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  • day02

    # name = input('请输入姓名')
    # age = input('请输入年龄')
    # hobby = input('请输入爱好')
    # msg = '我的姓名是' + name + '我今年' + age + '我的爱好是' + hobby
    # print(msg)
    # 字符串的拼接可以制作一个公共字符串模板,让某些位置变成动态的。
    msg = '''------------ info of Alex Li -----------
    Name : Alex Li
    Age : 73
    job : sbboss
    Hobby: laddy_boy
    ------------- end -----------------'''

    msg1 = '''------------ info of 杨苏婷 -----------
    Name : 杨苏婷
    Age : 18
    job : student
    Hobbie: movie
    ------------- end -----------------'''
    # name = input('请输入姓名:')
    # age = input('请输入年龄:')
    # job = input('请输入工作:')
    # hobby = input('请输入爱好:')
    # '''
    # 这样做很麻烦,用格式化输出
    # s1 = '------------ info of '+ name + ' ----------- '
    # s2 = 'Name : ' + name + ' '
    # '''
    # # % 占位符 s:字符串类型 d:数字 i:数字 # r 原形毕露
    # msg = '''------------ info of %s -----------
    # Name : %s
    # Age : %d
    # job : %s
    # Hobbie: %s
    # ------------- end -----------------''' % (name,name,int(age),job,hobby)
    # print(msg)

    # 格式化输出 如果你只是想要表示百分号%,而不是占位符。
    # msg = '我叫%s,今年%s岁,学习进度为0.5%%' % ('高航', 40)
    # print(msg)

    # 1,初识循环
    # while True:
    # print('海草')
    # print('女儿情')
    # print('二泉映月')
    # print('牧马城市')

    # 如何终止循环
    3,调用系统命令:quit() exit() (不建议使用)

    # flag = True
    # while flag:
    # print('海草')
    # print('女儿情')
    # flag = False
    # print(111)
    # print(222)
    # 四个都打印

    # 从 1 ~ 100 利用while循环

    # 计数器的概念
    # count = 1
    # flag = True
    # while flag:
    # print(count)
    # count = count + 1
    # if count == 101:
    # flag = False

    # count = 1
    # while count < 101:
    # print(count)
    # count = count + 1

    # count = 1
    # count = 2
    # count = 3
    # print(count)
    # count = 1
    # count = count + 1
    # count = count + 1
    # print(count)

    # while break continue
    # break:循环中遇到break 直接退出循环,
    # print(111)
    # while True:
    # print(222)
    # print(333)
    # break
    # print(555)
    # print(666)

    # 打印 1~100 所有的偶数。
    # 方法一
    # count = 2
    # while count < 101:
    # print(count)
    # count = count + 2

    # count = 2
    # while True:
    # if count % 2 == 0:
    # print(count)
    # count = count + 1
    # if count > 100:
    # break

    # count = 2
    # while count < 101:
    # if count % 2 == 0:
    # print(count)
    # count = count + 1

    # continue
    # 结束本次循环,继续下一次循环
    # while True:
    # if
    # print(111)
    # print(222)
    # continue
    # print(333)

    # 计算 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + ...100 结果
    # s = 0
    # count = 1
    # while count < 101:
    # s = s + count
    # count = count + 1
    # print(s)

    # 固定搭配: 循环只要被break打断,则就不会执行else的程序。
    #while else
    # count = 1
    # while count < 5:
    # count = count + 1
    # print(count)
    # else:
    # print(666)

    count = 1
    while count < 5:
    count = count + 1
    if count == 10:
    # print(2**3)

    # 逻辑运算

    # 优先级
    # ()>not>and> or,同一个优先级从左至右一次计算。

    # 1,运算符两边全部是比较运算。
    # print(1 > 2 or 3 < 4 and 1 < 2 or 3 > 7)

    # print(1 > 2 or True or 3 > 7)

    # print(2 > 1 and 3 < 4 or 4 > 5 and 2 < 1)
    # print(1 > 2 and 3 < 4 or 4 > 5 and 2 > 1 or 9 <10)

    # 2 ,运算符两边全部是数字。
    x or y if x is True, return x,else y
    # print(1 or 3)
    # print(2 or 3)
    # print(10 or 3)
    # print(0 or 3)
    # print(-3 or 3)
    # print(1 and 3)
    # print(-1 and 3)
    # print(0 and 3)
    #int bool
    # int ---> bool 非0即True
    # print(bool(-2))
    # print(bool(2))
    # print(bool(0))
    # bool ---> int True 1 Flase 0
    # print(int(True))

    # 面试题:
    # print(1 and 3 or 4 and 5)

    # 第三种,思考题:
    # print(1 > 2 or 3 and 4 < 5 or 7)

    # 成员运算:
    # s = 'alex 中'
    # s1 = 'a'
    s = 'alexsb'
    # print('a' in s)
    # print('al' in s)
    # print('ae' in s) # False
    # print('alex' in s) # False
    # print('alexsb' in s) # False

    # print('a' not in s)
    # print(2**16)
    # count = 66
    # # while True:
    # # x = int(input('请输入你的年龄'))
    # # if x < count:
    # # print('猜测结果小了')
    # # elif x>count:
    # # print('猜测结果大了')
    # # else:
    # # print('正确')
    # # break

    # import random
    # count = random.randint(1,100)
    # a = 0
    # print(count)
    # while a < 3:
    # x = int(input('请输入你的数字'))
    # #while x != count:
    # if x < count:
    # print('猜测结果小了')
    # else:
    # print('猜测结果大了')
    # a +=1
    # if a == 3:
    # print('重新开始')
    # break
    # else:
    # print('正确')

    # import random
    # count = random.randint(1,100)
    # a = 0
    # print(count)
    # while a < 3:
    # x = int(input('请输入你的数字'))
    # while x != count:
    # if x < count:
    # print('猜测结果小了')
    # break
    # else:
    # print('猜测结果大了')
    # break
    # a +=1
    # if a == 3:
    # print('重新开始')
    # break
    # else:
    # print('正确')
    # break

    # count=0
    # while count < 10:
    # count += 1
    # print(count)

    # count = 0
    # a = 0
    # while a < 100:
    # a += 1
    # count += a
    # print(count)

    # count = 0
    # while count < 100:
    # if count % 2 == 1:
    # print(count)
    # count+=1

    # count = 1
    # flag = True
    # while flag:
    # if count % 2 == 0:
    # print(count)
    # count += 1
    # if count == 101:
    # flag = False

    # count1 = -1
    # count2 = 0
    # count3 = 0
    # count4 = 0
    # while count1 < 100:
    # count1 += 2
    # count2 += count1
    # count3 += -2
    # count4 += count3
    # else:
    # print(count2+count4)

    # a=-1
    # b=0
    # while a<100:
    # a=a+2
    # b=b+a
    # else:
    # print(b)

    # count=0
    # name = 'Oldboy'
    # key = 123456
    # while count<3:
    # Username = input('请输入你的用户名')
    # Password = input('请输入密码')
    # msg = '用户名为%s,密码为%s,错误%d次' % (Username, Password,count)
    # count += 1
    # if Username==name and Password==key:
    # print('登陆成功')
    # break
    # else :
    # print(msg)
    # else:
    # print('请退出')

    # if __name__=='__main__':
    # li=[1,2,3,4,5] #列表本身不包含数据1,2,3,4,5,而是包含变量:li[0] li[1] li[2] li[3] li[4]
    # first=li[0] #拷贝列表,也不会有数据对象的复制,而是创建新的变量引用
    # del li[0]
    # print(li) #输出[2, 3, 4, 5]
    # print(first) #输出 1

    # a=5
    # b=2
    # c=a/b
    # print(type(c))
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qj696/p/10538766.html
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