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  • sql server 简单的URCD

    create database student;
    use student;
    create table student(
    sno char(8) not null primary key, --学生学号
    sname char(8) not null, --学生姓名
    ssex char(2) null, --学生性别
    sage smallint null, --学生出生日期
    sdept char(10) default '软件系', --学生所在院系,默认为‘软件系’
    classno char(4) null, --班级号
    home varchar(40) null, --学生家庭住址
    tel varchar(40) null --学生联系电话
    drop table student;

    -- 删除一列
    -- sp_help student; --找到默认约束名
    --alter table student drop DF__student__sdept__00551192; --删除默认约束
    alter table student drop column sdept; -- 删除一列

    select * from student;

    insert into student values('s012','jack','女',22,null,null,'888888',null,'jingguan');

    alter table student add sdept char(10) default '软件系';--新增之后默认值为空,不能用insert,该用update
    --insert into student (sno,sdept) values('s001','Ruanjian'); update student set sdept='jsjs' where sno='s004' select * from student

    select sno,sname from student where sdept is null --查询空的系别
    select sno,sname from student where sdept is not null --查询非空的系别

    update student set sdept='Ruanjian' where sno='s001'
    update student set sdept='Ruanjian' where sno='s002'
    update student set sdept='Ruanjian' where sno='s003'
    update student set sdept='Ruanjian' where sno='s005'
    update student set sdept='Ruanjian' where sno='s006'
    update student set sdept='Ruanjian' where sno='s007'
    update student set sdept='Ruanjian' where sno='s008'
    update student set sdept='Ruanjian' where sno='s009'
    update student set sdept='Ruanjian' where sno='s010'
    update student set sdept='Ruanjian' where sno='s011'

    select lower (sdept) as 系 from student where sno='s001'
    select upper (sdept) as 系 from student where sno='s001'
    create table course(
    cno char(10) not null primary key, --课程编号
    cname char(20) not null, --课程名称
    experient smallint null, --实验学时
    lecture smallint null, --授课学时
    cpno char(10) null , --先修课(外键)
    semester smallint null, --开课学期
    credit smallint null --课程学分

    alter table course add constraint fkey foreign key (cpno) references course(cno);
    alter table course drop fkey;

    create table student_course(
    sno char(8) not null , --学生学号(外键)
    cno char(10) not null, --课程编号(外键)
    grade smallint null, --学生成绩
    primary key(sno,cno),
    foreign key(sno) references student(sno),
    foreign key(cno) references course(cno)

    -- 1)向student表增加“辅导员”列, 其数据类型为char(10);
    alter table student add 辅导员 char(10);
    -- 2)增加课程名称必须取唯一值的约束条件;
    alter table course add constraint unq unique(cname);

    -- 3)删除所在系的默认值约束;go,你可以把它看作一个句号,当上面这一段代码与下面的代码没有任何关系的时候,可以用一个go,表示这一段代码的终止
    --use 数据库名
    --sp_help 表名
    alter table course drop unq;
    alter table course add unique(cname);
    alter table course drop UQ__course__08EA5793;
    -- 4)增加所在系必须取“信息系”、“软件系”或“计算机系”的约束;
    alter table student add constraint unq check(sdept in ('信息系','软件系','计算机系'));
    alter table student drop unq;
    -- 5)更改列名和表名; exec与execute一样吗?
    execute sp_rename student2,student;

    -- 6)为course表按开课学期建立索引;
    create index cus on course(cpno);

    -- 7)删除索引 DROP INDEX <索引名> ON <表名>;
    drop index cus on course ;

    insert into student values('s001','miao','男',20,'软件系','s1','puyang','15518509475','daoyuan');
    insert into student values('s002','miao','男',20,'软件系','s1','puyang','15518509475','daoyuan');
    insert into student values('s003','miao','男',20,'软件系','s1','puyang','15518509475','daoyuan');
    insert into student values('s004','miao','男',20,'软件系','s1','puyang','15518509475','daoyuan');
    insert into student values('s005','miao','男',20,'软件系','s1','puyang','15518509475','daoyuan');
    insert into student values('s006','miao','男',20,'软件系','s1','puyang','15518509475','daoyuan');
    insert into student values('s007','miao','男',20,'软件系','s1','puyang','15518509475','daoyuan');
    insert into student values('s008','miao','男',20,'软件系','s1','puyang','15518509475','daoyuan');
    insert into student values('s009','miao','男',20,'软件系','s1','puyang','15518509475','daoyuan');
    insert into student values('s010','miao','男',20,'软件系','s1','puyang','15518509475','daoyuan');

    select * from student;
    update student set sdept='信息系' where sno='s002';
    update student set sdept='体育系' where sno='s003';
    update student set sdept='数学系' where sno='s004';
    update student set sdept='音乐系' where sno='s005';
    update student set sdept='舞蹈系' where sno='s006';
    update student set sdept='播音系' where sno='s007';
    update student set sdept='主持系' where sno='s008';
    update student set sdept='财经系' where sno='s009';

    update student set sage=21 where sno='s001';
    update student set sage=22 where sno='s002';
    update student set sage=23 where sno='s003';
    update student set sage=24 where sno='s004';
    update student set sage=25 where sno='s005';
    update student set sage=26 where sno='s006';
    update student set sage=27 where sno='s007';
    update student set sage=28 where sno='s008';
    update student set sage=29 where sno='s009';
    update student set sage=30 where sno='s010';

    insert into course values('c001','Richard',10,20,'离散',1,2);
    insert into course values('c002','Richard1',11,21,'离散',1,3);
    insert into course values('c003','Richard2',12,22,'离散',1,4);
    insert into course values('c004','Richard3',13,23,'离散',1,5);
    insert into course values('c005','Richard4',14,24,'离散',1,6);
    insert into course values('c006','Richard5',15,25,'离散',1,7);
    insert into course values('c007','Richard6',16,26,'离散',1,8);
    insert into course values('c008','Richard7',17,27,'离散',1,9);
    select * from course;

    insert into student_course (sno,cno,grade) values('s001','c001',33);
    insert into student_course (sno,cno,grade) values('s002','c002',20);
    insert into student_course (sno,cno,grade) values('s003','c003',30);
    insert into student_course (sno,cno,grade) values('s004','c004',40);
    insert into student_course (sno,cno,grade) values('s005','c005',50);
    insert into student_course (sno,cno,grade) values('s006','c006',60);
    insert into student_course (sno,cno,grade) values('s007','c007',70);
    insert into student_course (sno,cno,grade) values('s008','c008',80);

    select * from student_course;

    select all sno from student;
    select * from student;
    insert into student values('s011','miaozai','女',22,'信息系','s2','puy','111112222','jack');
    select all sdept from student;
    select distinct classno,sdept from student; --去重

    select sage,sname,sno from student where sage='22';

    select 2013-sage from student;
    select 2013-sage as birthday from student;
    select 2013-sage birthday from student;
    select sno from student order by sno; --默认升序 把空看成无穷大
    select sno from student order by sno desc;、

    select count(sno) mm from student;
    select count( sdept) mm from student; --默认是all
    select count(distinct sdept) mm from student;

    select sname,2013-sage as 出生年月 from student;
    select sname,2013-sage birthday,lower(sdept) 系别 from student;

    select sno,sname from student;

    select sname,sno,sdept from student;

    select * from student;

    -- 查询全体学生的姓名及其出生年份;
    select sname,2013-sage birthday from student;

    select sno from student_course;

    select sname from student where sdept='信息系';

    -- 查询所有年龄在25岁以下的学生姓名及其年龄;
    select sname,sage from student where sage<25;

    -- 查询考试成绩有不及格的学生的学号;
    select sno,grade from student_course where grade<60;

    select sname,sdept,sage from student where sage between 20 and 25;

    -- 查询年龄不在20~25岁(包括20岁和25岁)之间的学生的姓名、所在系和年龄;
    select sname,sdept,sage from student where sage<20 or sage>25;

    -- 查询信息系、软件系和计算机系学生的姓名和性别;
    select sname,ssex,sdept from student where sdept='信息系' or sdept='软件系' or sdept='计算机系';

    -- 查询既不是信息系、软件系, 也不是计算机系的学生的姓名和性别;
    select sname,ssex,sdept from student where sdept not in('信息系' ,'软件系','计算机系');

    -- 查询学号为xxxxxxx的学生的详细情况;
    select * from student where sno='s001';

    -- 查询所有姓m学生的姓名、学号和性别; 一定要用like匹配
    select sname,sno,ssex from student where sname like 'm___';
    select sname,sno,ssex from student where sname like 'm%';
    select * from student;

    -- 查询所有不姓m的学生姓名;
    select sname,sno,ssex from student where sname not like 'm___';

    -- 查询名字中第2个字为"i"字的学生的姓名和学号;
    select sname,sno from student where sname like '_i%';

    -- 查询所有学生的信息,查询结果按学号降序排列;
    select * from student order by sno desc;

    -- 查询选课学生人数;
    select count(sno) from student_course;

    -- 查询学号为s002的学生的平均成绩;
    select avg(grade ) 平均成绩 from student_course where sno='s002';
    select * from student_course;
    select avg(grade ) 平均成绩 from student_course;--总体的平均成绩

    -- 查询选修003号课程的学生最高分数;
    select max(grade) 最高分from student_course where sno='s002';

    -- 求各个课程号及相应的选课人数;
    select cno,count(*) from student_course group by cno;
    select * from student_course;

    -- 求每个(学生)学号及其选课门数;
    select sno,count(*) from student_course group by sno;

    -- 查询选修了2门以上课程的学生学号; 凡是经过计算的用having,不需要的用where, --HAVING短语与WHERE子句的区别: 作用对象不同 --WHERE子句作用于基表或视图, 从中选择满足条件的元组. --HAVING短语作用于组, 从中选择满足条件的组.
    select sno from student_course group by sno having count(*)>1;

    select sno from student_course where grade>=10 group by sno having count(*)>1;
    select grade from student_course;
    --SELECT [ALL|DISTINCT] <目标列表达式> [, <目标列表达式>] … --FROM <表名或视图名>[, <表名或视图名> ] … --[ WHERE <条件表达式> ] --[ GROUP BY <列名1> [ HAVING <条件表达式> ] ] --[ ORDER BY <列名2> [ ASC|DESC ] ]; alter table student add constraint notnull check(tel is not null); --增加一个非空约束 alter table student drop notnull --删除约束 alter table student add constraint notnull default '1111' for tel; --增加一个默认值约束 alter table student drop notnull;--删除约束 create index suoyin on student(tel); --创建一个索引 drop index suoyin on student; --删除一个索引 --连接查询 select * from student select * from student_course --两个表连接 select student.*,student_course.* from student,student_course where student.sno = student_course.sno; --三个表连接 select student.*,student_course.*,course.* from student,student_course,course where student.sno = student_course.sno and student_course.cno = course.cno; --查询选修了课程名Richard1的学生学号和姓名 select student.sno,sname from student,course,student_course where student.sno = student_course.sno and student_course.cno = course.cno and course.cname='Richard1'; --如果有group by 子句,那么select后面一定要跟group by 属性 或 集函数(max,min,avg。。。) --Employees(EmployeeID,RirstName,LastName,Title,Address) --Customers(CustomerID,CompanyName,PostalCode,Country) --Orders(OrderID,CustomerID,EmployeeID,Freight) --查询每个职位为sales的雇员名字及订单数 --select LastName,count(OrderID) from EmployeeID,Orders where title='sales' and Employees.EmployeeID=Orders.EmployeeID group by LastName; --如果有group by 子句,那么select后面一定要跟group by 属性 或 集函数(max,min,avg。。。) --查询每个顾客所在国家为‘UK’的雇员编号、公司名称及订单运费平均值 --select EmployeeID,CompanyName,avg(Freight) --第三步 --from Customers,Orders ,Employees --第一步 --where Employees.EmployeeID=Orders.EmployeeID --第二步 -- and Orders.CustomerID=Customers.CustomerID -- and Country='UK' -- group by EmployeeID,CompanyName --第四步

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qjack/p/3489271.html
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