003 4000

    Year Salary
    2000 1000
    2001 3000
    2002 6000
    2003 10000


    select b.year, sum(a.salary) from hello a, hello b where a.year <= b.year group by b.year;


    select a.name, b.name 
    from team a, team b 
    where a.name < b.name

    数据库名:JcyAudit,数据集:Select * from TestDB

    答:select a.*
    from TestDB a
    ,(select Occmonth,max(DebitOccur) Debit101ccur from TestDB where AccID='101' group by Occmonth) b
    where a.Occmonth=b.Occmonth and a.DebitOccur>b.Debit101ccur

    courseid coursename score
    1 java 70
    2 oracle 90
    3 xml 40
    4 jsp 30
    5 servlet 80
    courseid coursename score mark
    1 java 70 pass
    2 oracle 90 pass
    3 xml 40 fail
    4 jsp 30 fail
    5 servlet 80 pass 

    select courseid,coursename,score,(case when score >=60 then 'pass' else 'fail' end) mark from sc
    select courseid,coursename,score,(decode(sign(score-60),-1,'fail','pass') mark from sc

    id proid proname
    1 1 M
    1 2 F
    2 1 N
    2 2 G
    3 1 B
    3 2 A
    id pro1 pro2
    1 M F
    2 N G
    3 B A

    select a.id,
    (select b.proname from table3 b where proid=1 and b.id=a.id) pro1,
    (select b.proname from table3 b where proid=2 and b.id=a.id) pro2
    from table3 a
    group by id;

    a1 a2
    记录 1 a
    1 b
    2 x
    2 y
    2 z
    1 ab
    2 xyz

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qiyaru/p/9131932.html
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